Tags: Encore Software; Silent Storm
Okay, we've got a little contest to do. Our first one here at this site. Basically, here's what you have to do to <b>win one of three copies</b> of <a href="http://www.nival.com/eng/s2_info.html">Silent Storm</a>, the soon to be released World War II themed tactical, mission based CRPG.
Make a World War 2 themed propeganda poster advertising <A href="http://www.nival.com/eng/s2_info.html">Silent Storm</a>, then <A href="mailto:proverbius@rpgcodex.com">email it to me</a> by next <b>Thursday, January 15th 2004</b>. We'll pick the winners on <b>Friday</b>, gather their addresses up, and fire them off to <A href="http://www.encoresoftware.com/">Encore Software</a>. They'll then send you the copy.
The rules would be not to use any trademarks other than <A href="http://www.nival.com/eng/s2_info.html">Silent Storm</a> stuff. Nothing involving naughty bits, either. Entries are to be in JPEG format. Only those living in the United States and Canada are eligible due to shipping stuff.
So, get photoshopping, <a href="http://www.gimp.org">GIMPing</a>, or whatever thing you use to edit pictures up.
Okay, we've got a little contest to do. Our first one here at this site. Basically, here's what you have to do to <b>win one of three copies</b> of <a href="http://www.nival.com/eng/s2_info.html">Silent Storm</a>, the soon to be released World War II themed tactical, mission based CRPG.
Make a World War 2 themed propeganda poster advertising <A href="http://www.nival.com/eng/s2_info.html">Silent Storm</a>, then <A href="mailto:proverbius@rpgcodex.com">email it to me</a> by next <b>Thursday, January 15th 2004</b>. We'll pick the winners on <b>Friday</b>, gather their addresses up, and fire them off to <A href="http://www.encoresoftware.com/">Encore Software</a>. They'll then send you the copy.
The rules would be not to use any trademarks other than <A href="http://www.nival.com/eng/s2_info.html">Silent Storm</a> stuff. Nothing involving naughty bits, either. Entries are to be in JPEG format. Only those living in the United States and Canada are eligible due to shipping stuff.
So, get photoshopping, <a href="http://www.gimp.org">GIMPing</a>, or whatever thing you use to edit pictures up.