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Might & Magic X Update: The Freemage

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Might & Magic X Update: The Freemage

Game News - posted by Infinitron on Tue 16 July 2013, 13:14:59

Tags: Limbic Entertainment; Might & Magic X - Legacy; Ubisoft

The latest Might & Magic X Legacy open development blog update sheds further detail on the game's Freemage class. Note that the update uses the female human Freemage from the game's default party as an example, but male and non-human freemages will be possible as well.


“The Freemage is the master of air magic but has the greatest flexibility to switch to another school. Her life time can be pretty short if she gets in the focus of attacks. Magical foci are her hobby.”

The Freemage’s business is magic of any kind. She has no clue about weapons, but she knows how to cast a mighty fireball or a devastating thunderstorm. In fact, she can become quite excellent with Fire and Air. But basically she is familiar with all schools of magic. The Freemage uses artifacts in order to channel the magic forces and enhance her magic dimensions.​

She shouldn’t get involved too much in melee fights; else her end might come soon.​


As you may have noticed in the above picture, the race specialty of the Humans has changed since our first blog posting about the character classes and races. Besides their Light Resistance specialty, the Humans now have more starting skills!​


As already written in our previous Part 1: Character classes and races posting, the advanced classes give you access to the Grand Master tiers and improve the character with additional attribute points and additional resistances.​

In addition each character gets a special ability depending on its class. The Archmage receives the spell “Time Stop”:​

The Freemage freezes time outside a sphere created around the party for some turns or until the party exits the sphere. The enemies outside can't be attacked, nor attack or move.

Who wants to make use of dark magic during combat, may not want to miss the Freemage in his/her group, as the Freemage is the only one, who is able to learn Dark Magic (and by the way also the only one that can learn ALL schools of magic).​

The full update contains further details on the Freemage's skill advancement possibilities. It also has a few high resolution screenshots of the game's UI, which is a popular topic here nowadays, so be sure to check it out.

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