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  • I'm going to take a wild guess and say you love violently snatching people out of the air when they try to jump over your command grab.
    Nigga, you be posting on Codex all day long, but do you even remember yourself?
    Spectral Pontifex
    Spectral Pontifex
    Either way, the enigma of Gurdjieff intrigues me. His tales of lost knowledge and maps of Egypt before sand. It pains me to know that he never finished Life is real only then, when 'I am' and that he lamented writing Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson in such an obscure way. I wonder what he would have told the world.
    Tales is still a great read though. What attracted me to Gurdjieff is his riding the line, you never know if he's bullshitting or not and this seems to be on purpose, but that this doesn't matter in view of the message, which is very insightful. A very positive influence on the mind either way, at least for me.
    Spectral Pontifex
    Spectral Pontifex
    I do like his school of thought because it is distinct and forthright. He scoffs at "occultists and will-less parasites." There is a great obsession with fantastical phenomena nowadays. Nobody wants to cultivate the will and discipline, to be awake. Granted that I too am still largely trapped by useless fantasies.
    Lol, triggered
    I've got something that'll trigger you even more right here! *molds dick*
    Yeah, it couldn't be the fact that I find you funny. No, no that couldn't be it lol.
    You, I like your name.
    As in, what platform I played on? Played on PC, in that case. Some #R, some +R and more recently some Xrd.
    small world :D im sure we played #reload at some point

    if you're from belgium we should play rev.2 in a couple days :]
    I didn't play #R much, and only stuck to playing with friends, but yeah that'd be cool!
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