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  • is your blog being invite only a new thing? i seem to recall accessing it a while ago for your dx:hr review? maybe i'm going insane and am about to die.
    I had to take it down because of a new job in the industry, which is why my other blog (which I haven't written in in a while) is anonymous.
    Bro nice text on GamerGate, have you by any chance studied philosophy?
    Thanks! A little bit. Hey BTW I just received a bunch of brofists for that post, even though I wrote it almost a month ago and it is buried in the thread. How are so many people coming across it now? Did it get quoted somewhere? Just curious.
    Yep someone suggested it get posted as a codex article on Site feedback
    Not sure about others but I will say that I do enjoy the Wall of text posts, been a while and Azrael the cat seems to have caught the twitter aids, his posts are not as majestic as they once were, but others might want a twitter sized tl;dr, in which you case you can tell the filthy casuals to fuck off.

    :Insert Brofist here:
    Dude your blog is great :)
    Thanks! I think it sucks lol. I wish i had more time to write in it.
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