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In Progress X-Piratez! Ironman! No spoilers! Oldschool X-COM Total Conversion with mutant amazon pirates. Death to the star gods!


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
150 damage plasma shot would bounce right off. Well, except it'd probably have massive armour piercing so.
Even if it ignored 50% armour you'd still only take 150*0.5-75*0.5 = 38 damage. Compare this to harbinger armor 150*0.7-140*0.5 = 35. And the jugulator has high resist against everything except warp (125% warp for power armor is high warp resist for it's class), and allows sprinting.
Huzzah! Not to self: Try to examine the turret. I forgot it showed up as loot.
Sadly it seems the most important loot you can get on this ship got blown up.
Plasma knife gets some action in as well. Doesn't seem terribly practical when it uses 12 TUs
Yeah, this is the problem with all melee plasma weapons imo. They just cost way too much TU compared to more conventional melee options. Compared to the dagger, a quicksilver cutlass deals more damage, and costs 7 TU. Dagger is only good against things which have high resist against conventional damage types, but not against plasma.


Got this tidbit off an animatron. Not very practical as a weapon, but a good tool for stunning things like the droids with high armour and electric resistance.
how would that be not practical? 0.5 armor and 110 dmg at 22% tu? because of range? you made the tome of shit though...
i mean, the gun is shit, but mostly cause tankies run around with elec resists...

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Got this tidbit off an animatron. Not very practical as a weapon, but a good tool for stunning things like the droids with high armour and electric resistance.
how would that be not practical? 0.5 armor and 110 dmg at 22% tu? because of range? you made the tome of shit though...
i mean, the gun is shit, but mostly cause tankies run around with elec resists...
Range (Tome range is technically limited, but only has a small dropoff outside it; it'll still do damage at 20 tiles if I need to play popamole with a distant enemy and the output up close is way higher) and needs ammo. Maybe ammo supply is large but... tesla coil has infinite ammo and only needs one hand with same range basically.
Even if it ignored 50% armour you'd still only take 150*0.5-75*0.5 = 38 damage. Compare this to harbinger armor 150*0.7-140*0.5 = 35.
Yeah but the person wearing the jugulator has like 45 hp and the person wearing the harbinger has like 150.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Yeah but the person wearing the jugulator has like 45 hp and the person wearing the harbinger has like 150.
Fair, but the harbinger has a bunch of penalties whereas the jug is a death machine.

you made the tome of shit though...
Tome of lightning probably has the biggest damage potential in the game? You can get it to like 0-120 damage with good voodoo, and if you full auto it it fires 50 shots or something for not that many TUs. That's an awful lot of dakka (although if you're further away than 10 tiles most of them will miss due to shotgun spread rules).


Tome of lightning probably has the biggest damage potential in the game?
does it work though? i have not used it, i preferred nukes kek
how much armor rending does it have? 0.04 (im not 100% on how rending works, i think its randomized too)
50 avr dmg vs 50 armor with 0.5 resist and 0.4 armor bypass is 25 dmg vs 20 armor, 5 dmg per shot
60 avr dmg vs 105 armor with 0.35 resist and 0.4 armor bypass is 21 dmg vs 42 armor, 21*0.04=0.84, needs 20+ shots to get to the meat
its shit...


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Tome of lightning probably has the biggest damage potential in the game?
does it work though? i have not used it, i preferred nukes kek
how much armor rending does it have? 0.04 (im not 100% on how rending works, i think its randomized too)
50 avr dmg vs 50 armor with 0.5 resist and 0.4 armor bypass is 25 dmg vs 20 armor, 5 dmg per shot
60 avr dmg vs 105 armor with 0.35 resist and 0.4 armor bypass is 21 dmg vs 42 armor, 21*0.04=0.84, needs 20+ shots to get to the meat
its shit...
Each shot will ablate 0.04*50=2 armor I think. And well, 5 dmg per shot (except it's a lot more, because it fires 49 shots and after 25 they're down to 0 armor) for 49 shots is still 250 damage, which is more damage than most enemies have hp.

You're not going to find that many weapons that can get through 100 armor and 0.35 resist lul. Even a baby nuke has expected ~0 damage against that if I'm reading the wiki right.


have you used it though?
i dont think rending works that way, it feels much weaker ingame, i think its randomized, rounds down and after armor resists

the 105 armor is a humanist supersoldier from behind, many tanky enemies have high elec resists, hence im not a fan
nukes used to be concus, chinese dragon still is =D

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
So I realized I had a named catgirl sitting around not doing anything. Well, besides training, but that's basically done. I've been wanting to grab this title, and just have a trained up cat assassin in general, so Pyrite Pachyderm is my latest pet project. Honestly, this should be that hard to get. Black widow is only like, 8 kills in a mission, and the other two titles are ones we'll just naturally get over time by stabbing people lots. My only regret is that I didn't know about cat warrior recruits before recruiting her; she could be even better. Whatever though.


Still a little tricky to find good missions to use a catgirl in without getting her murdered, but this one qualifies. Rocking a plasma blade to try it out. 18 TUs per swing, but judging by the TUs refiled after each swing, the damage is incredible and the vampirism isn't capped by target health. Good to know.

Ooh, we haven't caught one of these before. Seems like he might have good intel.

More playing with the lightning tome. 82% accuracy and 44 power at this range is not too shabby. Certainly enough to take out the wimpy manhacks.

Our new space cadet got injured somehow. Can't figure what it could have been though; she was never near anything fighting back and the weather sure as hell didn't do it.

Next up is a retrieval mission for another crashed missile boat. Honestly, I was just going to skip this since it's tedious and we already got plenty of robot parts, but Jaedar went and spoiled that there's an important drop off these I missed out on.

Which is why this is entirely his fault. Maybe a bit of the RNG too. Definitely not mine for trying to shoot droids on turn one. They're inaccurate at long range after all.

Of course slut just guns the offender down no problem. Honestly not sure how the sniper refile failed to do the same, given the stats involved.

Gandalf got tagged by the ship turret, and good god damn did that even hurt. Holy shit.

Thing sure doesn't look that threatening.

This one isn't going down easily either, it soaked up like 20 laser blasts and several shredders. I kept throwing people out here to finish it off and it kept standing.

So now I've got 3 people standing out in the open between a super turret and a couple droids.

Gandalf ended up getting picked off by the turret as well. What a fucking disaster.

Oh, but it's clearly worth it for this datapad that sells for 450$. That must be important.

It's fine! Maria is just farming titles.

Gandalf got brought back once already, what's one more?

Syn Reanimation is apparently incredibly efficient. Those stat losses are basically non-existant. The biggest problem is the medical supplies really, but we can handle those at this point.

Okay to be fair this sounds maybe pretty useful.

Hmm, stopping missile attacks would be nice. Almost makes me wonder if I should research it so I can farm for more datapads... but fuck that.

Will grab it this month. We've got enough on our plate without trying to farm missile ships.

Forget where this came from (some rimrider probably) but it's intriguing. Would be great for our biosuit gals and Syns, instead of smoking we could just equip and unequip this at the right times.

As expected, this is already obsolete. Weight sure is low though, would be great for a loknar.

Another rimrider fueled tech. New Syn stuff?

Well we did in fact unlock something, but weirdly it didn't get announced. Whatever, sounds important.

Still haven't seen the other counsellor catching mission, but whatever, 2 chances is better than 1 I suppose.

Decent little plasma weapon here, but also rather obsolete at this point.

Since we now have to wait for more injuries to heal, I figured I'd get this thing built, should make the base raid much easier. God damn that construction time though. Also needed 6 full engines and a ton of plastasteel.

Another tasty bit of gear. Tempted to throw Jaedar in here but it is a shame to gimp his high voodoo power.

That strength bonus though... holy shit. It's also got such a massive TU penalty I struggle to see anyone but zone stalkers using this thing.

Of arguable usefulness combared to stuff like the basiilisk that can punch through arnour, but it's hard to turn down a constant damage hose like this.


Socializing is still giving results.

Lightbane's turn to play with the book. Base damage is actually ~90, this is being targetted some 12 tiles beyond make range.


Modron takes off in the other direction with an axe instead.

Annoyingly, 2 of the reapers apwned in the opposite corner, so saving all the civillians was basicaly impossible.

Damn, 250 of these? That's 125 milliion in SALE value.

Huh, and they didn't even unlock a new ship. I do suppose we already have IPL ships.

Got this off the detective. Was going to buy it off the goblin, even though it's insanely expensive. If 3000 equates to it' mastery equivalent, it's quite strong though.

Discs and even the almanac is ready for more research? Weird. I wonder if it's related to our rank, rahter than tech tree. That would explain the game where I got crazy stuff for the data disks earlier than my tech tree would allow.

Meh. This is still a waste of money, but it's slightly less of one if I actually can use the workers.


This government crackdown ship keeps getting bigger and bigger. Seems like weird behaviour.

Well, that's one more potential threat turned off.

Ooh, that sounds fun. We're busy with other stuff for now that.

Maybe a new client?

Dang, 50 fuel for each of these and 5000 hours? That's crazy. Making hundreds of these would be insane.

As expected, this suit is a toned down version of the ace one. Still can't buy or craft these thogh. :argh:


Now this is interesting! Maybe we'll put Lenneth in one of these? The armour is respectable, and red shields are great unless we need to deal with mind, warp or emp, all of which will fuck us up if the shields are down too.

Caught a look at this while looking for the medispider's built in weaponry. Better than I'd realized, even with shit accuracy spamming 10 missiles is pretty cool.

Damn, this thing is a pain to make. Aside from the sythmuscle and force circuitrry, it also requires 5 of the nano surgery things which require tons of stuff themselves. A high end piece of gear for sure.

This took a good while to research. Seems like it would unlock techs related to syns, maybe even crafting new ones. Or at the very least, a new training program. We got neither, however. Bah.

Got this off researching plasma guns. Should lead to the good ones.

Alas, alpha rifles suck. I do like arbitrary trophies though.

And as a bonus, it actually unlocked more shit! Gun-kata training might be really nice, and advanced firearms certainly has potential. Maybe we can get that scourge smg that fires EMP bullets?


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
have you used it though?
I brought a peasant with gray codex magic armor and lightning tome most missions yeah. Didn't get that much use because peasants have low hp, low reaction and the magic armor isn't strong defensively, so could only be used occasionally or reaction fire would instagib. But when I used it, it did work.
Our new space cadet got injured somehow. Can't figure what it could have been though; she was never near anything fighting back and the weather sure as hell didn't do it.
Anyone who uses the emerald skull is thus cursed.
Dang, 50 fuel for each of these and 5000 hours? That's crazy. Making hundreds of these would be insane.
Lategame bullshit spoiler alert: You need 250 of them to get to cydonia. If you have 150 engineers working on it, it will still take you an ingame year. Start planning.

Congrats on being rid of missile swarms. Hope you're not too upset I gave you a strong hint so you wouldn't ignore the downed crafts.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Congrats on being rid of missile swarms. Hope you're not too upset I gave you a strong hint so you wouldn't ignore the downed crafts.
It's fine. I'd have been fine if they stuck around too though; they were pretty much harmless at this point. But the game has been going on long enough I'm starting to transition for 'I can't wait to see what new stuff there is' to 'Time to see how OP I can make myself with all my toys.' Honestly the tech we already have feels sufficient to make an ungodly unstoppable army if I took the time to make like 12 biosuits or whatever. I'm kinda dreading doing another base assault because of how long they take, but also looking forward to how much easier itll be with all this gear. Fully expecting to lose like 3 people at once to a warp grenade or something instead though.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Just FYI I fucked up my hand at work last week so I've been hesitant to do a lot of typing/playing, mostly been reading shitty weeb novels and watching Dom 6 videos. Might not update too frequently for the next week either depending on if being back at work aggravates it. It's not a major injury or anything, just in an awkward spot and not something that will heal over quickly.

The show must go on!

This is the only other result from the technocracy datapad. Assuming these drop in lieu of documents other ships have, this makes me feel better about being spoiled, because I was inevitably going to loot these things until I found this anyways, if only on the off chance it unlocks a new ship for us (it did not.)

Also, god damn the fucking stats on this thing. No wonder they kept kicking my ass, I couldn't fucking hit them and they couldn't fucking miss, AND they had armour to shrug off the rapid fire guns that could land hits. In theory they'd go down pretty fast to certain weapon types though, they've got low damage capacity. Low range too.

Some more testing with the crystal skull reveals it does indeed cost health to attack while it's equipped. I never noticed before because Lenneth and the Syns have health regen, and the description's implication was already explained by the hefty health cost to use it as a mind probe. Sadly, this makes it kinda crap for a catgirl, unless I do something weird like feed her meat at the end of the mission to recover the health loss, or mushroom beer ahead of time.

Oh cool, a gun from a guy I can't buy shit from :roll:

Kind of a shitty gun at that. To be fair, that's a lot of damage for a handgun. Might be nice on a spy mission.

Hmm, a tad underwhelming. Maybe it's got really good training bonuses?

Picked this up off a clickor. Those rimrider prisoners keep revealing cool stuff. I'd have probably brushed off these skinny nerds without this dossier. Sounds like they're top of the line though.

Finally got around to this. Annoyingly, this probably means I'll need to get a similar tech from a cardinal and provost. Maybe the reticulan elder as well.

Well, I do like the idea of a tech cache though. Weird that the base investigation doesn't indicate it unlocks a mission. Maybe it's free stuff? :happytrollboy:

Damn, 150 red shields, these are basically exosuits with evasion and voodoo defense. Nasty. EMP would definitely help here, they take 50% from it, which is plenty. given it shreds red shields and bypasses 75% of arnour.

I love these little events you get while keeping gnomes 'prisoner'. Worth keeping one locked up just for this.

Gun kata isn't great for brining up low stats either, but hell, it's not like I can afford to bring everyone on missions right now anyways. Come to think of it, we haven't unlocked any bugeye power armour. If we do, I'll give it to Optimisto here.

I do like the convntional dakka.

Wow, that's quite a few options. Feels like this was a tech I should have had a while ago. I'll grab the HSR beause it's the most mysterious sounding. The bulldog might be nice too, super shotgun might unlock some doom themed shit, and the mini-cougar might be nice for lokknar?

Ooh, and we can immediately make that durandal cannon. It's super cheap, but also not that great, honestly.

More rimrider tech. Nasty!

Finally, a weapon to surpass Metal Gear Bombard shells. At least, normal shells. Maybe hell bombard shells also have 42 radius and 450 damage, but I kinda doubt it. Hard to imagine how to even use this, honestly. Too heavy to throw. Most units can't make it nearly far enough to safely deploy. I suppose I could stuff it in the trunk of a bike or something and drop it on the far side of the map? I don't like the idea of giving it to a suicide dog because frankly, it'd probably get shot down 12 tiles away from us.

Breakers showing up to try raid us now. Fuck off!

Was on the fence about replacing enemy ships with allied ones, but honestly, we don't need to be shooting down a million ships to maintain our funds or score at this point. Some free passive score sounds nice, and this might lead to other cool shit.

Ah, HSR was 'heavy sniper rifle'. Sadly, it's pretty inferior to our snipey guns with HVAP ammo. Though, the chem rounds might be good for picking off star god guardians from a safe distance... The concussive ones seem dumb. 1 tile radius and low damage, what good will that do?

Stop taunting my with heroes and send me one! Or like, twelve!

Alright, it's the moment one of you has been hassling me for over and over again. Thankfully I remembered to send an escort with our dropship to fight off the defensive fighter.

Just as I expected, it split the troops. Well, fuck.

I thought elevators were basically open windows, but it seems not until you use them. I guess they're more like doors in the floor? The comm tower ones don't work like that though, you can see directly above right away...

Well, look who's standing right near our spawn point.

He's even kind enough to be facing away, and so is his buddy.

Fuck. There's another engineer behind him facing us though.

Even the engineers have 75 reactions. And it's round 0, so full TUs.

Lenneth has about double his reactions, so should be able to get close to 50% TUs, or around 75 remaining, before drawing reaction fire.

Reaction fire from this, by the way. Enough dakka to kill Lenneth two or three times over with a single snapshot, never mind two.

Still, I did the math and the serpent staff is good enough to pull this off... oh. Unless there's ANOTHER FUCKING MERC behind this one. How was he hidden?

And it's a captain. With heavy plasma.

Based on the angle, I think we can evade his LoS and get back up, as long as we leave the body behind. But I'm worried the other engineer will be able to react fire when we turn away from him.

The plan was to have slut pop down, ventilate the second engineer, and let Lenneth escape. This should still work. Maybe. Our reactions are kinda shit so I'm expecting the engineer to fire on slut, actually. Hopefully he's accurate and doesn't tag Lenneth by accident. Slut will take massive damage, but with 60% pierce modifier, Slut should survive even a heavy guass burst. I think.

Captain's reactions are quite high. And 164 health, god damn. Melee expert too. Scary.

Not sure how, but Slut gets into position without being shot. I'm assuming it's a LoS issue.

Just to confirm, we CAN get back up the lift after firing.

Fatty doesn't disappoint! Though it was closer than I'd have liked. That merc armour is no joke.

We send a more expendable gal to grab the corpse. Plate has pretty good plasma defense too. The merc also dropped one of these cards, but we don't have the spare TUs to grab it. Just the body.

Well fuck. That's a problem.

It seems the elevators don't qualify as escape tiles like I'd thought. Everyone else can get back into position to leave... but not Slut.

I'm tempted to just leave her behind, honestly, but I don't want to lose the bio suit or the Fatty. The other team is actually in a worse position honestly. These giant ass elevators make it way, way too easy for enemies to fire through the gap and into our spawn room. There's no safe place to hide.

Best I can do is throw a rat at the bottom of it as a distraction and spread everyone out so we don't lose 4 people to a single rocket.

Tits Randy becomes a backstabbing monster by killing the rat with reaction fire. What a monster.

Well, that's not going to do the trick now is it.


...and Lightbane is dead.

Slut also very nearly died. Not exactly sure what from, the enemy turn was quite the clusterfuck.

Maybe it was this thing? Might also have been the shocktrooper that got into melee wth her.

Seems we're going home with 11 crew after all!

I did at least manage to snag the shocktrooper as well on the way out. The viper staff is amazing.


J/K you're too valuable to be resting. Get back to work!


Dec 27, 2008
ind of a shitty gun at that. To be fair, that's a lot of damage for a handgun. Might be nice on a spy mission.
Is that Deckard's gun?

t. Hard to imagine how to even use this, honestly. Too heavy to throw
Just like regular explosive barrels, like I did: Give it to a flying gal, drop it from above, run the hell away from the explosion.

...and Lightbane is dead.

/K you're too valuable to be resting. Get back to work!
How did you recover the body? I guess it was in the escape area.
That was a short base assault. But then again it seems you're not ready yet.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
So, despite ending the mission with like 130 damage, Slut is good to go again immediately. Another reason Bio Suits are OP as hell. Honestly, I'm feeling more and more inclined to mass produce these and turn everyone into weirdgals to use them. Well, 'mass produce' in terms of attempt to, realistically it'd involve mining for gems and shit.... but I could make at least 2 more right now.


Pet project is proceding along, black (and blood) widow titles acquired. Just need to build up those melee kills gradually over time now. Might update after all just to see if it unlocks some more catgirl ninja training options. Considering how good the bio suits are (and I assume they're path locked) I would hope the war path has some comparably crazy training/ninja type outfits at this stage of the game, or will in the future. When we finally finish the game I plan to do an update or two browsing spoilers and discussing coulda/woulda/shoulda and theorycrafting shit before moving onto a different LP.

Ogre powersuit. Not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand... it's armored like a tank. And it actually boosts firing, making them excellent for standing out in the open and sniping/minigunning enemies into oblivion. OTOH, it lowers strength and a bunch of other stats, and melee is thematically fun. And while 130 armour is a big number, it's a lot less impressive when you consider armour piercing weapons that will more easily punch through it than a bio suit or even plate mail in some cases.

Ah, I'd assumed their gauntlets did elec, but plasma explains how Slut got so injured so quickly. Good to know.

The shocktrooper unlocked brute research which finished very quickly. It's not bad, but I'm not enthused about the triple freshness drain. Still probably a better option than plate in a desert fight and it's immune to gas though. But the stat buffs aren't that impressive so I'll probably pass on this and try for medispiders instead for the gals that can't use biosuits. Need a source of surgery units though...

One step closer to plasma cannons.

Uh, not what I expected that to unlock, but sure. Plasma mess hall it is.

Another surprise, rather than being generic tech or unlocking ships, we get a ship accessory. A rather good one at that; this could make or break some speed thresholds. Could maybe stuff it on the crab, though going to 4k doesn't let us catch fighters, sadly.

The fatty failed me! These golden shields really do laugh off laser weapons. Also, accidentally tagged our own tank, which did, in fact, require sickbay time afterwards. Very strange, I'd assumed vehicles skipped that as a rule, like the hyena rider does.

BIG ship has arrived. I hadn't planned on using it much for missions but... this thing doesn't just have a roof hatch, it has one sized for fucking tanks! I could put a bombard in here, pop onto the roof, fire, and pop back down. Insanity. Even for infantry, having such a massive height adavantage to snipe from would be a big deal.

The ship is actually 3 floors plus the ramp, so the roof is 4 tiles up. As far as safety... well the tank lift goes all the way to the ground too so it's not ideal, but it's not too shabby either. Lots of places you could set up a killbox, no windows, etc. Definitely a solid layout. And obviously, it'll make for a much more threatening base assault without having to move a convoy for days.

Huh, these guys are apparently scarier than I'd thought. Will have to keep in mind the enemy might have camo'd dudes with rocket launchers even when the coast seems clear.

Dang, this thing really does shred armour. Snapshot is ~60 armour shredded if all pellets hit. That'd put a bio suit out of commission in a hurry for sure. Hopefully they're not common.

The real reason we grabbed the engineer. Aside from solving our shortage, it might be super profitable, or, failing that, might unlock some new armour.

Some power armour for our humans is certainly nice. If it's cheap enough to make I might get a bunch of these to fill out our merc base assault.

Ooh, this might be good too.

IT'S ON! Figured if merc assault is going on the back burner until we're more prepared, we should have something else going on. Looking forward to this, even if those ninja assassins seem really scary.

Yep, as I feared, we'll need to either build a spa in this base, or move the tower to our base that has a spa. Probably the latter, since the spa is more expensive and requires slaves and shit, and more space. Ugh.

Well, this certainly helps my mood though. Wasn't expecting something like this. It means the luxury quarters I've been making have been a bit of a waste, but even so, this will save so much space. Once I get the money together. Thankfully we can make 30 million a month easily now. This month wasn't so great for cash since I spent most of it making that ship and replacing lost gear, but even so we've been making significant upgrades to our bases in the background, mostly replacing turrets with luxury quarters, which will pave the way for more research and space to shuffle stuff like this into existence.

Another nice upgrade. Extra brainer, replaces still (though I have those power plants anyways....) and a solid gun to boot.

Hadn't planned on it, but we might be getting a new rank next month with all the fighters I've shot down in the last week or two.

Last of the rimrider interrogations finished up. Bit disappointed I didn't get something more useful, but we got a fair bit of lore and gun specs at least. Also, catgirls have the coolest warships for sure.

Tesla cannon turned out to be a craft weapon, sadly. Might be worth making as a shield mulcher to take down one of those science vessels.... It's respectable as a light weapon too. Point blank range is irrelevant since all enemy ships have like 40km range anyways or make it impossible to dance in sweet spot.

This one took a lot of brainer power. But at long last, we have a way to replace the functionality of our old earth lab. Expensive as hell, but slave AIs drop like candy when we raid ships, so ramping our research up in a big way is certainly on the horizon. Will probably work on production first though. Scaling us from ~30 million a month to 100 million a month is totally viable in the next month or two and will make implementing the tech we're unlocking a lot easier.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Well, 'mass produce' in terms of attempt to, realistically it'd involve mining for gems and shit
I think it's better to do manufacturing and using the money to buy gems from Jack, but I haven't done the math.
As far as safety... well the tank lift goes all the way to the ground too so it's not ideal, but it's not too shabby either.
It does mean you can get sniped from the sides. But I find that the ability to just go down one tile, attack, and go back up easily lets you establish a secure perimeter where they can't get los on your feet. One of the best ship layouts in the game imo.
so ramping our research up in a big way is certainly on the horizon.
Don't you already have like 50 brainers?
When we finally finish the game I plan to do an update or two browsing spoilers and discussing coulda/woulda/shoulda and theorycrafting shit before moving onto a different LP.
Bold of you to assume you won't game over!


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
The concussive ones seem dumb. 1 tile radius and low damage, what good will that do?
hit under armor probably

there is a machine gun with explosive rounds that spartans run around with, caught me off guard once by almost killing a gal in plate
The spitfire. It's a fun gun. Not very good, but there's something about full auto explosives that tickles my fancy. Kept one on my craft loadout faaaar beyond its obsolescence.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Don't you already have like 50 brainers?
About 60 at the moment. But given the way I'm researching, more brainers to brute force more options faster seems like a great investment. We've never come even close to having idle brainers this entire time.

You mean If.
Also, don't forget to try a new update and finish loose storylines!
I find your lack of faith... amusing! Go on, doubt me, fools!

I'll grab the update after swiftpaws training I think. As for loose storylines... I'm working on it! Not sure why the doctor X stuff came to a grinding halt, I researched the new missions... I started up the ninja one too. I suppose I could throw kidnapping aurora in the mix too.

Don't pilots get hurt though?
Apparently? But not hyena riders? Seems backwards to me.

Just a single mission this time.

Time to finally get a decent amount of wiz tokens?

Very, very long enemy phase. Mildly concerning.

Terrain is actually pretty open. This is pretty favourable, we can open doors and snipe each turn.

The tower is ~20 tiles high. Jesus. I hope we don't need to climb that.

Cacodemons take a lot of punishment, but we've got plenty to deliver.

Pinkies are hardly even worth mention. Lightning Tome is going to do a lot of work this mission.

Yep, 400 hp, and it throws plasma blasts.

Unfortunately for it, it was standing right under a door. It took 2 of the 6 lightning blasts from the volley to take it down.

Purple = chem blast = hell baron? I'm eager to capture one, that's a lot of demon essence.

Possessed are pouring out of the tower too, but they're mostly an annoyance. They die easy, I just need to check their weapons to not leave one with a rocket or plasma gun alive.

Or whatever this thing is.

God damn, 1030 health. Capturing this might be a pipe dream.

Kinda wish I'd shown up during the day, tower bricks look kinda cool.

More lightning spam. It's doing low damage at this range, but it's basically infinite ammo.

Went after a caco with a neural whip. This was 3-4 hits iirc? So we did 14 actual health damage, no stun as far as I can see (I assume they have immunity so we need elec to stun them) and no morale loss, but nearly 300 freshness damage. Will have to examine their detailed stats and figure out if there's a way to keep them down. Keeping their energy at 0 would do the trick, since they don't have guns.

Cacodemon acquired! Glad I remembered to replace these linux guns. They might be shit vs armour, but they're great for stuff like this.

Baron put to bed as well. Just need to remember he's there; he keeps waking back up and we can't whip him into submission.

20 turns down. Honestly, not that bad considering the size of that tower.

time to float up and peek inside a bit. Seems mostly empty rooms with barrels?

Roof is bare aside from cool torches.

Whoops. Thought I'd be too far. Damn their NV. Thankfully their aim is shit.

Seems like a bad spot to stand.

Top room of the tower. There was a dildo in here, but she froze to death I think.

Scanner at the base of the tower reveals nothing? Is it empty already?

Tower is apparently not empty! Imp took a good chunk out of Tits when she went down the stairs, but Lenneth was nearby and picked it off.

Better positioned scan reveals an enemy.

Fucking hell, it was a baron! Well...

Eat lightning motherfucker!


Ah, chainmail and a bardiche. Great. Totally worth it.

Okay, to be fair a tome of lightning is a sweet reward. We got some other cool stuff too, the crown, lots of salts, a BFG battery?

Plenty of high end captures too, we can get a fuckton of essence out of them, or maybe some cool tech. Weapons documentation might reveal a BFG? And simulacrum arms, though I think we had those already? I think it's legs we need? I forget.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Cyberdemon will have 4120
any tips on how to deal wtih it?
I don't even know if it exists, I'm just predicting.

Hopefully it doesn't retain the immunity to explosives it had in doom though. Although, crazy to think that you'd need like 4 nukes to kill one.
Honestly, Gandalf could easily put in like ~1000-1500 with the tome, and with a crystal skull our Syn could probably dish out somewhere in the neighbourhood of ~30,000, depending on resistances. Come to think of it, the Tome has no ammo and isn't two handed, I should try it with the skull... though you'd run out of freshness after ~3 volleys.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
I really want this thing. Why are mutant tokens so hard to get? Why did I waste them all on Saya? Why haven't I used the option to buy prisoners she unlocked (they're all way too fucking expensive!)


Apparently I should have just murdered a baron, we missed out on a chance to get a giant skull. Lame.

One more potential unique mission on the pile.

Well, it's better than most of the smart weapons, but consider me whelmed.

Ditto here. It's pretty good for a light weapon, I guess?

This is nice just so I can stop worrying about taking megapol captives.

Another awesome month infamry wise. Incoming rank upgrade?

Had this pop up after claiming the '30mm cannon' prize from jack. Tech tree is weird, we've been able to build those cannons for ages. What the hell are these batteries?

Another claimed prize. Might be decent, but I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to use mortars right now.

Ah yes, definitely too weak. Sure thing.

This feels more like how I expected the faction bases to work. Again, seems strange that this gradual buildup I can fight back against is triggered entirely voluntarily while the mercs get to just dump bases wherever the fuck they want at will and I can't do shit about it.

Getting close to having all seven of these. Our ninja-cat in training just needs a few more murders under her belt for swiftpaws training too...

Another Jack prize, since we're swimming in those tokens. Sadly, this was a waste of time. I'm not interested in turning my glamour into money through tedious micromanagement.

Previously useless ninja prisoners can now spill the beans again. Perhaps I should have kept more on hand? Nah, we can get more easily enough...

Speaking of hoarding useless crap, we've got 5 simulacrum parts but only split across 3 types. Gimme some legs and a torso!

I've been researching a lot of weapons we've passed by in tech levels; mostly various flavours of explosives. These seemed a tad more interesting than most though, providing cutting as a grenade. Good to know.

More intel on the ninja base lifecycle. I wonder if I'll need to let a fortress form to be done with them.

Finally a payoff for researching all these smartguns- it's not nearly as punchy or accurate as a proper sniper rifle, but at only 30% cost per shot, it's great for overwatch purposes with that HVAP ammo in the right hands. I'll make a few and kit out Lenneth and an ogre or two, I think. Actually, maybe not the ogres, since it scales off reactions and not firing. Hmm. Some gals with flightsuits? Catgirls maybe?

They require those rare weapon parts, but I think I can buy those now, maybe with tokens.

Ooh, time to put this invincible fort to the test!

Well. Fuck. Apparently, unlike every other fucking aggressive enemy encountered so far, this one had the ability to preferentially target my fighter instead of the tanky crab. RIP the Claw. That sucks balls. Time to make a new fighter I suppose. Maybe I'll do that one with 4 weapon slots and give it some bombs.

The crab can tank it for a while, but not forever, and we don't seem to be thrashing the mobile fort either. Or maybe we were one shot from winning. Who knows.

Note to self: Put kidnapping this bitch into the research queue. I've dealt with enough missile swarms already, thanks.

Ah, I should have done this one last month, this is totally the way to get the next rank up. Oh well.

Putting that on the back burner. Seems like a safe bet missions on mars will be nastier than ones on earth.

Not generally a shotgun fan but... that's a nice shotgun.

Hmm, so it's like a shitty flak cannon we could have gotten early, I guess? Well, good to know I didn't miss much.

Random socializing dossier. Shiny! I want one. Perhaps some guard Aurora?

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