Tags: BioWare; Dragon Age
Polish gaming website, Polygamia.pl (which really might want to consider a name change) has <a href="http://polygamia.pl/Polygamia/1,95334,6822257,Spojrzenie_na_interfejs_uzytkownika_w_konsolowej_wersji.html">a video</a> from a Bioware demonstration run of Dragon Age on the Xbox 360, focusing mostly on combat, abilities, and the interface (which evokes memories of the radial menu from Neverwinter Nights). The video is in English, with Polish subtitles. I'm not exactly impressed with the way they try to sell it, but who knows which audience of Dragon Age they're trying to cater to this time...
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://gamebanshee.com/">Gamebanshee</A>
Polish gaming website, Polygamia.pl (which really might want to consider a name change) has <a href="http://polygamia.pl/Polygamia/1,95334,6822257,Spojrzenie_na_interfejs_uzytkownika_w_konsolowej_wersji.html">a video</a> from a Bioware demonstration run of Dragon Age on the Xbox 360, focusing mostly on combat, abilities, and the interface (which evokes memories of the radial menu from Neverwinter Nights). The video is in English, with Polish subtitles. I'm not exactly impressed with the way they try to sell it, but who knows which audience of Dragon Age they're trying to cater to this time...
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://gamebanshee.com/">Gamebanshee</A>