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  • How's it hanging?
    Quite alright. Have had a second bout of distro hopping after breaking void, although Im quite thankful since FH was a disaster to get to run on void, and it never climbed above 15fps. Have had a bunch more shots at the game, but rng seems to be squarely against me.
    If I don't have much success with it in the coming couple of months, I might run a cyao in the vein of what treave used to put out over the summer.
    Will you try Termina?
    Rather unfortunate to hear that the RNG Gods are screwing you over.
    Sure, I'd like to. I don't want to dive into it without at least beating the first game, though. Technically I could have taken the premature leave ending, but where's teh fun in that?
    It does also appear a lot more interesting than the base game, since the world is much more open and you have such a large choice for the mc. I also haven't spoiled anything for myself beyond the opening area and the basic premise.
    I really liked your Arcanum playthrough.
    Really good stuff.
    Your current Fear and Hunger one is also great.
    I thought about doing some playthroughs myself, but mostly of old-school FPS games and stuff like this, something not as time consuming as a cRPG.
    But, yeah, like you said, Fear and Hunger lends itself well for a playthrough, since it is not as dialogue heavy and story heavy.
    Have you played its sequel Termina?
    Not yet, I may do an LP of it as well since it's easier to come up with text when you don't have any preconceived notion of whats around the next corner :D
    It's just as wild as the first game!
    Some improvements across the board. More enemies. Less one hit kill coin flips.
    You've also got cool guns that you can use to soften up enemies.
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