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  • What's up, fellow FOnline war vet?
    The Brazilian Slaughter
    The Brazilian Slaughter
    I'm fine! Unemployed again, looking for a job, studying for a selection which keeps being delayed, doing some work on my mod. I gotta program and write more. Wait, next? You already had one before?
    Yup, small kickstarter with 3d printable busts/miniatures. Had a little bit of success, but it was fine to live for another few months. Now it's little bit harder but I'm targeting into bigger audience with full miniatures (legs and dynamic poses this time) so I might gain a little bit more on it. Altough, I don't get my hopes up because market is so oversaturated these days it's not even funny.
    The Brazilian Slaughter
    The Brazilian Slaughter
    Miniatures, huh? Like Warhammer or something? That's awesome!
    You might wanna talk with the guys from Heresyposting, they kind of do a community patreon thing with things like miniatures.
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