Torchlight 2 Info Package
Torchlight 2 Info Package
Game News - posted by VentilatorOfDoom on Wed 19 September 2012, 09:51:57
Tags: Runic Games; Torchlight 2Runic Games' Torchlight 2 is only 2 days away from release. Here's the launch trailer:
Behold the bedazzling particle effects.
Talking about particle effects, Torchlight 2 vs. Diablo III, which one is better and why? A comparison Kotaku had to make:
Lastly, IGN caught up with Runic's Max Schaefer:
Behold the bedazzling particle effects.
Talking about particle effects, Torchlight 2 vs. Diablo III, which one is better and why? A comparison Kotaku had to make:
Reading through that - surprisingly informative - article it seems Torchlight 2 is superior in every conceivable way.
Lastly, IGN caught up with Runic's Max Schaefer: