I dunno, from such distance I'd say it could be as gun as that spike-like thingy[halbert?], but in that very bad screenshot with that robot, char was much closer and it did not look like a rifle with blade attached to me. Maybe its just low-detail issue.
Of course, I would love to know its a gun. Anyways, am I the only one who sees this Hal Halbert-
as this guy -
from Chris Glenn's artwork? Too much of a coincidence if its coincidence, I must say... That could mean those 3d models - as well as enviroment - come from actual game and are not temporary test models from some other projects. Its easy to note the overall "redness" of pictures, which reminds me of Arcanum's browness and Fallouts grey'ness
. And, of course, the other CGlenn's artwork, concerning wastland theme.
This all leads to the fact, that there will be big metal useless mechs. Which is bad. Although, the amount of tires laying around gives a birth to another thought - there will be plenty of cars too!
[One of the problems in post-apoc you mentioned were tires. See, in those pictures there are tons of tires..and, whats the most important - tires look very well, I can be allmost absolutly sure that it is possible to stick one working tire from 5 these. If other problem is fuel, then if there's enough fuel to power some cranky junkbot, there will allways be possibility of boosting up some decent car. If you are doubting about complexity of all the mechanical parts and repairing problems, dont worry, see, that mech is kewl, it has so many smart, little, high-tech parts to take car of in order to function properly, any avarage car would never even dream of. And if you want to say this fucking piece of shit [the mech] is alien-made, why couldnt they just bring some cars with them, those f**g bastards?! Anyways, to be serious, I doubt it is alien bot, because it has the same design style as everything around and has the same rust level.]
To sum up everything -
Troika, if you hear this and if you intend to bring useless, un-realistic mechs in your PA game, know that you should bring some decent cars too. Blade has two edges, ya know.