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I was talking to Kane today and we came upon the idea of allowing evil characters become cannibals. I wonder what are opinions on this?

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
Since there is not really a desperate need in the Fallout world at this point of the timeline in Fallout, I don't really see the reason for this, since even in the Fallout world, eating human flesh is frowned upon (even in FO1). I also dont understand what this neccesarly have to do with "being evil".

Jick Magger

Dec 7, 2010
New Zealand
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Not too sure how well this would translate into gameplay, either. Unless you're just intending for it to be another crippling perk like Child Killer.


Yep, it's definitively up there with the Child Killer.
Except that you would first have to encounter a cannibal (we already have Jackals) and then willingly become one. (Humans aren't going to start dropping meat after they die on their own )
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Jun 14, 2007
São Paulo - Brasil
Surf Solar
The Fallout world may be more civilized now, but traveling through the wasteland is still harsh. Besides, groups that have adopted cannibalism may continue to do so even if they have access to other sources of food.

I dunno about the hp thing, though... Human meat isn't particularly nutritious. So, if it is going to restore hit points, then all foodstuffs should too, and some probably more than human meat. But then, is there really a point in eating meat, game wise? Especially if other critters drop their meat too. I mean, maybe radscorpion meat is too full of poison to be edible, but it probably will make a whole lot more sense to go catch some rats for dinner than to kill a man if you want to stock on healing items.

I think that if you really want cannibalism to be a "thing" (and not just a little quirk of the setting), you have two options: 1)Add in a hunger system. If you need to continually use food, then the chances the players would need to resort to desperate options increase. Specially if food has an expiration date. Of course, this is a whole lot of work, and can make the game significantly different from what you guys are envisioning. 2)Make cannibalism have a social and or psychological effect. On the psychological front, they might earn some kind of berserker mêlée combat bonus. The idea would be that eating the flesh of a foe helps them achieve a kind of trance where they can ignore some of the pain, and maybe terrify their foes. On the social side, you mentioned the Jackals are cannibals. Maybe the player could have interactions where they bring the meat of worthy fallen foes for feasts, in order to rise in status within the group.

Of course, then again there is no problem if cannibalism is just a quirk. I just figure it might be fun to make it actually mean something in game.
Jan 6, 2014
civilized?in Fallout World where Doctors who make from Human Meat ..Food,Slavers who sells all Weak People as Slaves,Cannibals that eat human Meat,Slaves use as test objects for Jet.In The Wasteland only the strong live the Others Die or will be Food for the Strong or Slaves.


Mar 26, 2009
If there is actual dire need for food as a part of gameplay, then yes. It should be more of a survival thing than manifestation of being eeeeevil.


I don't think we'll have a hunger system - it takes away too much time from the actual game and will probably draw Tamagotchi comparisons. It was in FO2 but was cut in the final game - I've seen the programming code for it.
If there's going to be something like that I would put it in the background like dehydration system in FO1. The Brazilian Slaughter what say you?
Jan 6, 2014
i dont unterstand why People say to eat Human Meat is not evil thing,you will say with this Cannibals are normal People ?when there are many things like Rats and other Animals ,why should People eat human meat because they must not search times for it and it smells for them better than a Rat.

In Fallout 2 when you kill a Cannibal it improves your Good Karma,because their are Evil People.

To eat human meat let you lose your Humanity this makes you evil.
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Mar 26, 2009
Sure, no arguing about that.

The idea I dislike is a mechanic to become a cannibal for the sake of being one. For post-apocalyptic setting the main point should be, IMO, nutrition and not a ritual act to absorb the strength of one's defeated enemies.
Like: "I'm starving and weak. I can eat a bit of that dead man over there, or go risk hunting something more acceptable to eat." Places where cannibalism would be a benefit (survival), and situations when it would be a burden (social acceptance).


Nov 28, 2012
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Carrying human flesh as a "meal ration" in your backpack could also have a negative effect on player interaction with NPC's.

Other people might shun your character because of his barbarism.

To eat human meat let you lose your Humanity this makes you evil.

but why is that so would be the logical question.

What is "Humanity"?


I think its pointless as something that the player can do.
Its nothing more then cheap "evil" option, which really has no reason to be there.

If any kind of evil playthrough or options are to be in the game then it should be something designed in much better ways, then being a stupid cheap psychopath.

Humans will turn to cannibalism only if forced to, in cases of very dire need and literally having no other way out. Like for example those guys did when that plain fell in Andes, and they had to survive until rescue came.
Or some cases of it that happened in those old expeditions to north or south pole. (i think)

Otherwise, it could be encountered as a practice of some cult or some fucked up tribe, or rednecks of the "deliverance" and "Texas chainsaw massacre" type.
In the game, the player will never, ever get in the situation where he will die without food, or in some kind of emergency - accident, that would force him to eat human meat.
Jan 6, 2014
I think its pointless as something that the player can do.
Its nothing more then cheap "evil" option, which really has no reason to be there.

If any kind of evil playthrough or options are to be in the game then it should be something designed in much better ways, then being a stupid cheap psychopath.

Humans will turn to cannibalism only if forced to, in cases of very dire need and literally having no other way out. Like for example those guys did when that plain fell in Andes, and they had to survive until rescue came.
Or some cases of it that happened in those old expeditions to north or south pole. (i think)

Otherwise, it could be encountered as a practice of some cult or some fucked up tribe, or rednecks of the "deliverance" and "Texas chainsaw massacre" type.
In the game, the player will never, ever get in the situation where he will die without food, or in some kind of emergency - accident, that would force him to eat human meat.

hahahaha cheap evil option?say this to the Fallout Creators and Bethesda .

you will say that every Human in Wasteland only eat human meat because they forced to do?hahah Surf Solar greetings.

In Fallout 3 the Player can eat Corpses.

the option to become a Cannibal is the best Thing in Fallout for the Bad Guys because they can without hunting skills skin some Humans and eat her Flesh.

Stimpaks and other Medicine will be very rare so you need other things for heal Hitpoints.

were talking about a game that plays in Wasteland and not your Call of Duty Ghosts or Borderlands 2.
Jan 6, 2014
this will be only a option in game like be a Slaver or Murderer,when you not like to be a Cannibal then you dont need to be one .


Jul 10, 2013
I think you would either need to have survival mechanics or maybe build a quest/subplot around having it (e.g. only being able to enter a community full of cannibals by doing it yourself, thus marking you to other communities, a la Book of Eli). Are you guys feature creeping a bit, now?


Jul 10, 2010
When playing Fallout 3 a friend found himself promptly lost in Washington, stepping on mines, and having a tough time of it with super mutants. He found himself drinking irradiated water out of filthy toilet bowls to survive. Regardless of what you think about that game, I loved hearing that story, because someone out there had a great wasteland survival experience in a cRPG.

I like the idea of cannibalism lowering a humanity system, and players weighing up loss of combat effectiveness, reduced endurance potentially leaving them short of their destination to the next safe town, or being excluded from good factions. Would be good if food was always hard to come by so there was always a temptation to nibble on a corpse, or betray an ally and his horse so you have enough food to survive a journey.

In an Undermountain pen and paper session a friend's elf had eaten so many players he eventually sharpened his teeth into points. He lasted longer than anybody, always admired the sheer survival ruthlessness of that elf.


Jul 10, 2013
Right? Love some good wasteland survival stories where you drink radiated water and... get a bonus?:retarded: Way to undermine the setting.

Night Goat

The Immovable Autism
No Fun Allowed
May 6, 2013
Codex 2013 Codex 2014
It could be interesting if cannibalism made you stronger, but was also addictive. I recommend the movie Ravenous for inspiration.
Jan 6, 2014
i have in mind that you can join a Cannibal Group that gives you Tatoo like Slavers when you join this is forever,they show you how to take Meat and Bones from Humans.You can Sell Bones and Meat to the Cannibals or Eat Meat and give Bones to your Dog.Eat Human Meat will work like Super Stimpak heals you first but after long time you lose HP.

Maybe In the Game where a Doctor that can heal you from Cannibalizm and can remove the tatoo with Laser but with this you lose 1 Charisma permanent and 10000 Caps.

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