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Might & Magic X Open Development: Design your own dungeon!

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Might & Magic X Open Development: Design your own dungeon!

Competition - posted by Infinitron on Mon 5 August 2013, 19:23:17

Tags: Limbic Entertainment; Might & Magic X - Legacy; Ubisoft

Well, this is unexpected. After having determined all of the general characteristics of the user-designed dungeon, the Might & Magic X Legacy team are now asking fans to design the dungeon itself. I mean, literally graph it out in an Excel spreadsheet. Here are the details of the competition:


Karsten, our Lead Level Designer, Johannes Level/Content Designer and I prepared a dungeon layout template for you guys in order for you to design your personal proposal for the community dungeon layout, that will enter the shortlist and might be voted by the whole community in order to see it later ingame.

Please note that you need to open the Excel template either in Microsoft office or in Open Office in order to work with it properly.


The layout is built on a square grid, consisting of 26*26 tiles. Each cell can be used to place Shantiri Ruins tiles (indoor or outdoor) as well as objects (creatures, teleporter etc.) – according to the Legend, you can see on the right hand side.

A dungeon should at least consist of:
  • Entry & Exit
  • Walls & Paths
Within the files you’ll see a picture of each tile set object as reference examples and one summarizing them, which illustrates the size proportions and relations:

There are some other constraints for your dungeon layout proposal, too:
  • The dungeon should only consist of max. 2 levels (upstairs and/or downstairs)
  • If you happen to place a locked door, don’t forget to place the key somewhere.
  • If you happen to place a secret door, please keep in mind, that the player needs the according blessing in order for him/her to find it.
  • If you place a teleporter, make sure you place a second one
  • If you place a bridge, please note that the player can either walk over it OR under it, but not both.
Only dungeons that meet the above criteria will be picked by the level design team for the whole community to vote on (3 will reach the shortlist as usual).

You are also free to write us some notes about the general atmosphere of the dungeon, the lighting, room usage or similar. Also, you are free to send us a link to a mood picture (i.e. especially dark atmosphere), if you want to make your point real clear.


Once you’re ready please upload your dungeon design layout and/or mood files and share with us your link within a comment beneath this blog post - until Sunday, 11.08.2013.

Have fun!

How awesome is that? In case you're thinking of participating, the full update has some example images, including a sample dungeon layout.

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