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  • know any good resources on what to do to actually get a game published as a solo dev? i'm planning a project and i need to know how much time/effort i need to allocate for this.
    j/k men. although your post indicates a freeness with information I don't believe you'd afford yourself.
    Yeah, I had a little voice in the back of my head telling me it was a bad idea. But then I told it to shut up.
    Did you ever solve your desert color conundrum?
    I was going to reply in the Workshop thread, but it was a post from late October about improving your color scheme for your desert scene.
    Thanks for taking a look! I don't think I did anything drastic to the desert colors. If you have some recommendations for improvement, I'd love to hear it.
    It's getting really late where I am, but I'll try and throw up some things I was thinking about today after I read your post--more like some things to keep in mind when dealing with a desert setting and inspirational materials.
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