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Development Info Underrail: Infusion Dev Log #6: New Environment Renderer


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Tags: Stygian Software; Underrail: Infusion

Styg has published one last development update for Underrail: Infusion before the year ends. For the past few years, he and his team have been working on the game's new engine and in this update they're finally ready to showcase some of its environments. Infusion's upgraded renderer sports higher resolution assets, normal and height mapping for smoother lighting, and improved fog of war. Most interestingly, the renderer supports actual tile height and sloping, which will allow for all sorts of elevation and verticality mechanics. Check it out:

We're finally ready to give you a sneak peak in the new and improved Infusion environment visuals. We've done extensive work on the 2D rendering engine, and while there are still things to improve, we're quite pleased how it looks now. Keep in mind, though, that all the scenes you'll see below were made for demo purposes only and do not reflect how the actual game levels will look.

First thing we did is increasing the asset resolution significantly. We increased the size of the base tile from 96x48 to 160x80, which resulted in the asset size change you can see below.

Next, for all our prerendered graphics we're also exporting normal and height maps, which allows us to have smoother lighting, but, more importantly, it enables objects to clip through each other. This solves so many problems with sprite ordering and also allows us to easily combine items into interesting environmental compositions.

Another important thing that we introduced is actual tile height and sloping, so we no longer have to simulate it with assets that are otherwise logically flat - which used to result in weird discovery and lighting artifacts. This will allow us create more interesting maps, as well as have gameplay mechanics that relate to height (such as falling down, climbing, in-area elevators, etc). We're also going to have to adjust many existing mechanics to take elevation into account, but that's a story for another dev log.

We've also improved how shroud and fog of war works. It's now much smoother and will no longer leave weird gaps in the map while it's partially discovered as often happens in the old game.

There's still much work to be done with the rendering engine - fluids, decals, creature shadows, post-processing effects, and also many minor tweaks, so stay tuned for more updates. Once we get a bit more assets done, we're going to make a video to show you how the engine looks in motion. In the meantime, let us know how you like the new visuals.​

Very cool. Verticality - not just for fantasy RPGs anymore.


Apr 14, 2009
It's a custom engine written in C# on top on Monogame framework.
When all is said and done, the 2D renderer was effectively written from scratch. I don't think there's much of the old code left in the rendering pipeline.

It looks great.


Feb 7, 2016
I must admit, I didn't realize this new engine was going full 3D iso until now. Can't say I'm a big fan.

To be fair, the environments look good, but the character models are a little too "generic" looking for my taste.

I'd rather he kept it 2D, but if it helps with development and adding more and better features and mechanics I'm all for it.


Jun 3, 2018
Soytron stopped sniffing Soyer's farts and posted a good shit, dis feels like a fuckin miracle. Take a screenshot bois, it's gonna be a while for dis to happen again.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I must admit, I didn't realize this new engine was going full 3D iso until now. Can't say I'm a big fan.

To be fair, the environments look good, but the character models are a little too "generic" looking for my taste.

I'd rather he kept it 2D, but if it helps with development and adding more and better features and mechanics I'm all for it.
The game is still 2D, as can be seen by the backgrounds. The only thing really different is the sprites, which while they do seem jarring at first, I think will actually look quite good once a bit more work is done on them , more customization features are added, and we get to see them in motion.

Crescent Hawk

Jul 10, 2014
Looks kinda cool. I played a lot of the first updates and almost got to the end.

With 3d models mods will be more likely. I always wanted to mod some of my characters small texture edits.
May 31, 2018
The Present
From 1995 graphics all the way up to around 2002. Quite the leap. It looks nice. I just barely started on my first ever Underrail (+DLC) run. Finally settled on a character concept. There was much to choose from.


May 1, 2020
How many devlogs before talking about important matters such as NPCs interactivity, proper C&C, you know that kind of thing Underrail doesn't have?


Jun 15, 2009
How many devlogs before talking about important matters such as NPCs interactivity, proper C&C, you know that kind of thing Underrail doesn't have?
Wont happen, you'll get a prettier underrail with some vertical combat , proper c&c is taking far too long to make.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
How many devlogs before talking about important matters such as NPCs interactivity, proper C&C, you know that kind of thing Underrail doesn't have?
Shut your whore mouth you little bitch. Your retardation has been exposed in full force in multiple threads, and over 60% of your posts have been from GD.
How many devlogs before talking about important matters such as NPCs interactivity, proper C&C, you know that kind of thing Underrail doesn't have?
Wont happen, you'll get a prettier underrail with some vertical combat , proper c&c is taking far too long to make.
Go play some more Fallout: New Vegas you colossal faggot. Your opinion is bad and I hope you lose weight so there is less of you on this earth.

Underrail has tons of examples of both NPC interactivity and C&C. I would love for you people to cite some examples of games that have great C&C so when the comparison is made and the plethora of examples from Underrail are presented, I can watch you cockroaches squirm to try and weasel out of it.


Feb 7, 2016
I don't care about C&C if Styg delivers the same level of exploration and combat he did in the first game.

It doesn't even need to be better, just as good.

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