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Development Info Prince of Qin 1.21 patch released


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Prince of Qin

The <a href="http://poqbn.objectgames.net/">official Prince of Qin site</a> has patch version 1.21 up and ready for snagging.
<ul><li> The bug whereby using the skill Swords-around-your-body will make the server down has been fixed.</li><li>The bug whereby some NPCs will sometimes disappear when a player enters the game has been fixed.</li><li>The bug which results in some problems with the music has been fixed.</li><li>The bug whereby demo players can obtain more attribute points by abnormal means has been fixed.</li><li>Those points will be deducted when players log on next time.</li><li>The bug concerning the items in stack has been fixed.</li><li>The bug whereby your teammates will sometimes disappear after you switch to another scene when the game pauses automatically once you encounter an enemy has been fixed.</li><li>The bug whereby the duration time of passive skills still continues to run even if the player suspends the game has been fixed.</li><li>The bug whereby your teammates will become NPCs after they are killed by traps in the tomb of the First Emperor has been fixed.</li><li>The bug which may result in a computer breakdown when there are too many players going across the narrow bridge to the Peach Garden has been fixed.</li><li>The bug whereby items in the grocery and blacksmith¡¯s shop don¡¯t renew has been fixed.</li><li>The bug which results in a computer breakdown after you complete a certain quest has been fixed.</li><li>The bug whereby players can obtain extra gold after they find a wooden sword for Liu Bang's son has been fixed.</li><li>The bug whereby players will appear at different positions when they come to Zhaocun Village from the Peach Garden has been fixed.</li><li>The bug whereby the quest summary cannot be displayed completely has been fixed.</li><li>The bug that results in a flash of the screen when characters leave some scenes has been fixed.</li><li>The bug whereby the abnormal status of the character cannot disappears after his/her party gets out of the cave in Hengshan Village has been fixed.</li><li>The bug whereby there is no exit after players enter a random scene and save the game has been fixed.</li><li>The bug whereby the some dialogues are too fast and players cannot recognize them has been fixed.</li><li>The bug whereby the quest report is not recorded although players complete the quest concerning Ah Lan has been fixed.</li></ul>
Of course, this is the bug list from <b>1.16</b> through the new patch version, for those who have recently picked up the game.
Spotted this at <A href="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blue's News</a>


Jun 30, 2003
PoQ was, IMHO, the best RPG of 2002. I'm glad to see the bugs still being fixed (and not taking 2 years to make a patch, as with other companies ;) )


Jun 30, 2003
Doesn't surprise me, since the game is made by a Chinese (or is it Korean?) development team, and in that area MMORPGs are extremely popular.

PoQ had it all, IMHO:

* An acceptably interesting single player campaign,
* a multiplayer mode with no perma-deaths
* a dedicated server
* multiplayer had different maps/quests/story
* random item drops
* interesting storyline based on real facts
* above-average plot
* very acceptable engine with decent combat system

Ahhhhhhhh they don't mak'em like this often!


Dec 4, 2002
We're here
Saint_Proverbius said:
I rated PoQ as one of my top three picks for the best CRPG of 2002 as well. Geneforge and Prelude to Darkness got the other two.

I ended up picking it up largely based on the strength of that review (yeah, ok, the $10 price tag helped too). I found it to be pretty enjoyable, but rather buggy....I found the experience kinda odd because it seemed no one else had the bugs I had. Could almost be a modern twilight zone episode...


Dec 4, 2002
We're here
The first major one I had was getting stuck IN the barbarian compound area...The gates shut and nothing would open them again: I had to replay the whole episode twice before I could get the gates to remain open so I could get out.

The one that was a showstopper was losing a follower...every so often(usually 4-5 different screen loads), I'd lose a party member in the new area. If the game saved when they were gone, they were permenantly gone. If I returned to the section I had just left, they'd usually be there and I could continue normally. Became really annoying in cities, cause it would load for each building entered, so after checking out a few buildings it would occur and there was no telling whether the follower would still be in the city when I left the building...

(sigh) after a while i figured I'd seen enough and deleted it...

...and got arcanum, complete with it's own little frustrations ;)

looking forward to ToEE though..


Jun 30, 2003
When I got PoQ, the patch that was out was either 1.15 or 1.16, and the bugs were very minor by then (I didn't even have the dreaded %d then)

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