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Heroes of Might & Magic 4 Defense Thread


Oct 1, 2020
Decided against the regular scenarios, even the ones from the expansion, and started with the campaigns.

The True Blade
Very clearly the easiest of the campaigns. You get two story heroes in the first map, then later get two more, in addition to two you build up yourself. Very generous. In addition, you only ever deal with Havens, so every victory you have just causes a snowball effect. By the end scenario you basically don't even need an army, you can just march through the map with your heroes. The story is bog-standard, though in retrospect I see the beginning of what seems to be a writer on the team who would much rather be writing about attractive ladies with beautiful orbs then succession crisises in a new world.
I'm not really sure that the might hero starting with tactics is that much of a help in the beginning, since early boosts don't seem that noticeable to me. Obviously it's useful later, but early on combat is the most vital skill in the game. Life magic feels oddly self-centered, sure there's the requisite defensive, healing and bless spells, but most are either defensive for life or offensive against death, with no in-between.
Creature-wise this is the most balanced town. You get a good balance between ranged and melee units, with even the tier 1 melee units being somewhat useful thanks to their stun ability. Ranged units are more powerful early on thanks to having no ranged penalties. I think ultimately between the champion and the angel the champion is the better choice, even if angels feel more powerful.

Glory of Days Past
Now things are no longer a cakewalk. You only get one hero for a while, then another of your choice. Surprised this Tarnum guy never shows up, it's not like they really give a pretense about proper balance when it comes to heroes, they're just appropriate levels for the campaign. Never realized he had a whole set of games to him either, we did not hear about Heroes Chronicles in these parts. I didn't realize he was responsible for the plot twist this game had.
That said, the campaign's power curve is just enough that assuming you don't screw up the first few turns you can breeze through it. There might be some pushback, but again, all might towns, so a snowball effect. Because you have a might hero to start with he's probably invincible on the battlefield in the early game after the first scenario.
Barbarian heroes are technically OP in that they get 3 skills instead of the 2 everyone else does, and how very useful combat is at the start of the game. But magic is a very important skill in this game and I think you can only ever get nature magic unless you really go out of your way to make your secondary hero an order mage or something. It wouldn't be very helpful considering you only ever fight at barbarian towns and never ever see a town that would get you more order spells.
There are three creatures in barbarian towns which are top tier. The tier 1 units, oddly enough, even if they get some crippling issues to compensate. Sure, you can't choose who the berserkers attack, but they're so powerful it doesn't matter. Sure, the centaurs need to be practically right up against an enemy to deal full ranged damage, but they hit just as hard in melee and if you have order magic or one particular artifact they're deadly. The tier 3 cyclops are a wrecking crew, even in their present state they should have been tier 4. To compensate for this, tier 2 units feel like fodder. Yeah, they get the ability to attack the enemy first or with no repercussions, but man they're weak and they die like that.

The Price of Peace
This wasn't exactly hard, but the game was throwing some annoying aspects at the player. A lot of missions involving enemies who get one way teleports into your territory, which forces you to divide your forces so they don't overrun your towns while you're away. Further, it's no longer a matter of just steamrolling the enemy, enemy towns are varied.
This one kind of has an interesting story to it. The first two were all about someone becoming the king of said faction, and while this one continues that, it has some twists and turns in it. The writer is getting a bit horny in places.
In the last scenario, they put you on a team with an AI player, and unlike enemy AIs who constantly dart in and out of my territory stealing my mines, friendly AI is off in the corner jerking off wondering if he should go into blue's territory or not. This guy has four armies just silently staring at any given time and none of them are any good.
Might heroes are technically useless in combat starting out, but as order towns get a skill gifting place, they can probably get something that makes them useful soon. Magic heroes are OP. Order magic is OP. Some damaging spells, very useful boon spells like precision, but all the mind control spells and teleport. In a siege? Teleport the enemies out one by one, the AI will never do anything about it if you kill the unit in one turn. Berserk and hypnotize allow you to use the enemies forces against him. No need to worry about retaliation when the enemy is the one to suffer for it.
Order units are a mixed bag. Tier 1 and Tier 2 are basically fodder, mostly just useful because they're in front of the real stars of the show. The Genies. Get about 30 of them together and they get a no retaliation ranged attack. Of course, against magic resistant enemies or ice demons, useless, but those are rare in this campaign. Magi have potential too, but the enemy just loves taking these guys out, gold golems serve the fodder/defense role better.
I do note that because of the treasury, you're really given a reason to hold onto your gold as much as possible, which may or may not be a bad thing.

In the middle of the nature campaign now. I fucking hate the nature campaign.
Yeah I remember enjoying The True Blade campaign and quite liked that first level as it felt like they went all out with the world map eye candy that kind felt unequaled in all their other maps even if others were better for gameplay.

Being a Heroes Chronicles player (a bunch of mini standalone addons to Heroes 3 staring an immortal hero named Tarnum) I remember enjoying Glory of Days Past 'kind of' continuing his story, but wanted more than what we got.

And yeah.. I remember getting quite annoyed with the nature campaign lol.. love story sucked ass and I found their weird units a little harder master than other races.
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Feb 9, 2016
Got a quick rundown on Heroes 4's expansions and what they added to the game, its balance, if they helped make the game feel less unfinished etc?
I played H4 and it didn't grab me for as long as H3 did, but I also never got around to trying the expansions.


Oct 1, 2020
I enjoyed playing the expansions but I think it was because I put them on ice and didn't play them for 10 years. So by the time I ended up playing them I was looking through nostalgic "ahh the good old NWC days before Ubisuck f*cked up everything" glasses.. whereas if I played them back when they first came out I probably would have been all "Urgh NWC is so dying under 3DO right now as this is so half arsed & low budget".

It's hard to remember now for sure but I don't think they did any wonders for balancing as they added a bunch of OP special units into the campaign stories to make missions more 'fun'.

I do remember enjoying the last mission of the last campaign of the last addon where you had to bring down this huge human knight kingdom in the center of the map. Kinda reminded me of the good last mission in Age of Wonders 1 where similarly all the other races had to bring down the powerful human knight kingdom in the center too.

Morpheus Kitami

May 14, 2020
Got a quick rundown on Heroes 4's expansions and what they added to the game, its balance, if they helped make the game feel less unfinished etc?
I played H4 and it didn't grab me for as long as H3 did, but I also never got around to trying the expansions.
I will never get over how they made that the name of some random protagonist in one that.
Anyway, I've just played a few random missions but they barely add anything. A few units each, some more artifacts I haven't used yet and an arena where you get a level for killing dragons. That last one's actually balanced, which is nice. Otherwise they fix nothing.

Morpheus Kitami

May 14, 2020
Elwin and Shaera
I hate the nature campaign. Your first two missions are absolute slogs, even if you rush things as much as you can you're still bogged down in fighting your way through towns and heroes. At least with only one primary hero he eats up all the experience and stat bonuses. This one would have been nicer if they made the campaign about Elwin and Shaera have Elwin and Shaera as your only heroes and maybe they spend the campaign together as opposed to one being in text except when she's actually a hero in the last level for some reason? She has a portrait but she just sits in one corner of the map. Good if you wanted that portrait for your custom map, I guess.
I don't remember anything about the proceeding maps, except they used a ton of one-way portals and after the second/third mission my strategy became, Elwin runs around killing everything he can, when he can't he gathers up a army from his towns. In the final level I was dealing with these annoying one-way portals so much. They had them outside every town you could capture until you reached the area the player was in. It wasn't difficult, they give you sort of well built hero for the final level and the two of them just soloed the entire opening section by themselves. But they just sent so many and it was so tedious getting them all down. Do you know what happens when they run out of a particular type of hero, male or female? They generate new ones with the same portraits.
Might heroes get combat, basic combat and ranged, which is very nice. Nature magic, on the other hand, is a weird mismash of random bullshit they thought was cool. Nature magic's special is summoning, in which you get up to 50 or so XP of some nature unit depending on the level. It's just useless compared to other specials. Resurrect insures you aren't completely crippled after taking out an enemy army, necromancy is the same. Hypnotize means your army size quickly increases if you go after seemingly useless stacks and sorcery or whatever Chaos's special is just increases the power of your spells. This doesn't even scale, it's just 1 or 2 units per turn. It's basically just fodder if you're having your hero solo a bunch of areas.
Nature units are fast and a bit focused on melee units. Elves have some nice abilities, but in practice they're weak for what they are. Shooting twice is only nice if it does a decent amount of damage. Still they're the only real ranged unit outside of the creature portal, so I found myself buying them almost exclusively. I rounded out the town often by exclusively using wormworts or whatever they're called, because they actually deal decent damage and hit enemies with weakness.
By the same token I exclusively used fairie dragons, their spellcasting abilities were very useful. I imagine they're less useful in regular matches that aren't nature against nature, nature has no defense against spells outside of the odd hero.

Hmm, the intro text mentions the heroine of the Order campaign. I wonder what order these all are supposed to technically take place in? Anyway, the first level of this one is a bit weird, because its really against you to actually play the first level as death, you only get barbarian towns until you go to the other side of a river, even then its just nature and order. Instead your death army is gathered from various dwellings. I basically just played it as barbarian, but with a hero using necromancy. It might not be the optimal way to play it, because despite rushing the first two, order only lost because I captured his town as he was devastating my barbarian ones.
The second is more a proper one. There's nothing special about it, the usual one-way portals into your territory. Easier than most, perhaps because the undead suffer no morale, or perhaps because the enemy AI, in its infinite wisdom to steal troops away from me and ignore their own morale, tends to hire undead creatures. Scores of vampires in a death army are a threat. Scores of vampires in a life army is not the wisest strategy. You just handed me a free action in which to cast a spell ruining most of your units.
The third is just an absolute slog. I swear just walking across the map takes a month. I figured out a strategy to ensure I would eventually get a decisive advantage over the enemy in nearly all situations, capture towns they don't have their big heroes at, then, when they approach, buy off all the creatures and ship them somewhere else.
Then it gets more or less fairly mundane with the final map, despite some time requirements, is quite nice to play.
I dislike how death is now the necromancy town+krogan. Its a weird change. I also question why gargoyles are now part of death for some reason. Its weird. The undead should be on their own, and the demons should be in another town. Anyway, as death you are overwhelmingly focused on melee combat, with slow, beefed up defensive units. Skeletons, zombies and ghosts are much harder to kill than they rightly should and makes up for their other weaknesses. With skeletons and ghosts you're probably going to be seeing a lot of them thanks to necromancy raising them.
Demons are for the most part, the better choice. Imps are fast but otherwise useless, draining a few points of mana is hardly worth it. Cerebri are very useful since they attack multiple enemies. Poison Spawn are the only ranged unit, which makes them valuable even if the other choice is vampires. I'm 50/50 on whether devils or bone dragons are more useful. Their teleport move is somewhat broken against the AI if you have them wait, but they seem weaker than they should.
Might heroes are basically just edgelord knights, right down to having the same skill. Death magic, on the other hand, is quite useful since basically every negative effect spell is here. Outside of the very useful misfortune. Necromancy is very useful, almost as useful as resurrection. Its annoying about how limited it is in this game, but I guess that's for balance purposes since it could be broken in Heroes 3. If you add in nature magic, death magic gets some demon summoning spells which cost a very high amount of magic. Which makes it nice, but kind of annoying.

Took some time off, then slowly got back in with a few scenarios. Order's later power is heavily balanced by them being kind of shit starting out. A level 1 order mage with some dwarves and halflings are basically screwed against most ranged enemies.

The Pirate's Daughter
The most tedious campaign at least at first. You're playing as a pirate, in a sense, but in practice you dump the pirates as soon as you're able. Chaos is a bit overpowered when going so the opening map ensures you take as long as possible to get that power. So you wander around at sea for a good ten turns unless you realize the town you see through an eye is in fact, where you should be heading. If I'm honest, the sea shit is just completely pointless and pirates are a complete distraction.
The first half of this large map is then about dealing with green, who has three barbarian towns to start with, if not more. At any point, Green can decide to tear you limb from limb, because he gets a two-way teleport into your territory but you can't get into some of his towns thanks to a border guard. You really have to speed through this one, something that's very hard. Helped by the fact that I know that one of the two heroes you get in this campaign is going to betray the player later, so he gets all the scouting skills.
Still, both green and blue end up having more units than me, green in particular has something like 70 thunderbirds before long. I grind down green, but I really only won thanks to two strokes of luck. Firstly, Green went after blue, which meant they were losing units to each other, not me. The second is that blue's primary hero and army, which was so powerful from not having to fight anyone at all that I'd never win otherwise, was on a small island just as I was approaching. I stole his boat and just left him there. He never bothered sending another boat after him. Finally, after just over 11 months, I won. Is this an unusual experience? No idea.
Map 2...is far easier. Within 2 weeks I've killed the purple player and have three towns. And that's just with two heroes at level 12, one of which I intentionally crippled as a fighter. Within a month the green player is dead too, leaving just the blue player, who only has one town to my five. Later two towns, but I still have the eventual advantage. Despite somehow managing to pick up his own Tawni Belfour. (HUH?)
The third map is basically map 1, except almost everything is a chaos town and I can afford to have Tawni steamroll most of the map with Pete. Enemy players keep getting their own Tawni, but fortunately mine is still the strongest. This takes a while to deal with, but it isn't that bad because its just moving through an already clear map. At this point, you get another important hero, Cyrca or whatever, who is naturally weaker than the other two. At least if you make Pete good as opposed to the person you dump scouting and nobility skills on. The map design is failing, because several locations aren't actually accessible.
Map 4 is your usual bullshit "enemy teleports to you one-way" map, with the added bonus that reaching the enemy takes forever. You have to go through an underwater river on boat, and god help you if you miss the side area which has the green tent you need to reach the town with a shipyard. Now the enemy has their own Cyrca, but the good news is that she isn't as strong as mine.
The final map is more of the same, but this one was nicely paced and the enemy can't really fight against me at this point. I divided up Cyrca and Tawni, so I was cutting through twice as many troops. Its really fun just killing things with a high end hero. At the end there's a section where you have to reach two locations within 5 days, which because only one of my heroes actually had seamanship, made one a just in time thing.
Chaos is weird. This one got really shuffled up. I guess that's true of all of them outside of order and life, but these feel more awkwardly put in. Sure, death is merging two different towns together, but that's at least done in a way that makes sense. Two groups of evil people grouping together. Nature merges Rampart and Conflux, but frankly Conflux was always the town that was slapped together. Might makes their changes work. Chaos is just Dungeon but now you got bandits, orcs, efreti and hydras. I'm not the only one who thinks its slapdash, right?
This also carries over to the units themselves, because a lot are broken for or against you. Bandits are the worst fodder troop in the game. A stack of 100 medusas, meanwhile, is very scary, because their ability to instant kill some troops is just that powerful. They're the only unit who were scary to fight as with a solo hero. The other tier 2 unit, minotaurs, are also broken, because their block ability seems to activate just whenever it would be least convenient for you. Hydra are nice as far as tier 4 units go, but there's no reason to ever not pick up a black dragon. They're more powerful than anything else in the base game, immunity to magic or no immunity to magic.
Might heros get scouting, which is nice because you can actually traverse through some maps in a decent number of days. On the other hand, its the worst choice for a hero you're just leaving in a town for when the enemy comes through. I ended up picking up either nature or death heroes for the most part. Magic heroes, well, they start off weak, but they end up very powerful. They get all the damage spells, but more importantly, they get misfortune, first strike and confusion. Outside of a few life spells I think it could stand entirely on its own.
Also, chaos magic + combat is one of the best classes. Immunity to fire damage is very useful if it takes you forever to get grandmaster magic resistance.

As far as rating these campaigns go...
Fun factor: M>L>C>O>D>N

Might and Life were the most well-structured. I want a few more heroes I can play around with rather than just have one or maybe two campaign heroes. This is not entirely why I disliked Death and Nature, they were just slogs and the stories were the worst. Chaos and Order had some good ideas and some good maps, but they also had some slogs going on.

Playing through all these campaigns again, I kind of realize how many classes get shafted for whatever reason. Some will have really powerful abilities, others are defacto pointless. Others, like any two combinations of magics, tend to be a bit hard to hold onto. I found it a good idea to have three magic abilities on my heroes when I could. Only one hero in a party needs tactics or scouting. But three magic skills gets you Archmage, even if two are close to being maxed out and the other is barely there.

Now, I wonder if the expansion campaigns are any good.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
It's been a while since I played this, but I still remember how terrible the Nature campaign was.

Morpheus Kitami

May 14, 2020
As you can tell by how I haven't said anything about it, I did not find the first campaign of the first expansion worth playing for very long and just gave up on it. You play as an archmage named "Bohb", and his barbarian friend Violet. "Bohb", incidentally, has all five magic skills, so he's a bit crippled as far as combat goes. Worse still, the primary magical focus in the first two missions is Nature Magic. At least in the first mission you get primarily barbarian towns so you have some hope. I got stuck for a while on the first mission. The enemy sorceress you have to take out has an artifact which allows her to travel across everything easily, and somehow she managed to feint me out several times...only for her to stand outside her town solo where upon I took her out. I have no idea if I'd beat it legit. I gave up on mission two, you primarily get nature towns but I grabbed some barbarian towns quite quickly. The big problem was that you only get tier 4 units in the nature towns, and nature units plus an order and barbarian hero equals shit morale. Plus even with the artifact that allows faster travel it felt like it took me forever to cross even a small section of a medium map, so the decision to give up was easy.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
Homm 4 isn't bad, it's just objectively worse than 2 and 3. 3 and 2 and even to a lesser extent 1(although 1 was super unbalanced and only had 4 factions) being so god tier makes 4 weak in comparison.

When I was in highschool, I guess I was playing homm 2 in the morning. It was still on in a battle when I got home, my parents were out and my siblings weren't there so my girlfriend(now wife) and I started having sex.

That music was playing and I was humping her to the beat in that music. This pissed her off and she told me to get off, so she got to listen/watch me yell at people on halo 3 instead.

Fun times :).


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
I think it is. But it's a good game in its own right. It had a certain vibe, not a Hereos vibe perhaps but a cool one nonetheless. Unpopular opinion but I liked the terrain music more than that of Heroes III. Town music however is better in Heroes III.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
I think it is. But it's a good game in its own right. It had a certain vibe, not a Hereos vibe perhaps but a cool one nonetheless. Unpopular opinion but I liked the terrain music more than that of Heroes III. Town music however is better in Heroes III.

The music in all the homm games is pretty god tier

Even going back to homm 1

^love that one

Morpheus Kitami

May 14, 2020
Homm 4 isn't bad, it's just objectively worse than 2 and 3. 3 and 2 and even to a lesser extent 1(although 1 was super unbalanced and only had 4 factions) being so god tier makes 4 weak in comparison.
I don't know. I like the heroes in 4 a lot better than the heroes in the rest of the series, though in all other respects Heroes 3 is clearly better. That said, 4 has the disadvantage that all heroes are basically the same, whereas every other game gives each their own ability. I'd say something like 3>4>2>King's Bounty>Hammer of the Gods>1>don't care about 5, haven't played the other two. That said, I really need to replay 2, since I never really gave it as much attention as 3 or 4.
Heroes 2 always felt to me like a dry run to Heroes 3. Not bad, but clearly lacking in places that made Heroes 3 truly great. This isn't that important, but it's the only entry in the series that feels like it takes place in the same world as the mainline games. Heroes 3 and MM7 technically take place in the same place, but they just seem like they're barely placed together, and don't feel that connected to the previous entries. MM6's plot directly connects to Heroes 2 and while it sets up Heroes 3, because of how the Krogan are treated there, they are somewhat disconnected.
Heroes 1 always felt like the worst one of the (NWC, at least) series because it's just so slow and awkward. I know that's an unpopular opinion. You can't have all 6 units at the same time, heroes work a bit differently than later entries, and it's just so slow compared to the others. King's Bounty and Hammer of the Gods aren't actual Heroes games, of course, but they were also published by NWC, and while they're just, if not more awkward to play, they're not as slow and they usually have some weird thing going on with them that's kind of neat. King's Bounty exclusively being about finding a treasure IIRC, and Hammer of the Gods with it's diplomacy and god favor system.

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
Heroes 2 is great assuming you're not into playing multiplayer. It's also a perfect time to get into it as it received its equivalent of the HD mod and it works great.


Mar 30, 2024
lV was a weird fruit. Especially comparing to the lll — such a drastic change from that visual feast to something almost hideous. I remember feeling uneasy playing it for the first time and I quit soon after. They also reshuffled creatures in some strange way which pissed me off additionally. But yeah, mechanically it was a step forward, albeit an uneven one.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
wtf I used to play a competitive HoMM3 Russian clone mmo called Lords of War and Money, Stronghold is clearly a top tier town in HoMM3.

T1: Goblins - only thing that matters for T1 is speed, and Goblins are one of the fastest T1s. Superior to useless slow-ass Halberdiers.
T2: Wolf Raiders - not much needs to be said, they are mini MKs. The best T2 unit, unchallenged.
T3: Orc Chieftains - 2nd best Ranged Unit after Grand Elves. T3 is the ideal tier for a ranged unit - low enough to horde, high enough to deal good damage. Way better than xbowmen or Gremlins who deal shit damage. Human players tend to ignore them until the end of the battle, by which point they've done as much if not more damage than flimsy Grand Elves, and they crush whatever debris is left on the field at the end of a battle. And you don't need to waste units guarding them since they can fend themselves.
T4: Ogre Magi - The meat shield unit for soaking retaliation, every faction needs this. Position in the middle of the battlefield and you'll ruin your opponents' positioning, since they don't want their valuable units to get walloped by them.
T5: Thunderbirds - Pretty much the only "bad" stronghold unit, at least they're fast and they fly. They're still intimidating and they can still be used to base enemy ranged units, you just have to wait for the opponent to overextend first. Still, better a crap T5 flyer than a crap T6 flyer like Scorpicores. At least they're more useful than crap T5s like Monks, Djinns, Pit Fiends and Treefolk. In LoWM they had an additional ability to carry units across the battlefield, which was fairly useful.
T6: Cyclops Kings - flimsy but makes Sieges simple, completely changes Stronghold into one of the Siege towns. Probably too valuable to put in a melee battle though. About average for a T6, which is not so bad considering the number of crap T6 units (Scorpicore, Champion, Efreet, Nagas are all crap)
T7: Ancient Behemoths - Destroys other T6 and T7 units, with amazing speed for how much damage they deal. Not hard to boost their defense either, making them shrug off retaliation strikes.

fight me

I beat all the campaigns and messed around with the scenarios a ton, but I never played HOMM 1/2/3/4 in mp aside from messing around with siblings.

Just curious how would you rank the homm 3 towns? I seem to remember thinking inferno was shit, and maybe fortress was bad?

I never had the expansion packs so I never played with those.
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You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Just curious how would you rank the homm 3 towns? I seem to remember thinking inferno was shit, and maybe fortress was bad?

Fortress is definitely not bad, it is the best town for rushing (along with Stronghold)

S tier (instant ban) - Necropolis, Conflux
A tier (excellent) - Castle, Rampart
B tier - Stronghold, Fortress (effective and cheap)
C tier - Dungeon, Tower (way too expensive)
D tier - Inferno (crap stats on creatures)

something like that (if we are not ranking heroes)

But in mp anything can work, for example with good spells you can wreck a better army/stronger town


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008

Fortress is definitely not bad, it is the best town for rushing (along with Stronghold)

S tier (instant ban) - Necropolis, Conflux
A tier (excellent) - Castle, Rampart
B tier - Stronghold, Fortress (effective and cheap)
C tier - Dungeon, Tower (way too expensive)
D tier - Inferno (crap stats on creatures)

something like that (if we are not ranking heroes)

But in mp anything can work, for example with good spells you can wreck a better army/stronger town

Necropolis also had the ability where you got skeletons every time you killed or lost units, which I imagine could be exploited in multiplayer pretty badly.
They definitely got better at balancing. In homm 1 Warlock basically had the best units for every tier, while the knight faction easily had the worst units for every tier.
Homm 2 warlock and necro were the best I think but it wasn't nearly as unbalanced. I think knight was the weakest again but they weren't unplayable(or hard mode) like homm 1.

For homm 3 I liked using every faction except inferno. Too many of their units were garbage, like the upgraded magogs being worse IIRC.

I can't remember how I would rank the factions in HOMM 4. Unlike 2/3 where I messed around tons with the scenarios I basically beat the campaigns(or most of them?) and didn't play it much after that. I do feel like homm 4 gets dumped on unfairly because of how bad Might and magic 9 was.

Edit- also I fired up homm 2 today, for the first time in eons. Started a random scenario on normal difficulty as knight and got shit on lol.

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