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  • Tolkien wrote "The Scouring of the Shire" to show his support of post-ending content in RPGs.
    ending slides are the ultimate cope, if you can't have a fully interactive post-ending world with new content then you should have nothing
    Scouring of the shire is why the movies are better than the books
    The opening of For Your Eyes Only but with Hitler piloting a Nazicopter with swastika-shaped rotor blades, dropping Roosevelt down a chimney
    Mr Hitler! We can do a deal! I'll buy you an oven, in stainless steel!
    "To live the life of a Queen, and die from a syringe" - such is the life of a cat in the year of our Lord 2020
    Thinking of asking DU to change my name to "Diversity and Inclusion", so if someone asks we can say we already have @Diversity and Inclusion
    "I was just on the phone with RoSoDude, and, I'm not really supposed to say this, but I suppose Alex has already spilled the beans: GMDX is coming to Steam!" Tell us more.
    rosodude already rated that post with fakenews button
    Fine, I guess.
    Maybe my joke should have had a... revision
    Why do you sound so similar to aweigh?
    I'm his nephew (he considers me a disappointment)
    "There is nothing certain in life, but death and taxes" -Martin Luther King, seconds before Harvey Lee Oswald's bullet killed him
    Holy shit shoutbox still exists
    I know. Awful.
    a cut of domestic sheep prime
    why would this surprise you?
    the codex is still here after 15+ years.
    that's what should shock you.
    Somebody forgot to bring their happy face this morning. :)
    I usually only spam neutral ratings like parrot, rainbow or Hitler in case people get the wrong impression, but today I felt it was high time for a negative rating spam.
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