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  • Swen is a false messiah but he has stones of diamond to make an isometric, turn based, ad&d rpg instead of decline that BG1/2 fans wanted.
    Ys 8 is utterly brilliant.
    Hobo Elf
    Hobo Elf
    I miss solo Adol. Having to beat the long ass game first to unlock that feature is sad.
    Otoya Yamaguchi is a national hero and his act of selflessness should be remembered annually.
    how many special ppl change how many lives are living strange where were u when we were getting high? WHERE WERE U WHILE WE WERE GETTING HIGH!? Happy 2020!
    Sherry I think YOU were the one who was high when you went on a rampage posting on profiles the other day.
    Gosh! You noticed? <3
    La Mulana achieves mastery in every facet of game design. It is nothing short of a masterpiece.
    is it the Citizen Kane of videogames?
    Dark Souls of adventure games?
    Modron: I consider replay-ability as an essential aspect of a class A masterpiece, and due to the gameplay focus on puzzles, replay-ability in that aspect is low unless you can forget all of the answers. Therefore it is only a class B masterpiece, able to give highest value for the first comprehensive playthrough rather than a class A, which could give high value for multiple comprehensive playthroughs.
    Oh nooooo, windows 7 support ended today. My computer spontaneously combusted, uploaded my social security, bank details, and kicked my dog.
    Why would anyone using a botnet OS care about support to begin with
    Mostly extreme shilling to try to force people to use the new product(tm). At this point these silly articles I'm reading sound desperate to get people to downgrade, almost like they are begging.
    I'm hopping to Linux after my time with OS X is up. Fuck Apple fuck Microsoft fuck Google. All of them are selling their customers as the product or very seriously thinking about it.
    Slashing damage is merely a 2D representation of piercing damage, and striking damage is merely a 2D representation of slashing damage
    In 2d universe crushing damage weapons would not exist cause they require a surface to impact. Only slashing and piercing.
    Finally killed Palenque after a few dozen deaths and learning the rolling shuriken. Fuck you!
    Venturing forth past the City of Waterport, Raghilda's Fanclub delves into the Bahomet Megalith. We suspect a tablet may be found at the top
    After destroying the evil that dwelled beneath the Village of Crowl, Raghilda's Fanclub saved Q'orl from cruel bondage and went to Waterport
    Grimoire is like those MMOs that you hear stories about where a guy locks himself in his room and never leaves it for weeks.
    Bigg Boss
    Bigg Boss
    This sentence confuses me. I would need to go really in depth to unpack that sentence which doesn't really work with such a limited text limit.
    I've been playing Grimoire nonstop for almost 3 days straight now because it's so addicting. Just one more map..
    Bigg Boss
    Bigg Boss
    So this is a good self imposed exile. Thanks for explaining. I hear people either love or hate that so I wasn't sure.
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