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Recent content by honko

  1. honko

    The Quake Games Suck

    Just went back to give quake 2 another shot, and its even worse and sucks. Sound track is as generic as metallica and the enemies all look the same. How did people eat this shit up back then? I'll take half life any day.
  2. honko

    The Quake Games Suck

    Maybe try getting some friends? Lol loser :lol:
  3. honko

    The Quake Games Suck

    I've always been a big fan of shooters and I have been going back and playing old school ones lately. I recently played quake 1/2 with a friend on COOP and they are dogshit! I enjoyed plenty of other games from this era, but these games are not fun at all. I want to shoot guys, not do some lame...
  4. honko

    People News Chris Avellone wins settlement after lawsuit over sexual assault accusations

    Maybe now we will finally get the outer worlds 2 we deserve
  5. honko

    Mate, Unreal fucking bullied you.

    Mate, Unreal fucking bullied you.
  6. honko

    Do certain RPGs have an Intelligence Quotient Threshold?

    Mate, you don't even have any pals!
  7. honko

    Do certain RPGs have an Intelligence Quotient Threshold?

    I have a Hypothesis. If anyone is interested, please continue reading. I have come to a certain conclusion that certain rpgs. For instance Arcanum, is only to be enjoyed by a more prestigious segment of the RPG fandom. Those with sufficient I.Q. For my reasoning I have noticed several less then...
  8. honko

    Victoria 2 war videos

    Hello members of the codex. it is my pleasure to show you all these Victoria 2 videos I happened across. Thought I would share it with you all. shark vs zombie franco prussian - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1Gvu27-clc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NWTsR721kQ...
  9. honko

    Are certain RPGs for the mentally deranged?

    Do You have the balls to say that in voice chat?
  10. honko

    Are certain RPGs for the mentally deranged?

    I will happily go into voice chat with you, if you Go back to discord.
  11. honko

    Are certain RPGs for the mentally deranged?

    Well you used to post in there all the time before you had a mental breakdown.
  12. honko

    Are certain RPGs for the mentally deranged?

    Hello members of the codex. I have a cunning thesis. I happened upon by chance the other day an opportunity to play a popular codex title(pathfinder). I was playing this utter tripe for several hours. And eventually I came to a good hypothesis. That this game is enjoyed by the biggest of idiots...
  13. honko

    Sonic the Hedgehog Appreciation Thread

    You're so sad you have spent thousands of hours on Morrowind, but you're too trash to beat Sonic 1.
  14. honko

    Thoughts on the Risen trilogy?

    Aren't you that utter retard who likes Morrowind? Then again, what else is to be expected from somebody from such an impoverished, rundown and downtrodden areas of our land...
  15. honko

    Memorable cRPG villain

    You just sound butthurt that Fallout was too hard for you.

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