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Preview Fallout 3: It's for the fans!


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Tags: Fallout 3

It seems a bunch of Russians from a gaming mag called "Igromania" have played Fallout 3. <a href="http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43452">According to NMA</a>:
<ul><li>There will be mines and minefields. Depending on your skill you'll be able to find mines sooner or later before they explode. If your skill is high enough, you'll hear a beeping sound a few seconds before the explosion and will have a chance to run away. If your skill is very high, you'll be able to retrieve mines and then set them where you want to.
<li>As already was mentioned before, non-conversational skills will provide some dialogue options.
<li>Sneaking is switched on automatically when you duck. Sneaking is important for pickpocketing.
<li>You can not only pick pockets, but you can put somethng into one's pockets too. like explosives or grenades.
<li>Jet and psycho are in. You can get addicted to them. Addictions are cured by local doctors.
<li>Random encounter mentioned by Emil: he walked at night and met some homeless man with a brahmin. Emil wanted to shoot at the man, but suddenly some white bear (they called it something like Jaguai (Ausir says it's Yao-Guai) jumped out of the bushes and attacked Emil's character. Emil explained that this bear was a pet of that homeless man.
<li>Weather is dependent on the area you are in. For example, in Washington, the sky is grey, so the city looks dark. And the wasteland is sunny on the other hand. They wanted to recreate the atmosphere of first Fallout, says Todd.
<li>They say that all the towns in previous Fallout games looked the same. Bethesda wanted to create towns with their unique souls and they say that each town differs from the others.
<li>Bethesda's praising NPCs AI. Every NPC is doing something like cleaning, walking, they have their own schedules. Bethesda say that it's not that they've changed Oblivion's AI, they just enhanced it with animation.</ul>
Praising the AI? What? Not again? Didn't they learn that was a bad idea after the crap about Oblivion's "set the dog on fire" scripted routine?
<ul><li>They say, they wanted to show how hard it is to live in the post-apocalyptic world, so they tried to avoid anything cartoonish.
<li>The game now is twice as big as they wanted initially.
<li>Todd Howard: "We're doing the game for the fans. When you look at first Fallouts you can't say "That what's made this game popular". Those games were great
<li>We do not want to simplify things, we are doing a game with a hardcore gameplay. As fans for fans".</ul>
Yep. The only question is, is it for the fans of Fallout or the fans of Oblivion? I'm guessing it's the later.
<ul><li>"I've heard many complaints about that it's not Fallout by the atmosphere (he said it's his personal complaint too), that it looks like Oblivion, that the music is bad. From what I've seen, it's all true."
<li>But, he says, you'll love this game despite all that. And here are the reasons:
- Multiple ways to solve quests.
- Exploring is really cool, you'll never know what you'll find.
- As for the RPG part of the game - everything is saved from the past games. He says that in Falout 3 your skills really matter. The game is really hardcore and not going into mainstream, in his opinion.
<li>He also compares combat system to Mass Effect and says that he loved V.A.T.S., especially when compared to ME. He notes that opponents are dumb, do not run to avoid shots though.
<li>He says exploration part reminded him of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
<li>Characters are well-done in his opinion. He provides some examples: in Megaton, there is boy that cares of a girl, that lost her parents. There is also a man, that came to Megaton to start a new life (he was a bandit in his past). When you talk to him, it appears that he won't mind returning to his past occupation. He refuses to join PC because of his good karma. You can come to his house at night and you'll find lots of empty wisky bottles, because he can't cope with his new life.
<li>Overall, the game looks much better than a year ago.</ul>
The opponents simply can't be dumb. Todd has already told us how smarht dey ar!
... and if you haven't seen it already, <a href="http://www.gametrailers.com/player/36197.html">check the Fallout 3 gameplay video on gametrailers</a>.
Spotted @ <a href="http://fallout3.wordpress.com/">Why doesn't he just post news for NMA... or don't they pay enough?</a>


Jan 28, 2007
Addictions are cured by local doctors.
uhm.. "Oh, I got addicted, let's go see a doctor." Well, now I see why this game got already banned in Australia...


Jan 11, 2006
The White Visitation
Random encounter mentioned by Emil: he walked at night and met some homeless man with a brahmin. Emil wanted to shoot at the man, but suddenly some white bear (they called it something like Jaguai (Ausir says it's Yao-Guai) jumped out of the bushes and attacked Emil's character. Emil explained that this bear was a pet of that homeless man.

:?: :!:


Apr 13, 2008
BTW, this is Russia's shittiest, dumbest gaming mag. How the fuck do they get all that exclusive content? First they get their hands on DoW2 ahead of several Western magazines, and now this. Well, their audience is bound to love this.


Jul 15, 2008
Mother f*ckers! I hope Bethesda bankrupts before they get to release FO3.


Sep 27, 2006
Korgan said:
BTW, this is Russia's shittiest, dumbest gaming mag. How the fuck do they get all that exclusive content? First they get their hands on DoW2 ahead of several Western magazines, and now this. Well, their audience is bound to love this.

Maybe the Devs know they're the shittiest dumbest gaming mag and therefor the best for selling their game.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
You stand five feet away and you fire a nuclear weapon.

You stand only five feet away... and you fire a nuclear weapon.

Five feet and there's no radiation damage? ... and yet there's radiation damage from all the food? From a war which happened over a hundred years ago? Even though people are living rad-free in Hiroshima and Nagasaki right now?

That was my reaction. Plus VATS looks annoying. Todd says "that never gets old" but it looked old there and that's pretty much the first time I've seen it.

Castanova said:
Random encounter mentioned by Emil: he walked at night and met some homeless man with a brahmin. Emil wanted to shoot at the man, but suddenly some white bear (they called it something like Jaguai (Ausir says it's Yao-Guai) jumped out of the bushes and attacked Emil's character. Emil explained that this bear was a pet of that homeless man.
:?: :!:
Pfft. It's a well known fact that homeless men often have animals hiding around waiting to attack you if you attack them. How come you think nobody goes after that pigeon feeding lady in the park for all her bread? I'll tell you why. Pigeons. Death Pigeons.

Besides, what did you expect coming from the guys who brought you Oblivion, the game where poor bandits would mug you for a few gold coin, while wearing the most expensive armour in their game-world?


Jan 14, 2008
River Seine
Codex 2012 Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech
You can not only pick pockets, but you can put somethng into one's pockets too. like explosives or grenades.

That must have been on their to-do list: 'things that prove we've already played FO1 or 2"


Sep 27, 2006
DarkUnderlord said:
Besides, what did you expect coming from the guys who brought you Oblivion, the game where poor bandits would mug you for a few gold coin, while wearing the most expensive armour in their game-world?

The bandits didn't so much try to mug you for a few gold coin as die trying to murder you because they saw you.

Ander Vinz

May 25, 2007
Korgan said:
BTW, this is Russia's shittiest, dumbest gaming mag. How the fuck do they get all that exclusive content?
They've learned the secret art of kung-fu blowjob. Seriously, if you think that GameInformer, PCGamer and other popular american gaming magazines are sellouts, you just haven't seen Igromania's pricelist.
You can buy anything in russia.


Nov 16, 2007
lots of crap, but this bit i liked:
Characters are well-done in his opinion. He provides some examples: in Megaton, there is boy that cares of a girl, that lost her parents. There is also a man, that came to Megaton to start a new life (he was a bandit in his past). When you talk to him, it appears that he won't mind returning to his past occupation. He refuses to join PC because of his good karma. You can come to his house at night and you'll find lots of empty wisky bottles, because he can't cope with his new life.

Naked Ninja

Oct 31, 2006
South Africa
Since I don't really care about fallout and don't expect the game to be it's "fo' reals" sequel, the trailers actually looked fun to me. I enjoyed Morrowind, this game looks like it could be as fun as Morrowind or perhaps a better Stalker, a step up where Oblivion was a step down. Fingers crossed.

Also : The environments look awesome. I don't care if they don't look like Fallout. Considered on their own, I'm keen to go exploring that world. Far more than boring vanilla fantasy Oblivion.

Mr. Teatime

Jun 25, 2003
I think the best way to play this game will be to ignore the Fallout bit, or think of it as a spin off, and take things from there. Might end up feeling like a proper sequel. Might not. But there are certainly some 'Fallout' type bits I recognised in there (and a lot of things that I don't recognise).


Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
I think the best way to play Fallout 3 will be not to.

Mr. Teatime

Jun 25, 2003
Well, it's looking like an action RPG set in a neat setting at the moment. Might be more to it than that, but I find if I put aside my feelings about it as a Fallout game, a) it makes me feel better and, uh, well, a) is pretty much all there is.

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Korgan said:
BTW, this is Russia's shittiest, dumbest gaming mag. How the fuck do they get all that exclusive content?

Probably because the other mags don't like Fallout 3?

I mean...do they?


Oct 21, 2005
Crouching slightly and walking slower should stop being the default sneaking implementation any day now.


Sep 27, 2006
So what do we call it then? Fallout: Bethesda, Fallout: Oblivion 2, The Elder Scrolls V: Fallout?


Jul 3, 2007
Brother None said:
Korgan said:
BTW, this is Russia's shittiest, dumbest gaming mag. How the fuck do they get all that exclusive content?

Probably because the other mags don't like Fallout 3?

I mean...do they?

They just haven't learned how to properly suck Beth cock yet
Igromania is a pro at that

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