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In Progress X-Piratez! Ironman! No spoilers! Oldschool X-COM Total Conversion with mutant amazon pirates. Death to the star gods!


May 5, 2012
It's only been a week calm down, I think he's currently hooked on Crystalmeth Project.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Wasn't so much that something else hooked me as I burned out after spending like 12 hours a day on the game for the week after Xmas. Once I had to go back to work I just didn't have the energy for it any more and needed a break from paranoid tactical thinking. Local weather has kind of been kicking my ass too. Weekend is due after my shift tonight though and I'll get the LP going again. The good news is, I recently unlocked so much new tech I didn't know what the fuck I was doing anyways, so it's not like I'll be at a disadvantage there having to learn how to use all the new weapons and armour.


Jan 20, 2016
Wasn't so much that something else hooked me as I burned out after spending like 12 hours a day on the game for the week after Xmas. Once I had to go back to work I just didn't have the energy for it any more and needed a break from paranoid tactical thinking. Local weather has kind of been kicking my ass too. Weekend is due after my shift tonight though and I'll get the LP going again. The good news is, I recently unlocked so much new tech I didn't know what the fuck I was doing anyways, so it's not like I'll be at a disadvantage there having to learn how to use all the new weapons and armour.
Don't worry. No game is worth burning out over. Just pace yourself and take your time.


Local weather has kind of been kicking my ass too
its not anime?

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Before heading off to hunt them, I figured it'd be a good idea to check our dossier on the frogs for advice. Unfortunately, 'really strong stone age armour' is kind of an oxymoron. We'll have to settle for ogres and ubergals.

Though while looking to sort my gear for the hunt, I did find out that the poisonous tentacle qualifies. Nice!

Alas, I apparently took to long to shuffle people and objects around. We'll be better prepared for the next one though.

Another fucking missile swarm. Can we send a missile swarm back? Seriously, fuck the technocracy.

Took 18 missiles this time. Aside from being rather concerning, it's expensve too. That's a lot of fabrication time.

Well, I cannot say I saw this coming.

He's apparently extremely expensive to get rid of. That doesn't exactly bode well. We'll study him for now.

Apparently he's no doing the trick for our horny captain, either.

Well, always nice to have another maid around.

Slut gets to go on a bandit salvage mission. Mostly so she can stand around and get shot at while practicing reactions and earning titles.

And earn titles she did!

Jim is... interesting. No idea what his combat stats are, but those are some hefty resistances. As long as he doesn't have some sort of insane upkeep, I'm glad to have him defending the main base in case a raid slips through.

Actual tanks unlocked! A bit underwhelming since we already have biotanks.

Didn't unlock shielded hovertanks or anything either.

God damn though, those are some large cannons. 60mm is already insane, what the hell does an 85mm cannon do?

This finished up WAAY faster than I'd expected it to. Still, I think putting it off for a while was the right choice. Our tech tree is a lot cleaner now, makes it easier to figure out what is leading to new stuff this way.

Naturally, such a huge milestone unlocked a ton of great stuff. At least 2 of these obviously lead to new ships. Regenerating hull might as well, and seems path related? Advanced Medicine might let us get our stasis'd troops back, or at least move in that direction. And again, path related and worst case scenario, more medicine is always a good thing.

Awesome stuff here too. Soldier:Syn should finally unlock a dedicated suit for our Syns, and we have 2 now so it's twice as important to do that! More manufacturing is a must have, explosives might lead to better craft weapons...

And lastly, we've got munitions, which might be great, habitation could save a ton of room in hideouts, and physics sounds again, craft or flight gear related, which is a high priority. So many goodies! I think for now, I went for the regenerating hull, syn, and medicine techs.

Swords are weirdly influential in the tech tree, so I grabbed this even though it doesn't seem that great. No dice this time. To be fair, it is an unholy amount of cutting damage.

Well, can't do an update without a mission. And the game has reminded me I really need to read the blurb even for types I've done before; this one is a toxic variant of the vaults.

Considering how many exo suits and the like we have, seems like an easy run. I doubt some slimes can be all that dangerous.

On the other hand, I've got no idea what will hurt them except, probably not poison. I decided to test bullets here, but I couldn't even see the flashes behind the wall. Derp. It survived a full auto volley though, so they're not wimps.

The one over here tanked a pair of plasma shots too. So that's either ineffective or they're VERY tanky.

Slut gets over here as well, as much to try the force blade out as to split their attacks. Syns might be highly bio/chem resistant, but no need to leave one to tank 3 slimes at once. Sword seems to do okay damage, but we only got 1 swing in.

It turns out electricity was the key. Sadly, we've only got 1 linux smg with a single clip. Really ought to make a few more of those. At least we got some tesla coils.

Lots of enemies this way. Lots of barrels too.

Perhaps... too many barrels. RIP whatever loot was in that corner.

Vibro spear on overwatch to cover the door proved to be a smart idea.

Slut took a few hits, but it seems their ability to pierce or destroy armour is somewhat limited.

The passive enviro damage is annoying though. I suspect it's bio damage, but I didn't bring a red shield along to test that theory. It's not choking since it's triggering shields.

However, bard here came in platemail. Whoops.

It's doing a lot of stun and a bit of health damage. So probably bio, rather than chem.

There were a LOT of these things, but no other enemies. And while they were hard to kill, they weren't much threat offensively.

There were, of course, a pair behind some rubble. And the level had 2 diferent quadrants buried in rubble, so it took until the mercy hint to find them.

Well, at least we got some nice xp. Bard is going to need some RnR though.

Loot was... decent. Another UAC pod is nice, and the books and data reels are nice. And we caught 5 of the slimes! I bet we can turn them into chems or somehting.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
My first two UAC vault missions were both goblins only, first had me spawning with explosive barrels and a half dozen imps facing me, the second sent me into this. Not fun with goblins!

UAC data reels and stasis pods are really good though, and old earth books ain't bad either. Really good haul from a single mission actually, even an armor piece.

Nice to see the lp returning.


Dec 27, 2008
God damn though, those are some large cannons. 60mm is already insane, what the hell does an 85mm cannon do?

Yay, this is back!
Well, can't do an update without a mission. And the game has reminded me I really need to read the blurb even for types I've done before; this one is a toxic variant of the vaults.
About that: Why not try updating? The newest patch fixes some stuff IIRC.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Ran a water mission, got an orb! Also a new wand, might be cool?


Looking forward to this. Though I'm a bit worried it'll be full of cyberdiscs or something.

Human space suit > human power armour. Makes sense. Not sure if we'll go for that; we've only got 1 set of parts left right now, and I want more biosuits.

Oooh, finally a chance at some books to make lightning tomes with! Sadly, I ended up not getting around to this. Injuries and troop transfers weren't lining up.

This, however, was too tempting and potentially easy to pass up.

Hah! It's guarded by total chumps!

I can't be bothered to explore a building this large, so lets just mortar it to bits, yeah?

Err, whoops. That wasn't the explosive mortar. And that wasn't a good shot.

Seems the bank itself is over here.

Interesting, never saw that message before, even on base assaults.

Modron making our own entrance to what are presumably the vaults.

Bank seems to have a single entrance, so bugeye senses are helpful for scouting the occupants.

Well, it was indeed a vault. With a guard! And... no other entrance? WTF.

Seems this is where the keep the good shit though.

Trying to bust through a wall inside, the shredder can punch through but has a problem; the 3rd version of the bricks has such a low hitbox we can't hit it any more!

Well, if there's a dude over there, must be the rest of the basement. Luka found the stairs and presumably the intended entrance, but the minigun isn't leaving a dent.

Huh, this room has some weird furniture.

No loot though? A security room, perhaps?

The rest of the bank was so uneventful I didn't even take screens, just some hostesses and a few more guards upstairs. This was the only scary moment; after about 10 turns I sent the catgirl out with a mining laser to speed things up, and this fucker showed up. Luckily he took shots at Slut instead of our healer.

Ez pz.

Not a bad haul for such an easy mission. Kinda expected more from a B grade bank heist though. Burning town was way tougher and more lucrative.

Brought the bombard for some fun against a warehouse... but forgot to load the damned thing! Probably for the best...

I swear this magma gauntlet is bugged somehow. It's missed like 30-50% of it's attacks against targets with ~100% accuracy. It has to be aiming the projectile at the wrong spot or something.

Another missile strike defended. Always scares the shit out of me.

Was so excited for this to finish and reveal some dedicated Syn armour! And we got nothing. BAH. :argh:

Well, murdering some greenskins will make me feel better.

Lenneth trying out the synthsuit for it's +15 throwing. 66-199 cutting damage for 20 TUs, not too shabby.

Err, what the fuck?

Huh, apparently Lamias have acid spit. Good to know.

Slut takes a swing and a miss with the warhammer. Force blade wasn't really pulling it's weight, I dunno what it scales off but I suspect it's not much melee or strength. I should probably just give her a vibro spear.

Luka tries out the toxi-lance on the other side of the map, as well as racking up more joke weapon kills with those magic cards.

Nice infamy, we saved all the bystanders this time!

Another science vessel! I know we can outspeed it this time, so I got in guns blazing. But uh... this is our transport. Whoops.

And our fighter got it's ass handed to it. I don't think we even broke the shields!

Surprisingly, the Kraken does just fine though. We're slower than them, but they either can't hit us or can't damage us. Despite that, they let us get to point blank and unload.

At least for a while, but then they flee. We took a tiny scratch and did some damage, but I'm not sure how much.

Since they seemed to be out of ammo and shields, I sent the fighter back in to finish them off... they were not out of ammo or shields, however. Fuck. Also, Luka was piloting it, since she had by far the best stats as a pilot and I though the ship was harmless.
Err... it's probably okay? We should get her back in a few days? :dealwithit:

If not I'm going to be horribly sad. We have a backup Syn, but Luka was god damned amazing.

Wand of peace is... interesting. Ranged charm damage, and scales extremely with voodoo power. Modron could probably get like... ~70 stun damage out of that? Was more with masterblaster outfit. The energy cost is hefty, but otherwise it's very usable, and charm bypasses shields! Could be great for power armour and the like.

Also, we finally got more zone stalkers to show up.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Human space suit > human power armour. Makes sense.
Not sure if you are ironic, but yeah, this does actually make sense for once :)
Not a bad haul for such an easy mission. Kinda expected more from a B grade bank heist though. Burning town was way tougher and more lucrative.
I never had much luck punching down the walls with crowbars, and it tends to take a while with mining laser, especially if you end up picking a bad spot to start mining.
It's a really weird mission general. The morale regen makes it so the enemies are almost impossible to get to surrender. I think the "intended" way to get in is to blast down the barrier in the basement, and then trudge through the corridoor connecting the security room and the vault, but it's fucking mined, and has additional blast shields every few tiles so it's just way easier to dig in from the side. The blast shield seems to have more hp than the brick walls as well, I through one of those heavy blasting packs at it and it didn't make a dent.

The rewards from the bank vault are also highly randomized. Sometimes you get utter crap, sometimes it's amazing.
Was so excited for this to finish and reveal some dedicated Syn armour! And we got nothing. BAH. :argh:
Syns are really good. The only stats they're not amazing at is hp and fresh, but with 40 base armor and great resists low hp isn't a huge deal. Low freshness is slightly annoying but it's not that bad in the end. I'm surprised this didn't unlock anything for you.
Even without any tricks to restore stamina or freshness, my 3 syns ended up being the core of my strategy lategame, as they would just sprint in and kill everything before the stun/fresh became a problem.
they were not out of ammo or shields, howeve
Shields regenerate constantly afaik, so if you disengage they're pretty much guaranteed to be up to full by the time anything gets back. Surprised the kraken had such a good matchup against science vessel, they're fairly strong.


Nouveau Riche
Apr 19, 2012
I swear if this is how we lose our main Alita battle angel…

Theatrics aside, looking forward to seeing tanks roll out, still bs you can’t bring them on base assaults though.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Scorpion hunt was already occupied, but instead of the usual flying laser sniper pcms, nomads or ninjas... it's a bunch of ratmen? With bows? What the hell, this is probably easier than an actual scorpion hunt. How are they even winning?


Well, a few of them have these dragoon rifles. Those aren't completely terrible. I'm actually kinda surprised they can carry them, they're fairly heavy.

Easy cleanup anyways. 500 infamy for killing some ratmen in a desert. Feels like this is meant to be an early game variation of a monster hunt.

Haven't seen these in a while. I let it fly around in the hopes it would land so we could harvest them for demonic essence, but no dice, they just vanished after a while.

This was a bit of a letdown, it only unlocked stasis pod and life support manufacturing. Possibly useful, but pretty expensive compared to just looting them.

Ran a wiz bounty for the funky zombies in a town again, and saved everyone this time! Very nice for just 5 kills.

Trophies are only 100 tokens a piece, but that's still not bad. Ubers will be sent off to do some spying when I get the chance.

Results of advanced fighter research. I feel like our brave whaler was better; this trades some speed and a missile slot for some toughness and 2 light slots. I'll probably want one of these for taking down softer targets I don't want to waste missiles on though.

High hopes for this one! Didn't unlock a craft directly though. But we can now research an 'armored fighter.' Sounds perfect.

Not what I was expecting here, was hoping for some Syn synergies. No dice.

However, we cna now build ship engines! Which is good, because the ships that carry them stopped spaning lately, and we don't have anything fast enough to shoot one down right now either. We'll need to use this ability to replace our lost fighter. The components are surprisingly reasonable; mostly optronics and wire, which we can just buy.

Got this from the goblin bounty shop. A respectable shotgun, but not really what I'm in the market for. Though on second thought... this would be great for Slut, who has strength to spare but not a lot of accuracy or the TUs to really use melee well.

Apparently these guys are melee fighters, didn't realize that last time. Also, plasma was supposedly hitting them for full damage? Sure didn't feel that way. Probably just a ton of health.

Hot damn, we're in the good shit now!

Well, those all seem extremely useful. Cloning centre is the obvious priority though.

Behold, our armoured fighter. Also, our first shadowtech ship in a long, long time. Can even carry 6 people, which isn't terrible. 2 heavy slots is some solid firepower... if we can fill the slots. I think I can put another basilisk together if I cannibalize some gauss weapons. Or I could just move our current one off the kraken. We could also make a bioplasma projector. The Shadowtech slot is very appealing as well. We could make a spacial displacer for it, which is a solid wepaon in it's own right, or give it a reticulan fusion engine for 650 more speed. 3500 is a tad slow for a fighter, though it'll be good enough to trounce bandits and ninjas at least. But I've actually got another plan for that slot...

Another of hassan's leaflets. Not researchable this time though, I guess we've got the whole inventory already.

Our research base has grown enough I can start going after fluff again I think. We've got.... 45ish brainers right now? 50 maybe? And it's going to keep creeping upwards too.

Behold, my plan for the Crab. We've got enough of these orbs to build 4 fields. Which means we can combine them into a single, doublestrong field. It'll grant the crab 20 armor, putting our kraken to shame, and 500 shields. Should work quite well as a tank we can throw a more fragile fighter behind. I should have done that with the science vessel to be honest, but I had initially planned to just test the speed of it with a fast ship, but our whaler dumped almost all it's ammo in a couple seconds and I thought maybe it could bust through the shields, but it couldn't. So I sent the kraken largely just to zero in on it's speed, thinking it could still maybe back off, but it couldn't so it spent all of it's ammo as well. And then the vessel was fleeing so using the kraken to tank wasn't an option and I tried to finish it off thinking it was vulnerable and out of ammo, which it was not and it basically one shot the whaler. No idea how it did that but barely scratched the kraken, honestly. Unless armour is WAY more effective than I think. The whaler should have had like, 80 health left or something? Which is peanuts, but anything that does 80 damage should have punched a hole in the kraken. Maybe it had some weird shotgun weapon that did bursts of like 5x10 damage every few seconds?

Psi training on our elite gnome recruit is complete! Now I just need a worthy vehicle. Aziri can at least use the loader suit on water missions from now on though.

Holy shit, this was a surprise. I mean, I figured it'd be another workshop type deal, but 400 workspace... I never though our production would scale so hard. I wonder if it's even restricted to 1 per base. 2 of these and 4 crew quarters would be a insane level of production. Quite the pricetag though. Was wondering when that prefab recipe would come into play. I think it uses plastasteel and some easy junk. 50 is a lot but doable... but this is a later project for sure.

It also unlocked this... which is very suspicious. Def going to research it in the near future.

Result from the UAC reel. Not exactly exciting, though these guys are probably nasty so some intel doesn't hurt.

Getting damned close to bringing back some of our best units. Passive hp recovery and potetial for gorwing monsters or something too is also nice. But realistically, this is all in service of getting some of our perfect gals back, along with other elites.

Ooh, that seems promising!

This is better than I'd expected too! It doesn't seem to bypass armor, sadly, but it's the perfect weapon for capturing targets safely, and can bypass red shields, though that won't help vs the exosuits of the guild with their power armour. Also good for draining freshness from down targets while adding extra stun.

Up until now avalon has been our biggest production site, but silo is about to overtake it. I considered making the casino here, but decided against it, would have been a waste or already existing production.

While looking to see if that sleeping beauty revival was an option already (it's not, and it made me realize this list is populated based on facilities) I found Syn Reanimation! I don't know how we unlocked this, but... maybe we can get Luka back this way. Sadly, it currently shows we lack both the materials (I would assume a damaged syn) and candidates... so maybe it's only viable on a Syn that falls in a mission.

It's been over a week now, I'm pretty sure Luka is, in fact, dead. :despair:

I partly put off playing for a bit so this wouldn't hit as hard if it turned out this way. RIP, our best unit ever. I'm guessing she was lost because the ship went down at sea as opposed to over land. Something to keep in mind in the future, on top of just not ever sending such a valuable unit to pilot a ship in a dogfight. I thought returning from a crash was basically guaranteed. This hits extra hard because we don't even get the damaged syn component I'd assume we get if they die in a mission.


Result from an arcane tome. Better than fluff but... not really useful. Does make me tempted to hit up that red mage research though... this is a sick pierce of gear.

Onto happier news! We finished construction of a biotank, and Sister Francesca took it for a ride. It's a beast. I was severely underestimating that chem gun; it's got a decent AoE on top of the range, so it's basically a poison grenade launcher with low cost and infinite ammo. Sadly, I wasn't able to rack up any gal of steel perks on the mission, but this thing will see more use for sure. With 100 freshness to spend as ammo, this thing can put out a ton of firepower for little cost, and with the luxury spa, it'll recover fast.

Huh... thought this would be the stasis revival thing for sure. Weird. We can already revive zombie gals so... what is this for?

Note to self: Build this. I forgot it was unlocked.

Another reward from regenerative hull tech. Could make for some very tanky ships, but I wouldn't really like to give up a weapon slot for it. I suppose it could go on the kraken? I think it has an empty support slot, not that it really needs more hp or armour.

An exciting find from a guild engineer. Maybe this will lead to us using plasma weapons?

Huh, not what I expected. I wonder what the fuck this could be this late in the game. Shielded outfit perhaps?

Nice to have these unlocked finally.

And the 40mm version will be even nicer. That would totally be worth using. Maybe I can get one before we raid the academy.

Another monster hunt. Sadly, the hounds couldn't scratch the biosuit, so I still can't show off that insane health regen.

A nice suit of titles though. Slut doesn't have the TUs to go around ninja stabbing people, but if they're going to come to her...

Note to self: make some of these too. A very nice upgrade to our medkits. Kinda makes the sivalinga stone obsolete too, though I'll want to keep one around for shadowrealms I suspect.

Another highly promising sounding tech!

And another primal hunt! This one spawned very near one of our bases. I was able to ship the hunting party to the base in 9 hours, saving us a ton of travel time.

Cockroaches aren't exactly much of a threat.

They've got some armour, and they resist the chem damage of our bagpipes... but they're still pretty fragile, and I suspect their attacks don't even hit that hard, given their size and armour melting property.

Decent haul of gems, and a moon flower! We'll be good for chitin for the foreseeable future as well.

Who can say no to a bigger boom?

Ah, so that's what the Hell ammo subtype was. Obvious in retrospect. Necular laser batteries might be nice too...

Another letdown here, I keep hoping for Syn armour.

Well, both of these seems interesting as well at least. If we could automate production of plastasteel so I can stop buying it for the durathread production, it'd save me a lot of clicking and potentially a ton of money. Compressed fuels sounds like it might lead to Syn upgrades as well, or other armour or vessel tech.

Huh, we also unlocked... chitin swords? Why would I want this. I suppose it's from the cockroach hunt. Perhaps it's meant to make further hunts easier? Spears are already awesome though...

We also can use data discs again for some reason?!? Very strange.

Not exactly revealing the secrets I want though.

This is an even more bizarre result from the data discs. We already had one of these, couldn't we have just studied it instead? Must be related to the divine encryption tech we got... I'll need to check the research list again I think.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Haven't seen these in a while. I let it fly around in the hopes it would land so we could harvest them for demonic essence, but no dice, they just vanished after a while.
You really, really want to shoot one of these down. And you should use a tanky craft with a shitty weapon, because they love to explode.
Results of advanced fighter research. I feel like our brave whaler was better; this trades some speed and a missile slot for some toughness and 2 light slots. I'll probably want one of these for taking down softer targets I don't want to waste missiles on though.
This was my goto interceptor for most of the game. 2 laser cannon / 2 avalanche missiles.
mostly optronics and wire, which we can just buy.
Optronics is really expensive to buy though.
Behold, our armoured fighter. Also, our first shadowtech ship in a long, long time.
Also the last shadowtech ship in the game.
No idea how it did that but barely scratched the kraken, honestly. Unless armour is WAY more effective than I think. The whaler should have had like, 80 health left or something? Which is peanuts, but anything that does 80 damage should have punched a hole in the kraken.
I also have no idea how this works. Going by pure numbers armor should be basically useless, since ships have like 20 armour and the listed damage in ufopedia tends to be 100+.
Holy shit, this was a surprise. I mean, I figured it'd be another workshop type deal, but 400 workspace... I never though our production would scale so hard. I wonder if it's even restricted to 1 per base. 2 of these and 4 crew quarters would be a insane level of production. Quite the pricetag though. Was wondering when that prefab recipe would come into play. I think it uses plastasteel and some easy junk. 50 is a lot but doable... but this is a later project for sure.
It takes 3x3 space and gives 0 pre-reqs for any construction. I doubt you could fit 2 + living space in a single base, and even if you did it wouldn't be able to build anything useful.
Huh, not what I expected. I wonder what the fuck this could be this late in the game. Shielded outfit perhaps?
This one is kinda funny, basically the only prereq is divine code, so if you get lucky with interrogations you can get it really early.


Dec 27, 2008
Ever since OG XCOM, ships, yours and UFOs, defeated upon sea levels are automatically destroyed. Please try to not overdramatize to the point it hurts your experience. This is not a story-focused game.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Ever since OG XCOM, ships, yours and UFOs, defeated upon sea levels are automatically destroyed. Please try to not overdramatize to the point it hurts your experience. This is not a story-focused game.
You say that like I know what I'm doing. We've already established I've only kinda played the OG XCom, and like 20 years ago at that. Though this was more an instance of 'how the fuck were we over water?' truth be told. But when I started the LP I didn't even realize destroyed craft would let your pilots come back. We'll be fine at any rate; at this point I'm fairly sure we could roll through a base with just peasants and storebought guns. Drama is the only fun to be had, besides testing out new toys. If I safely popamoled everything to death with the kraken I'd fall asleep.

Optronics is really expensive to buy though.
Still peanuts compared to the engine, that thing is like 2.5 million a pop or something. I've got a stockpile of parts anyways.
You really, really want to shoot one of these down. And you should use a tanky craft with a shitty weapon, because they love to explode.
I'll try, but I'm pretty sure they never crash land. The one I shot down tanked like 15 shots before exploding. I think you either have to wait for one to land or find them at a distress call, which we hardly ever seem to find.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I'll try, but I'm pretty sure they never crash land. The one I shot down tanked like 15 shots before exploding. I think you either have to wait for one to land or find them at a distress call, which we hardly ever seem to find.
I complained about this on the official boards, and dioxine basically called me a retard for it :M

I am not sure they can land, they certainly never did for me.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
have the mechanics changed? you could always carry heavy shit and be overweight, it just drained energy and max tu limited
Yeah that's how it works, but low level ratlings have fuck all for strength I think, I'm surprised they can carry those and fire. Maybe it's intentional, like they can move or fire but not both.
Big update time!

So I ran another beach mission, but Sister Francesca may have, slightly, commited a war crime by gassing some civilians. Oops. We thought they were already dead, we swear!


Body Farm, it turns out, is another facility that can provide cloning functionality. It's way cheaper too. The catch is that it needs a 2x2 space, doesn't provide healing, and requires 50 life support, which I doubt we have at the moment anyways. Still, might want one of these at some point. Unlimited zombie juice could be very nice for making consumables and, presumably, turning people into zombies. I forget what exactly we needed for that. Oh, and it creates zombie defenders in a base defense! Neat.

This confuses me. Does this mean we can now revive anyone, even if they didn't get stasis pod'd? That would be... insane. We could revive Cleve! Really excited to get that cloning facility online.

Sadly, this tech didn't unlock Astral Warpgates or whatever like I thought it might. Just a decent chainsaw. I don't really like these though; they're no good in melee because they're technically guns with 1 range. So they're basically good for tearing up walls, but not as good as a crowbar in the hands of someone really strong and fast.

This is... surprisingly good. Like, the damage is better than the vibro sword, albeit shit vs armour instead of piercing it. If it counts as stone age I totally want one, we could chop up some werewolves with it no problem.

So, these guys are popular this month I guess.

After ~130 rounds from the quadcannon at 6 damage each, blown to pieces. Like I expected.

So I went to finish the one next to it off, and after 130 rounds.... it crashes? Of course this one was over water, because I figured they couldn't crash. Apparently it's a random chance. Good to know.

I'm sure this won't lead to a nuclear disaster of any kind.

Well, the nuke stuff I expected, but we can make UAC clips too? That's kinda nice...

Not what I was expecting afer the description from matter compression tech. Ugh. I could throw it on the highway star to make it even faster but... why even bother?

Crab deployed as a transport. It's not terrible, has a single door and no windows, and it's got a ramp so that helps vs melee enemies. Still, not going to be using it like this I expect, unless I need a 6 capacity craft for a mission. Inside has too many vulnerable parts.


Ooh, that sounds nice. Should be a personnel weapon.

Damn, most of this stuff was lame but HVAP for custom sniper and vulcan are crazy. With ~150 accuracy, custom sniper has effectively 110 attack power, times 2 shots. Vulcan got beefed up a lot too.

Turns out this needs a lot of supplies to make. And it's a quarter million a pop! Geeze. Still worth it though, assuming it's refillable like medkits.

Behold! SHIELDs. And free ammo. Definitely going to shoot down more little nuisance ships from now on.

Only lost 3 shields a 5 rounds of bioplasma to take out a patrol chaser. Those are wimps anyways, but it beats spending missiles or needing 2 days of repair with our old fighters.

Full loadout. We've got 24 armour, 500 shields and 450 hull, the basilisk can punch for 120 damage to bypass armour on big targets and the projector has enough ammo to stay in a fight forever. Targeter is just 10% more accuracy, which bother weapons could use.

The prospect of getting free infamy passively is pretty nice. Is that what those reticulan ships we saw before were doing? They were also trade missions that spawned after we made contact.

The production is pretty easy. Finally a use for scrap metal, and chems are free. If we were to sell the plastasteel, it'd be 3x more profit per runt than selling chemicals. However, since durathread is about a third better than even that, and it was profitable to use plastasteel that way even while buying it, durathread is still our moneymaker. But this will make things way more efficient, since we were previously losing half our profits having to buy steel. It'll make the supply chain complex, but I'm sure I can get months worth of ore from robbing excavators.

Time to take our crab out for something a bit more exciting. The guild has been running 'secure freight' missions. These are guarded by 3 fighters. I actually tried to back the crab up with our transport ship, but apparently I timed it wrong because it wasn't in range. Whoops. No big deal though; this is an easy fight.

In the end, we took down 2 fighters, one escaped because I was trying to conserve ammo, and we shot down the freighter itself of course. I think they managed to scratch us slightly, but it was trivial damage. Burning through 30 basilisk rounds is more anoying, but we can make them much more cheaply now that we can make our own plastasteel.

Thats a lot of xp for just 3 ships. Maybe the amount of shots fired or class of ship matters?

We got like ~1500-2000 infamy for this as well. Nice.

And 3 crash sites to loot!

Turns out the fighters are thrashed; a shame, I wanted their engines.

They're each defended by a pair of marsec operatives.

Gauss weapons are sitll a little spooky, but nothing some ninja shenanigans can't handle. Even took this guy prisoner with the neural whip.

Well, no engines but more slave AI is always nice.

Time for the real prize. The heavy freighter is... quite large.

It's also defended by a bunch of G.O.s with shitty weapons, apparently. Though the HEAT rounds for this shotgun are nasty. Did we get those at some point? Hopefully they aren't using them.

They've got some security too, but weak laser weapons are nothing to us at this point.

Ooh... that could put a dent in someone though.

Luckily, unlike our tanks, theirs only have like 65 hp. Still, not worth risking lenneth trying to carve it up, so we'll have her come back.

...and there's a second tank behind us. Well okay then.

Figured I'd try a few swings since it's right there and has it's back turned (and has all of 20 reactions) but no dice. Cutlass is too shit vs armour. Definitely dropping it for the vibro sword or force blades after I get that 5th level of traditional.

Well, this is handy. The tanks, thankfully, don't have sniper or spotter, and only 12 NV. Time to put that vibro spear to work. We're sadly short on anti tank weapons, and weapons in general really, because I swapped ships for this mission and my saved loadout wasn't as all purpose as I'd thought. Not that I expected tanks from a crashed freighter to begin with.

Hmm, 2 spear jabs... we're hurting it, but too slowly.

And we found a third tank on the way back. Lovely.

I did give it a third stab first though, and it's pretty weak now.

Glad I waited for the custom snipey gun to arrive before starting this.

Well, that did the trick easily enough, and the next turn the tanks split even further apart.

Next one goes down to the sniper gun immediately. That was vs the side armour too. This thing is a beast. Ignores 30% armour too.

Spotted the end of the freighter... I hope some of it's engines survived. Seems to be in mostly good condition at least.

Ah fuck! I forgot to bring Lenneth back in!

Thankfully, was just a scratch.

Seems we got hit with a rail rifle. They're decent (~70 damage), but nothing compared to a heavy gauss.

This fucker survived what the tank could not. Jesus. 2 ~100 damage sniper shots with 48 minimum damage each. We rolled very, very badly here.

We pick off a few more. The north tank is staying put, so I leave Modron out here for better sniping chances. One ammo clip down. I really should have sent more with the gun.

Slut is running out of freshness.

Nothing 5 cigarettes can't fix though. I suppose if I can't knife her to test regen, this works too.

Sure enough, back to full health next turn. I did it again the next round too. Note to self: send more smokeys with the supplies. 2 packs seems like a lot, but slut and Maria use them up FAST.

Lenneth came out to snag an operative that got too close, and spied half a circus out here. There's even a bodyguard in power armour.

This crystal skull is crazy. Definitely want to try it out with a catgirl in grav boots. The only limiting factor is energy.

Lenneth had just enough to sprint back inside. She's using dragonfly armour, but grav boots on a catgirl could do this like every 2 turns instead of once every 5 or so.

Modron is tanking hits like a boss. Took a wound somehow, but it's nothing. I love this armour.

The tank up here stayed still so long Maria had time to go from ~200 energy to 500. 6 stabs should be plenty.

Sadly, our rolls were shit so 6 stabs was just barely enough. And then the tank exploded, revealing our position! Fuck. Apparently stabbing doesn't prevent that, but normal bullets do? Seems backwards.

At least we're far from most of the enemies.


Time for Slut to finally fill her role as a (now literal) meat shield.

Bring it on!

Dang, they actually took a chunk out of her.

Might have been the grenade, but she was far from the centre so seems unlikely.

Ah, maybe this. They probably have the good ammo clips.

More grenades incoming. Modron is even tankier than Slut though, just lacking the regen.

Speaking of regen... works like a charm! 24 health back in one turn when you factor in the wounds.

Morale on the expendables is getting pretty low.


Modoron has burned through another clip. We're down to the last one, and it's the normal ammo, not the good shit. Should still be plenty for anything short of a tank though.

The elite dudes are a lot harder to shake up. Still, even they're starting to get shakey.

I throw Slut back out there to draw out some more enemies. We've thinned them out plenty by now, at this point it's harder finding them than killing them.

Ah, well, we definitely found some of them. No time to finish the battle though, I''m off to work. She's probably fine though...

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