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  • Finally visited Indonesia. Love the way you guys do politics over there. Big adjustment getting back home and not seeing any party flags anywhere. Having said that, what's it going to be?
    1. Anies Akbar?
    2. Prabowo gemoy?
    3. Ganja(r) 4/20 smoke weed every day?
    On the plus side this party also holds key to a lot of actual competent ministers (our Economy Minister and Public Infrastructure) and having competent people at helm of government is probably more important than who the president is.

    I am still juggling between 2 and 3 personally. Not really sure. All 3 makes retarded public spending promise but at this point it is required to win the bottom 50% of the population.
    Interesting lol. Always good to know a bit about how things are done elsewhere. My Mrs doesn't really have a strong preference except she hates Anies while all her redneck Islamist relatives love him. Except one uncle who told me flat out that "They're all China's candidates".
    She also doesn't like how the others are only attacking Prabowo since he's the front runner. She loved Ahok as governor back in the day, and apparently he now endorses Ganjar. All her friends are Prabowo fans but that seems to be more just following the herd. But she's probably not going to vote since she'd have to travel for 3 hours and she's living in NL full-time now, so it doesn't affect her that much.
    How much austronesian admixture do you have? I hope you aren't brown like southern indians.
    As far as I am aware I am 100% Chinese which I can easily track to family photos and all. 3rd generation from my mother side and grandpa and grandma from mother side are post WW2 immigrant, 4th gen from father side and as so far family tree is concerned they are all Chinese (great grandfather and grandfather lives in those closed Chinatown community during Dutch colonization era where racial segregation was real)
    Thank you, based east asian bro.
    he did it, he posted cringe
    what's up with your non-standard spelling "country" as "kantree"?
    something i read as a joke, not sure where, I even saw it in Codex
    I think it was meant to be a caricature of an illiterate foreigner, like an African. Kind of like "massa" or "mammy".
    Officially got my engineering degree. I can now sell my soul to our corporate overlord at higher price.
    Severian Silk
    How does $5 sound?
    I guess you weren't kidding. Hope you remain unemployed until you get some kind of nervous breakdown.
    unfortunately mate, I was employed even before getting the degree and now is on a new job paying higher than most of fresh graduates position in the country, excluding big oil and management consultancy of course
    Of course a riot broke up. Expected nothing less. Sigh.
    an Administrator
    an Administrator
    That mudslime butthurt in Indonesia?!
    Yea, pillaging and chinese hunting on parts of the capital. The riot is also supposedly politically charged according to gov intelligence bureau. Most of it have been subsided though
    Country on vendetta against chinese and I am off on business trip to bumfuckistan. Hope I live to see the next day
    Shia only have Prophet Muhammad (saws) and after him follow his Ahlulbayt (as) (Family)
    an Administrator
    an Administrator
    But they built golden big shrines for Ahlulbayt while Muhammad(PBUH) himself said spending money on building shrines for dead people is a foolish sin. :M
    1. Hadith?
    2. Hadith Narrator?
    3. Chain of Narration?
    an Administrator
    an Administrator
    “If any religious man dies amongst those people they would build a place of worship at his grave and make these pictures in it. They will be the worst creature in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection.” (Sahih Bukhari)

    There are plenty of Hadiths about this subject :M
    I heard a words from the streets that you hate a Trump, why ?
    3. Too much ad hominem.
    4. That fucking hair.
    1. I agree 2. We will see if he wins see the election, where's the loyalties he is truly lies. 3. I don't quite agree, but we will see. 4. Disagree, that hair is fucking awesome.
    an Administrator
    an Administrator
    If there is only one goos thing about Trump, it is his hair.
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