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  • What are you playing right now?
    Sure I could play a dedicated caster I guess... but its somewhat redundant with Octavia, who works pretty fine.
    Plus its long :)

    X-Com 2 is tempting... but the size is problematic... would need to clean up my HD a lot, I guess.

    As for kids... Knight and Princess. Though I think I've misplaced their attributes somehow...
    So, I did clean the SD HD a bit... and even installed XCom 2... but I've caved in to the Decline and also purchased Cyberpunk. Guess I'll be checking that out first. Forgive me, I'm Polish...
    I recently discovered that, apparently, I have XCOM 2 on my PS4. I don't know how it ended up there, but I'm not going to ask questions.

    Being Italian, I don't have to worry about having to play local videogames.
    Hi! Gosh, so nice to see you doing what you do best okay? Ready for more? I AM! It must have been love, but it's not over now. Lay your whisper on my pillow, leave the winter on the ground.
    Any good games you like?
    Ok i am relieved that outside of mmx you have decent taste.
    Is Elminage Gothic any good? Is it just dungeon crawer
    Well, it IS a very good dungeon crawler. One of the best, I think. But not much beside it. Regarding story, setting, characters it's VERY bare-bones. It's structure resembles more a series of puzzles to beat, rather then a story you participate in. Original is more accessible, I'd say. It follows a certain narrative structure. Or something like Stranger of Sword City (mediocre dungeon maps though).
    From what i saw on utube it have a lot of unity props and not much originality. If you are MM i would recommend trying out the quest and its expansion. It is pretty fun game.
    Don't u think we need a new game based on the works of Weis and Hickman!?!
    True, true. The Death Gate setting is quite unique. But we also didn't get any new DragonLance games for a loong time. I suppose this setting is mostly abandoned in the new DnD editions, though? A shame!
    Still, the world the authors have created was very imaginative and interesting. Also loved their other books, like Dragonlance.
    an Administrator
    an Administrator
    You know, you can comment on your previous profile posts instead of making new ones, just saying.
    Cool, thanks!
    Kev Inkline
    Kev Inkline
    Your status updates looked actually pretty weird and cool stream of consciousness without the context them being replies to earlier comments. It's not rare for someone of the Codex to talk only themselves.
    That can very well be. The second half of the series wasn't available back when I was reading them as a kid. Later I kinda lost the interest
    Maybe I should stay true to the name and should avoid party-based games... That said... in the books Haplo wasn't alone much.
    So, did you like the books? I thought the authors lost interest half way through and got an intern with a word-search program to finish them.
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