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Incline Battle Brothers + Beasts & Exploration, Warriors of the North and Blazing Deserts DLC Thread


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
why the fuck does wearing metal armour protect you against damage sustained from standing in a fire

makes no fucking sense LMAO
You confuse being burned with being cooked. But I do agree that non-metal armor should suffer less damage from fire.
So dry cloth and fur armour will last longer against fire than full scale armour?
Well i guess it depends whatever you like more, being turned into charcoal or becoming medieval melted robocop.


Iron Tower Studio
Oct 27, 2006
San Isidro, Argentina
"Rudimentary incendiary grenades appeared in the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, not long after the reign of Leo III (717–741).[4] Byzantine soldiers learned that Greek fire, a Byzantine invention of the previous century, could not only be thrown by flamethrowers at the enemy but also in stone and ceramic jars.[4] Later, glass containers were employed. The use of Greek fire spread to Muslim armies in the Near East, from where it reached China by the 10th century.[4]"

It's historical, realistic, and adds to the tactics, which is the most important part.


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
Now ive got an idea.
What if we had special zombie boss encounter, where we find battleground with dead after close contact with fire bombs. Then some negromancer comes and starts bloody party. Their armor is melted to their skin, so they are slower but its harder to hit their flesh, they are screaming from fire wounds even after death ( morale debuff), some of them are burned like charcoal. Reward is some trophy that gives bonus against fire.

BTW It is just stupid that zombies can get up unlimited amount of times ( sometimes they have armour even if you destroyed it completly before). I get balance and shit but even dead body has durability, if you destroy it enough or destroy crucial points it should not be able to support itself ( unless necromancers magicaly put all fallen parts on their place).

Strange Fellow

Jun 21, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I get balance and shit but even dead body has durability, if you destroy it enough or destroy crucial points it should not be able to support itself
If you cut off or bash in the head they won't get back up again except if reanimated headless by a necro. I'm also fairly sure they don't keep rising forever - unless there's a necro around they roll to rise the turn after they were killed, and if it fails they stay down, something like that. I don't think they reanimate more than once, either - again, unless there's a necro around.


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
"Rudimentary incendiary grenades appeared in the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, not long after the reign of Leo III (717–741).[4] Byzantine soldiers learned that Greek fire, a Byzantine invention of the previous century, could not only be thrown by flamethrowers at the enemy but also in stone and ceramic jars.[4] Later, glass containers were employed. The use of Greek fire spread to Muslim armies in the Near East, from where it reached China by the 10th century.[4]"

It's historical, realistic, and adds to the tactics, which is the most important part.
Imagine having good formation, on good terrain but then some half blind mook with arrow in his head throws firebomb on it. It still would be fun though.


Dec 13, 2019
So dry cloth and fur armour will last longer against fire than full scale armour?
Well i guess it depends whatever you like more, being turned into charcoal or becoming medieval melted robocop.
"Longer" is a relative term, considering that non-metal armors have less durability overall (I am talking about common items, not legendary ones).


Jun 4, 2015
La Font del Gat
I get balance and shit but even dead body has durability, if you destroy it enough or destroy crucial points it should not be able to support itself
If you cut off or bash in the head they won't get back up again except if reanimated headless by a necro. I'm also fairly sure they don't keep rising forever - unless there's a necro around they roll to rise the turn after they were killed, and if it fails they stay down, something like that. I don't think they reanimate more than once, either - again, unless there's a necro around.

Indeed, zombies get up only once unless reanimated by necromancer.

Also, Fallen Heroes can get up once even if you decapitated them.

Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
Would be great if they fixed caravan guards behavior too.
Sometimes, they just stick to their starting position, sometimes, against powerful enemies, when there is a lot of caravan hands, they just go full retardo and charge the enemy, giving them confident morale and damage boosts ...

If we could just issue a global order like defend the caravan or charge, it'd be great (defend being probably enough) or just skip their turn faster and make them defend and retaliate only.


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
Caravan guards are mostly shit, but sometimes they can be quite badass. I still remember when one of them went solo against 3 barbarians, and he won.


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe

How i could not see this, this art shows that there will be linothorax like armour. Like this bellow.

More expensive linothorax armour could look like this

But why ancient armour is used in early/high medieval setting? Actually many ancient armours were used in early middle ages, for example muscle cuirasses were used by Byzantine officers as late as x century. So its possible that it was used in late antique/early middleages period. But since this is fantasy where we can have late roman skellies fighting crusader like mercenaries there is nothing against it.
Last edited:

Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
Caravan guards are mostly shit, but sometimes they can be quite badass. I still remember when one of them went solo against 3 barbarians, and he won.

Not sure it happens much in vanilla but with the legends mod, i fought a caravan (during the war) and they were all equipped like regular troops.

Anyway, this game has as many interesting features as annoying ones.

For example, there is an option for permanent destruction, i'd check it if only villages could grow as well and build additionnal buildings if you take a good care of them.
And an auto-fight option at some point with a casualty preview (a bit like in fantasy general before you attack a unit) would be great as well even at the expense of the loot (reduced drop rate)

Payd Shell

Sep 26, 2017
Caravan guards are mostly shit, but sometimes they can be quite badass. I still remember when one of them went solo against 3 barbarians, and he won.

Not sure it happens much in vanilla but with the legends mod, i fought a caravan (during the war) and they were all equipped like regular troops.

Anyway, this game has as many interesting features as annoying ones.

For example, there is an option for permanent destruction, i'd check it if only villages could grow as well and build additionnal buildings if you take a good care of them.
And an auto-fight option at some point with a casualty preview (a bit like in fantasy general before you attack a unit) would be great as well even at the expense of the loot (reduced drop rate)
There's military supply caravans and civilian ones. The former have noble troops as guards and are a nice way to kickstart the early game if you manage to take them out in the first days.


May 18, 2015
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
And now for something completely different. Formerly announced as company feats, the ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC will introduce a new gameplay mechanic to Battle Brothers, called the Retinue. Read all about it!

The Retinue

A big reason why suffering heavy losses late in a campaign is devastating, and also why coming back from those losses is difficult, is because most progress that you attain throughout a campaign is in the growing strength of your men – which is the very thing that you stand to lose in every battle. While you can and should save some crowns for hard times, all too often you’ll have to start near the bottom again and hire fresh recruits all over. But what if you’d have a drill sergeant that whips these recruits into shape more quickly? And what if having that drill sergeant would be an advantage that you couldn’t lose again? In other words, permanent progress not erased by battles lost.

Some of you will recall the concept of having ‘non-combat followers’ – non-fighting specialists like blacksmiths, surgeons or that drill sergeant mentioned above. A retinue of people that would support your company of fighting men outside of battle. It’s an idea that we’ve been toying with since before Battle Brothers even went into Early Access, and it’s what we’re now introducing to the game.

Your retinue of non-combat followers can be found in a new screen accessible from the world map. Here, you’ll find the men, women and children that travel along with your company sitting around a homely campfire. There’s five slots in total for you to fill, and several times that many followers available to choose from. Each follower pulls their weight by granting you one or more beneficial effects on the world map. Let’s take a closer look at the drill sergeant.

The drill sergeant makes your men gain more experience from combat and never lose mood when being stuck in reserve, by keeping discipline and enforcing a hard training regime. In order to hire a follower like him, you’ll first have to unlock them. At the most basic level, followers require you to have a certain level of renown, but many also require other conditions to be met. For example, in order to unlock the drill sergeant you’ll first have to retire a brother with a permanent injury. That’s not hard to achieve, but other requirements can be more involved, giving new goals to pursue. Each follower costs a certain amount of money to hire, and you can replace a follower at any time with a different one for a cost.

There’ll be followers available that have an impact on various aspects of strategic gameplay that any mercenary company has to deal with, like the drill sergeant, but also a couple that further support more specialized playstyles. For example, if you’re particularly interested in banditry, exploration, trade or named item hunting, we’ve got you covered. Choosing the right set of followers for your company is another way to customize it to your playstyle and to make each company and playthrough feel more unique.

In addition to your entourage of followers, you’ll also find a donkey around the campfire which you can upgrade first to a cart, then to a wagon, and then to an even bigger wagon, each time to increase the capacity of your inventory. Indeed, you no longer have to wait until the right ambition comes along in order to unlock more slots for your stash, but you can at any time just buy more inventory slots for money here. Easy!

Join us again next week when we take a closer look at some of the followers available for your retinue in part two of this dev blog.



Jun 7, 2015
That is indeed awesome. One thing I really dislike though:


This icon art feels really out of place. It would be way cooler if these "followers" had a regular brother ragdoll represented in this screen and on the inventory screen.

I mean, all npcs have it.

This screen is fine, but this art shouldn't be used everywhere:



I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Sounds like a potentially major change. You'd expect them to create lots of new scripted events that interact with these retinue characters.


Sep 20, 2014
Propping up the "Company" as a way to preserve achievements independent of individual characters is really similar to the new design goals of CK3's dynasties.


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
That is indeed awesome. One thing I really dislike though:


This icon art feels really out of place. It would be way cooler if these "followers" had a regular brother ragdoll represented in this screen and on the inventory screen.

I mean, all npcs have it.

This screen is fine, but this art shouldn't be used everywhere:

Hopefully legs are the next dlc


Mar 24, 2017
>10% bonus exp
I mean yeah sure its nice but seriously make it +100% or even +200% on lover levels.
Good thing it should be easily modifiable.

Dr Skeleton

Nov 9, 2014
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
This icon art feels really out of place. It would be way cooler if these "followers" had a regular brother ragdoll represented in this screen and on the inventory screen.

I mean, all npcs have it.
Especially when you consider that the drill sergeant is supposed to be one of your men that gets a permanent injury and becomes a camp follower instead of leaving the company. It would make a lot more sense if you could simply appoint one of your high level mercs with a permanent injury to be the drill sergeant instead of retiring him and then hiring him again for 5k gold :lol:


Jun 7, 2015
This icon art feels really out of place. It would be way cooler if these "followers" had a regular brother ragdoll represented in this screen and on the inventory screen.

I mean, all npcs have it.
Especially when you consider that the drill sergeant is supposed to be one of your men that gets a permanent injury and becomes a camp follower instead of leaving the company. It would make a lot more sense if you could simply appoint one of your high level mercs with a permanent injury to be the drill sergeant instead of retiring him and then hiring him again for 5k gold :lol:

I guess the bonuses he provides are too high? Therefore they avoid making it an exploit.

But yeah, it doesn't make much sense to pay 5k for a crippled brother to become a drill sergeant.


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
Sounds like a potentially major change. You'd expect them to create lots of new scripted events that interact with these retinue characters.

Man, when you play Lone Wolf origin, events dont recognise your main character as your avatar, but as a normal bro. So you have retarded situations like talking to yourself.
If they did not edit events for lone wolf origin so long after WoTN they could do the same for this new dlc. I still hope that they add more events.


Mar 21, 2012
Really disappointing, still no transition to end game, no feudal system, no titles no semi large scale battles, no faction warfare.

Teut Busnet

Dec 31, 2016
Codex Year of the Donut
Farming for a perma-injury is a bit weird though.

Why can't we hire 'Retired Soldiers' or 'Swordmasters' for the role?

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