Running Fox
The reason I make assumptions based on your general knowledge of rules-systems is that it seems to me a lot of the criticism leveled against AoD's combat system could have been avoided with a very basic system-asset, namely building what you call THC on an average spread/bell curve formula instead of the arbitrary* percentile formula you use in AoD.
Oh yeah, dumb down thc for a more welcoming atmosphere to lousy combat characters...
Its either that or you introduce mechanics to linearize the thc bell to func(encounter-difficulty) which in turn yields you something very similar to AoD with a step between.
Even if THC in AoD is linear, SP distribution is not. Its close enough to ln(x) or square root. Pick your fav. Still diminishing returns.
Even if Dex or Per is a flat multiplier (thats c and c for you), you are still rolling against something.
If its 50% thc in AoD vs unarmored, unskilled or 50% thc in 3d6 vs unarmored, unskilled or whatever, you still looking at encounter design, not system questions.
Your feats examples are in AoD too, albeit watered down. Aimed, Power, Throwing items.
If someone perceives the system as not fluffy enough, its his mental issue not the systems. It gives you you predictable outcome based on your character's skills, with an AI that is not crippled beyond redemption by the system. Good enough.