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TBS Age of Wonders 1 & 2

Apr 10, 2018
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Decided to make a thread for the first two Age of Wonders games, since I am one of the people (at GoG) still playing PBEM in 2020. This will be a convenient repository of all the most relevant mods, bugfixes, utility programs, modding tools, and will hopefully recruit for some PBEMs too. Can always use new players.

Fix for the AoW1 showscene crash

The unofficial, but universally acclaimed 1.4 patch for AoW2. A must-have that restores basic features such as racially unique priests, as well as refining all sorts of minor things like quest rewards.

The MPE mod for AoW2. Like AoW1's Warlock's Ruleset, this mod has .exe changes no-one else understands how to do, includes the best modding tool, and has loads of fixed bugs and added mechanics. An absolute must-have. Installs atop 1.4 IIRC.

Performance improvement for aow2 on Windows 10

Age of Wonders 1 Discord Server

Age of Wonders 2 Discord servers

The PBEM Wrapper, which works for AoW1, AoW2:WT, AoW2:SM, and the AoW2:SM MPE mod. Treats each separately. If you have problems using it, RTFM first, but feel free to ask me, as there as many details one can run into.
Here is a youtube tutorial I made showing how to install it

DevEdit, the AoW1 modding tool.

Guide for how to hex edit Age of Wonders 1

My own Ziggurat Engine Mod, which is now being used and patched by a multiplayer community on the discord.
Despite trying to improve balance, it also introduces some more diverse unit designs and many thematic additions.
Combines standard old ruleset modding with hex editing of AOWEpack.dpl, as seen in AoW+ and AoWx.

AoW+, a 2020 hex edit of the game engine. The guy doing this is a Singleplayer-only type, so it's not to my taste, but it does make the campaign WAY more interesting to play. This kind of .exe mod can be mix-and-matched with ruleset file changes

New hex edit mod, AoWx by IniochReborn.
Should be more fun / less 'gritty' than AoW+, and has better balance concepts in general.
Old map pack / campaign / mod thread from 2012:

Warlock's Ruleset, the most important AoW1 mod traditionally. Includes .exe modifications no-one else knew how to do for 19 years, until AoW+ came along in 2020 that is.

Lighthawk's Ruleset, which adds a lot of special named units, AFAIK, and builds on Warlock's Ruleset.

Thirsk's AoW Enhanced.

Scroll of Swiftness, a utility to add extra hotkeys to the game. Courtesy of a fellow Codexer, Lagi.

Lagi's edits to certain graphics for AoW, such as putting stripes on the Salamander so it doesn't look like a yellow blob, making the Frostling flag teal instead of a blue so faded it looked like the grey indie flag, and a snowy graphic for dwarven hamlets, which previously looked the same as on grassland (triggered me so much when I noticed it).

The Unofficial Patch 1.5, sequel to 1.4. I haven't properly tried it out yet, not sure if it's a musthave like 1.4, but it certainly adds a great deal of new graphics for places and units. It was planned to be gigantic, and was eventually released 10 years later with 30-40% completion and no changelog (which makes me rage).

Upatch 1.5, but as an MPE submod. I did mention MPE's excellent, very good modding tool, right? I only noticed this while making this list, as it was released a couple days ago. Looks like it's time to try out UPatch 1.5.

Upatch 1.6 is in the works - on this discord server https://discord.gg/UU9AExk7pW
The Groll is active in these aow2 servers and is making new maps - huge news as he is an exceptional mapmaker.
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Apr 10, 2018
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Maps I made for AoW1 over the past couple years.

Xelm Plateau II: Arcane Gardens
This one is very unique, a Small size map full of sites and three map levels for 5 players. Every PBEM we've played on its has been.... eventful, and has featured a crapton of magic. Like all of my maps, players have loads of Spellcasting available, and all my maps use a custom set of items, using the base game's graphics (many were unused), which are more numerous and powerful than the default.

Also a 5 player map, but this time max size, and still three levels. Probably too big and slow, but the PBEMs we played in it didn't seem to drag much, and the map has fun stuff like a mana node arena everyone can 1-way teleport to, loads of Spellcasting infantry heroes, etc. And a subterranean lava river.

Towers of Khazlkound
Another 5 player map, this time average sized. I made a lot of the map's layout before deciding on player starting positions, so the balance of this one is more asymmetrical. Has a hard start, and no Air Magic except for the very strongest spells from wizard's towers.

Kolusurt Caldera
A fast-paced, extra-small 1v1 map for two players, that nonetheless has 3 layers and a fair bit of exploring nd secrets. Including a lizardman AI which WILL raid you with Green Wyverns and fire altars at you. There's also a Ring of Flying on this map, guarded by two Angels.

And one that I'm currently working on, 'Desolate Maugogom'
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Jul 19, 2015
First 2x maps looks beautifully "clutter" with stuff to discover, remind me off campaign maps [or HeroesMM]. AoW1 main map looks gorgeous, its the best visuals for 4x strategy that I could imagine.

Could you please highlight the difference between Warlock and Vanilla? None of the links from AoEHeaven works, and in the forum post overthere, are only recent stat change.

Regarding AoW1 mods, do you claim that besides Warlock there are no other worthy mods?
Apr 10, 2018
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Could you please highlight the difference between Warlock and Vanilla? None of the links from AoEHeaven works, and in the forum post overthere, are only recent stat change.

Regarding AoW1 mods, do you claim that besides Warlock there are no other worthy mods?
There are lots of good mods for both games, it's just that Warlock's and MPE have unique changes which can only be obtained from them.

For AoW1, anyone using Deved can alter unit stats, abilities, recruitment lists, the manacost and research cost of spells, and the skillpoint costs of levelup option for heroes (except multi-tiered abilities which are hardcoded).

Warlock's special hax changes allowed him to change the levelup attribute point cost for heroes, so that stacking DEF got harder, and could only be done up to a max of 7 before items/spells IIRC. He was also able to alter the upgrade cost of cities, so that upgrading a village costs only 100 and upgrading a town costs 175, instead of costing 250 like the city. Lastly, his .exe changes allowed him to change the ATK/DAM values of some spells and abilities, I forget which but I know Seduce was buffed from 4 to 7.

I said earlier that these special changes were due to a modified .exe, but actually I think the .exe might not be changed much or at all. It does change the interface to reflect the new hero levelup costs, but isn't responsible for them being different. - I just remembered the ability changes are in AbilityP.dpl, the hero and city changes are in AoWEPACK.dpl. Not sure about the spell hax.

The rest of Warlock's Ruleset - the unit changes carried in the Release folder - are cool, but can be replicated easily.
This thread is a useful guide to installing Warlock's.
Apr 10, 2018
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
I'm completed ''Desolate Maugogom''. Could it be the best AoW1 map..... EVER?? Better still, I've started a 5-player PBEM on it at GoG, so I might just turn this thread into an AAR. Though I should really post that in the Codex Playground come to think of it.

All five player-led armies enter the map via tunnels or underground rivers. The Goblins here used their beetles to dig tunnels from the north-east.
The old magic is disappearing from the world, and only in the Cave of Lore can spells potent enough to fire be discovered. However, the Caves can be accessed only by 1-way teleporters - and will be contested.
This is from the map editor. A screenshot from ingame would show randomly moving banks of poison clouds and extra smoke clouds, but I couldn't be bothered to run an AI game long enough to get the screenshot.
And the map's lore;
In the world of Khatovar, the Necromancers have won. They have set the forces of annihilation gnawing at the bones of the world. A pall of dust and smoke taints the sun's glow. The wind carries an acid stench which eats at the lungs. Riverbeds lie dry, and the forests have perished. The seas carry an oily sheen that catches alight in storms. The stars have vanished from the sky. Above can be heard only the roar of sandstorms and the flapping of demon wings.

You and the other four Sorcerer-Kings are the only noteworthy mortals left alive, along with your slaves, apprentices and warriors, huddled in the caves. If the other great Sorcerers had not been too arrogant to obey your counsel, the world would not have been doomed. Only your sorcery protects your followers from the probing claws of decay. But even these five great wizard-kings can only preserve, not restore, for in a damned world, the magics of life and restoration are lost.

The Highmen abandoned this world long since, departing in one of their star-chariots. The Elves sealed themselves inside hidden Evermore, slipping into a drowsy twilight from which they shall never wake. The Humans, Lizardmen, Frostlings, and Halflings have been eradicated completely. Of the five bands which have survived this far, three are drawn from the races long immured in the ways of evil and decay: the Orcs, Goblins, and Dark Elves. The other two are a dwarven clan which has burrowed deep to escape the winds of vitriol, and an Azrac tribe which has always lived in the most inhospitable deserts.

There is no hope, but there is still anger and the will to fight. As the world decays, its magic does likewise. Only the magic of the Cosmos remains unchanged. None of the spells you once knew function. Your skill remains, but you will need to find new incantations which can function in a world permeated in Death.

Since their victory, the Necromancers have become complacent. Their forces cannot be defeated on the open field, but you have plans to raid the Necromancers’ Cave of Lore. The Cave can be accessed via teleporters from the caves underneath this region, the Valleys of Maugogom. However, the trip is one-way. You must send your subordinates, and access the knowledge held there by reading their minds from afar.

The other four Sorcerer-Kings must have similar intentions. Their arrogance doomed the world just as surely as the malice of the Necromancers, and if the world is to fall, it is you, not they, who should be the last to perish.

But there is another possibility. When the Highmen departed from Khatovar, their magic prevented scrying, and hid the manner of their departure. Rumour has it, the devices they used to flee to the stars were buried deep in this same region. If so, you must be the first to find and use those devices. With the Highmen gone, you should be able to discern their location once you find a good scrying pool. The Highmen would not be pleased to have their realms trespassed upon, but that is a problem to be addressed when you come to it.

Another point to note in the Valleys of Maugogom are the wraith-haunted ruins of underground towns, fed by large-scale mushroom farms. When the Necromancers and their Empire had not yet gained the full power of Death, they hid in these underground redoubts from the meteors summoned by the Sorcerer-Kings against them, and from the killing light the Highmen distilled from the stars. These ruins hold little of interest to you, but your followers can make much use of them. The time for armies is not yet done.


Jul 19, 2015
Please adjust your radar to this coordinates. Maybe send this guy some suggestion about default "fan patch" for AoW1 ?

I dont play this game to death to make any coherent proposition.


line of sight is too long. Probably AI see everything anyway. If LoS was like 3 hexes for units (instead 4), 2 (inst 6) for cities, mines and other. This would allow more sneaky gameplay. The scouts would matter more. Building towers in critical points for better vision cover.

Superb combat unit, should has vision of 2 hexes on strategy map. So if you send them alone, they would be blind.

razing of cities, nodes, builder guilds etc. [I would call it buildings now] should be harder, you should have bigger army to do that. Heroes should not be taken into account for looting.

there should be air[dwarf and human has flying transport] and land transports (caravan, cart with mules), commonly available in every race cities (maybe flying transport should be 3 lvl and exlusive for 1/4 of nations). This would also reduce moving 1 by 1 unit every turn. You would wait & load set of 7x warlords, instead clicking movement for each of them each turn.

Squad of enemy forces should be hidden. You could see only number of units and "leader" unit on main map. OFC some scouts could has skill to reveal armies composition.

City upgrade level should be represent more exhibit. This tiny little dots, could be replace by the amount of towers, flags, size of the flag.

Catapult, Ballista (most cases) and Ram (sometimes) should be shifted into builders guild.
f.ex goblins could rely on Bombers for capturing cities.
f.ex2 Dark Elf could replace Ram with wall climbing Black Spiders (unit roster would looks better with Spider Queen)

Instead of Ram, in Builders Guild let there be Drill, which is useful underground also. 4th unit would have to be builder, which could be named Crane, so its more specific (GRP anyway is showing crane - and you need a crane to build anything bigger than a hut.)

place of one of the siege machines, should be taken by Caravan - a land transport. Unit that is only fast on road. Think of it like a train.
It would interesting if in combat the heavier units dont unload. Let it mirror the sea combat, where flying units are able to participate, while ground sink with ship. So if you catch transport you could easily slaughter all expensive units inside.

shipyard - only transport ship should be able to transport units. This way you could have bigger navy battles, with more ships.
also if there would be access to submersible units (sea monsters), the sea battles could be more interesting. Flying units hunting submarines :) .
Unless the unused slot for produce merchandise in shipyard is available, there is only 4 units limit in overthere, so:
transport, fast light attack, heavy ship // either long range artillery or sub (would be thematic to leave subs to racial and spell summons)

current upkeep cost of units
1lvl - 4 gold per turn
2lvl - 6
3lvl - 8
4lvl - 10
its waste of money to train swordsman, to protect your rural cities. Dont know what should proper adjustment.

Archers are much more useful than swordsman, and cost same. Swordsman are replaced by tougher later units.
No one retaliate archer shoot. I think swordsman should be just cheapest to maintain, and that would find them a niche as outskirts defender(delayer?).

spells in combat are too expensive, i cast one and that's it for this combat (if you 1st lvl spellcaster).

I can have +1/+2 from shield/helm/armor = +6 DEF from items, there are also enchants from spells. That means hero DEF should be 4. cause DEF is capped at 10 (good). Hmm.. maybe would be good to not allow at all to increase DEF?

there should be different cost of city upgrade, from level 1 >2 should cost less than 2>3.

Why would they build pitch roofs underground? The slope roof design is to take the water or snow away, and reduce the load on the structure
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Apr 10, 2018
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Please adjust your radar to this coordinates. Maybe send this guy some suggestion about default "fan patch" for AoW1 ?

Ja it's very exciting that we have someone doing hex editing of the .exe again. The points he said will feature in his patch demonstrate that he is a person of taste and discernment too.

As for the things you suggest - they are good points.

My opinions -

Surface vision is a little too far, especially from towers (12) and buildings (6). However all units can move further than they see, so you do still get plenty of ambushes in MP with people counting enemy vision range.
Nonethleless, if building towers for vision was made economically viable (way too costly and turn-limited at present) that would be cool.

Razing structures is too easy because 'avengers' are too weak. Anyone with DevEd to make a ruleset can fix this problem for most structures by making Avengers stronger. They aren't just the guys who turn up when you raze the place - the computer has to judge that your forces are stronger than them before you can raze to begin with. However, cities autogenerate their defenders from the racial unit list, so a mere ruleset can't fix this. Currently, a single great Eagle can raze a full-size city 30% of the time if the autogenerated defenders don't have enough archers.
^This one I will suggest to him.

I don't know about the need to shake up transports and make them ubiquitous in land and air. You could make balloons available at the Builder's Guild though, it has a slot free. In fact I should do that in my next map, because by saving a map in the editor with a modded ruleset active, then when someone starts a game, the unit lists will still be altered even if they don't have the mod. Caravans would be interesting, but by spacing them out in a relay you could give units insane amounts of map movement, that's acceptable when it's done with high-cost air transport or along rivers, but frankly caravans sound a bit broken unless it was a gimmick for a race with low movement speed. In AoW2 modding I might give dwarves very low movespeed while having their steam tanks be weaker and cheaper so they use them to mvoe around, for example.

Squad of enemy forces should be hidden. You could see only number of units and "leader" unit on main map. OFC some scouts could has skill to reveal armies composition.
Too difficult to implement, but this mechanic works great in Dominions series.

Ja city upgrade should be more aggressively displayed. I think most people forget about the flag that displays upgrade level.

Catapult and Ballista training slots are definitely ripe for modding, as currently only the orcs, Dwarves, Lizardmen, and Undead have their own racial artillery. But this is something which can be done with a ruleset and DevEd, no need for hex editing. True, the builder's guild could also be involved in these kinds of switcheroos.

shipyard - only transport ship should be able to transport units. This way you could have bigger navy battles, with more ships.
also if there would be access to submersible units (sea monsters), the sea battles could be more interesting. Flying units hunting submarines :) .
Unless the unused slot for produce merchandise in shipyard is available, there is only 4 units limit in overthere, so:
transport, fast light attack, heavy ship // either long range artillery or sub (would be thematic to leave subs to racial and spell summons)

Ships - yeah, currently only dragon ships and sometimes transports are worth making. but any modder with Deved can fix this up. Just do stat rebalancing and give one type flamethrowers, another Magic bolts (for use against water-walking enchanted wraiths for example), and so on.

Upkeep - yeah, 4/6/8/10 is a bit skewed to later units. However you will often train level 1s because you have villages to small to train anything else, so it seems okay to me. Nonetheless this guy will adjust it.

Swordsmen - yeah they're absurdly weak, in my personal mod I gave them all +2 DEF. That made them balanced. http://aow.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=1206
Will update the mod again in a bit.

spells in combat are too expensive, i cast one and that's it for this combat (if you 1st lvl spellcaster).
My mod also makes most spells vastly cheaper, especially battle ones that do direct damage.

I can have +1/+2 from shield/helm/armor = +6 DEF from items, there are also enchants from spells. That means hero DEF should be 4. cause DEF is capped at 10 (good). Hmm.. maybe would be good to not allow at all to increase DEF?
I disagree, because in PBEM people run around with stacks of archers and you have to fight them in autocombat. So even if you kill one archer every round, and have 10 def, you are having 16 arrows fired per round, then 14, then 12, etc. it adds up to 7.2 damage on average from killing 8 archers.
So any superhero can be dumpstered by 16 archers in PBEM.

Another problem with limiting DEF score with a cap, is that it makes heroes with access to Stoneskin and bless always stronger than those without. However, in Warlock's mod there is a cap, I think it's 5 or 7. I can email you the .exe file since installing it the old fashioned way is hard.

there should be different cost of city upgrade, from level 1 >2 should cost less than 2>3.
This is another thing Warlock's Ruleset does. city upgrade costs are 100 for 2-hex, 175 for 3-hex, and only 250 for 4-hex. Although not exactly what you suggest.
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Jul 19, 2015
thanks for the answer (btw could you edit it a little better? someplace im lost what is my quote and what is your answer), but I just dump my early opinions in one place, they will change overtime. I probably say something stupid.

I stick with vanilla for now. I want to get the feeling. But after reading your mod description it looks like straight improvement. I skip Warlock, it need dedicated maps if I remember correctly? I roleplay DEF now (i dont increase it at all, it stay on 4), the game is much better when your hero is not immortal (still 2x items buff my DEF to 7 already :/ ).
the link for SSS is from april, you said you have newer version?

every game i have since yesterday crash to desktop - some map drawing error usually. I dont have a habit to save games. I spend years to unlearn this impulse, and take responsibility for my decisions. The more frustrating it is, if I have only 1 save before I conquer half map. Now i install this will see today if its more stable.

I read your SSS mod changelog (there is lots of good stuff that i like, but here i mention only doubt one):
Priests/Clerics/Shamans: all have Magic Bolts as well as any other bolt attacks (i.e. Storm Priest has both magic and lightning bolts)
why they need second Bolt spell?

Iron Dragon - available at the Builders' Guild. It is a somewhat silly unit.
i didn't see this unit yet. But it thematically make no sens. How a bunch of construction workers/mechanics/ carpenters; create a monster? ("magic is the answer" just like Jesus :) )

Flying - 70
why add abilities that need 7 levels of point saving? It not increase the variety of decisions, rather clutter the gameplay with more options, to consider.

Caravans would be interesting, but by spacing them out in a relay you could give units insane amounts of map movement, that's acceptable when it's done with high-cost air transport or along rivers, but frankly caravans sound a bit broken unless it was a gimmick for a race with low movement speed
I didnt think about that. You right. You will unload and load in some "train station" at travel whole map, rendering the movement speed of units irrelevant.
I play before Open General, and there I enjoy a lot all this logistic with loading unloading, organic transports, attacking trucks, embarks ... it add very good decision to gameplay ("is it safe to transport troops now overthere?")

apropos Archers;
its odd, that devs put blocking LoS elements of battlescape (buildings, trees), only to add lob shooting for archers so they can ignore it. And its better sometimes to hide troops behind another soldiers, than buildings.

there is Zone of Control, free opportunity attack that discourage troops from disengage from combat. But its super fine to make normal archery salvo to unit that is fighting with you in melee (and they will not even retaliate).

melee troops exchange 2x hits for each other alternatively. But archers shoot 3x times to one target each time.
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Apr 10, 2018
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Warlock is playable with any map, but there are maps out there which can only be played with Warlock's.

You'd probably have a fine time if you installed Warlock's, or S&S, or any mod really, right during your current campaign. Might want to keep a backup of the current Release folder though. Also my mod is going to be updated but not with anything too major, just a bunch of prison/dungeon unit list reworks.


Jul 19, 2015
I give a shot for your mod and your small map. Both so far excellent. The change to swords and archers improve the game. Also spellcasting V at start with cheap spells is more than great.

Unfortunately just after few turn I encounter new error - hmm.. dont see it before, do you think its something related to your mod? I cannot end my turn, this monit popup every time. I start again a guess.

Apr 10, 2018
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Priests/Clerics/Shamans: all have Magic Bolts as well as any other bolt attacks (i.e. Storm Priest has both magic and lightning bolts)
why they need second Bolt spell?
It's so they always have a ranged attack against Air Elementals and Wraiths. Otherwise Storm Priests can't shoot at Air Elementals for example. You still have the option of using Enchanted Weapon on people, but that only buffs melee hits, so if you don't have a flyer... I think everyone should have the option of using priests against these units.
Not the most necessary change though, I could remove it.

Iron Dragon - available at the Builders' Guild. It is a somewhat silly unit.
i didn't see this unit yet. But it thematically make no sens. How a bunch of construction workers/mechanics/ carpenters; create a monster? ("magic is the answer" just like Jesus :) )
Ja, that's true. I should probably remove it.
But, if Balloons were moved to the Builders's Guild so everyone has limited access to air travel, then the Iron Dragon could be a new Dwarf unit.

Flying - 70
why add abilities that need 7 levels of point saving? It not increase the variety of decisions, rather clutter the gameplay with more options, to consider.
I don't know, I think it might still be an interesting choice. At least when playing in the late campaign, you could spend the points from level 23-30 on it? But yes, it is a bit silly, and the skill list must be very long and cluttered. I actually haven't played my own mod, because I only play PBEM these days and couldn't be bothered bullying people into it :p
So, I have changed the mod a fair bit already based on what people said about it, all opinions are welcome.

its odd, that devs put blocking LoS elements of battlescape (buildings, trees), only to add lob shooting for archers so they can ignore it. And its better sometimes to hide troops behind another soldiers, than buildings.

there is Zone of Control, free opportunity attack that discourage troops from disengage from combat. But its super fine to make normal archery salvo to unit that is fighting with you in melee (and they will not even retaliate).

melee troops exchange 2x hits for each other alternatively. But archers shoot 3x times to one target each time.
Ja, sometimes battlefield blockers don't do much. Though other times they are effective. Also archers actually shoot twice, while slingers shoot four times. Only Poison Darts shoots 3 times.

Apparently, 'Exception occurred during TEndTurnTE' means the AI has run into some issue decided when the end its turn.
It's possible the mod causes this, or it could be the map, or neither. From looking at the few times it turns up after googling it, I can't tell.
Saving and reloading might fix it.
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Jul 19, 2015
It's so they always have a ranged attack against Air Elementals and Wraiths. Otherwise Storm Priests can't shoot at Air Elementals for example. You still have the option of using Enchanted Weapon on people, but that only buffs melee hits, so if you don't have a flyer... I think everyone should have the option of using priests against these units.
Not the most necessary change though, I could remove it.
ah.. make sens.

Ja, that's true. I should probably remove it.
But, if Balloons were moved to the Builders's Guild so everyone has limited access to air travel, then the Iron Dragon could be a new Dwarf unit.
IMO there is quite enough dragons. How about copy paste halfling eagle rider, call it a griffon rider and change portrait?
Also shipyard do not provide income, while Builders does. As I understand its possible to use Merchandise slot for new unit. What is your opinion about shifting Ballista there from every race? [im not sure with what to fill the gap - if FoW would be more harsh, then with some scouting unit or ambush (goblin need assasins). Or some utility unit; amphibian]

I need to play it more, before submitting new things. And Im very curious how the gameplay would be with Andy G patch.

Apparently, 'Exception occurred during TEndTurnTE' means the AI has run into some issue decided when the end its turn.
It's possible the mod causes this, or it could be the map, or neither. From looking at the few times it turns up after googling it, I can't tell.
Saving and reloading might fix it.
I change the difficulty back to emperor, was able to end turns, gets beaten :). Early wyrm rides are "interesting".


I made few sprites for some games, do you think some new units would be good to add if I draw them?
Apr 10, 2018
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
IMO there is quite enough dragons. How about copy paste halfling eagle rider, call it a griffon rider and change portrait?
Well, it already exists in the game files unused, so I wanted to use it. Maybe call it a Gargoyle instead?

Also shipyard do not provide income, while Builders does. As I understand its possible to use Merchandise slot for new unit. What is your opinion about shifting Ballista there from every race? [im not sure with what to fill the gap - if FoW would be more harsh, then with some scouting unit or ambush (goblin need assasins). Or some utility unit; amphibian]
I guess it depends on what the ideas for new units are. Every race has a priest and a cavalryman at tier 2, so maybe every race could be given someone with Concealment as the third tier2 unit. Halflings being a little diferent because they have a tier1 cavalry and a tier2 satyr instead.

I made few sprites for some games, do you think some new units would be good to add if I draw them?
i have stuck with only using existing graphics so far, but I'm sure someone would use them, maybe me too. I would want them to fit in with the existing style, with low pixel count etc. Maybe we should check the Thirsk Decennium mod, apparently it has loads of added graphics.

I need to play it more, before submitting new things. And Im very curious how the gameplay would be with Andy G patch.
Ja he came out of nowhere, very stoked to see his patch.

I change the difficulty back to emperor, was able to end turns, gets beaten :). Early wyrm rides are "interesting".
Ja they are pretty tough, but I played it about 10 times in multiplayer and it was always ultimately the other player who killed me off, not the Lizardmen. (Yes, I did lose 9/10 games on a map I made myself, huge facepalm). I think the flyers are a good way to make the AI a dynamic threat though.
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Jul 19, 2015
could you explain why dark elves rider has magic bolts?
Rider: Magic Bolts, Marksmanship -/I/II, Vision I at Gold, Cost 32 to 42

Dwarf Axeman has 2 Def , looks like its not change also Res


Orcs have a Kobolds that climb walls. I just have an siege with this guys, buffed in your mod, they do excellent commando action. I would like Spiders for DarkElves to act exact the same. There could be Black Spiders that are summon from spell, and Giant Spider that are DarkElves tier 1 unit (Ram replacement) - with some stat change and recolor to Brown color.
Not sure how much dark elves would suffer with lack of Ram. In my observation I have access to all races units, because I capture multiple towns. Except if some race is hostile, then im limited only to half (good races or evil races).

Well, it already exists in the game files unused, so I wanted to use it. Maybe call it a Gargoyle instead?
its bad approach trying to use some resource just because it exist.

I guess it depends on what the ideas for new units are. Every race has a priest and a cavalryman at tier 2, so maybe every race could be given someone with Concealment as the third tier2 unit. Halflings being a little diferent because they have a tier1 cavalry and a tier2 satyr instead.
I observe that ballista are really powerful range unit, that dump down the gameplay. You just shoot to everyone from faraway, and they die quickly (ballista shot multiple time :-/ ). Maybe if ballista was only anti air weapon-not sure if its possible? I think Concealment unit would be good.

i have stuck with only using existing graphics so far, but I'm sure someone would use them, maybe me too. I would want them to fit in with the existing style, with low pixel count etc. Maybe we should check the Thirsk Decennium mod, apparently it has loads of added graphics.
Unit concept is needed before. If there is some niche to fill. Otherwise its just modding for the sake of modding - because we can.
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Apr 10, 2018
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Dark Elf Swordsmen getting magic bolts at Gold, and Dark Elf Riders getting magic bolts at base, is a reference to Master of Magic, where all dark elf troops have a ranged magic attack. Plus, I think it should be okay for gameplay since those guys have lower Damage values.

Come to think of it, this means there's no need for Storm Priests to have Magic Bolts. It's only the Frostling Shaman and Undead Doom Priest which need magic bolts, so their race doesn't get totally screwed vs air elementals/wraiths in rare situations.

Thanks for the catch on the Dwarf Axeman, fixed.

Dark Elves using spiders instead of rams would work fine for gameplay, including PBEM autocombat. I think I can recolour the spider myself. Also, since Web is a little bit weak (unless this hex editing guy will improve its attack value), it'd be cool to have it on a tier1 unit.

its bad approach trying to use some resource just because it exist.
Yeah, true. I will remove the Iron dragon then.

Ballistas aren't a problem in PBEM games because they move slowly, so mainly they are a combo with transports like Air Galleys. In singleplayer manouvering against someone else is less of a thing so the disadvantage of moving slowly is felt less.

I just updated the mod, if you install the update halfway through a game then it will update most things, just not dungeon guards, etc, things which are already on the map.
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Jul 19, 2015
If MOM is your thing, then please let Dark Elf Riders receive Magic Bolt at least at silver. Its just an first fast unit. They are not executioners. Magic range attack from this guys feel wrong. I even read the lore, where is mention its a meh unit.

I m very happy for DElves spiders :D That would fit. I play two games with them yesterday. I miss some big monster for them - Hydra. Not sure about shadow or incarnate, because i dont use them yet. Im even eager to draw Hydra - hope its not too much sprites. Can you advice how to create GRP for Age Of Wonders? Also DElves I always associate with some dinosaur reptiles riders (because of Warhammer, Heroes of MM, Armies of Exigo).

I just finish playthrough with Lizards, im not a big fan of aqua snake dudes usually. I think AoW1 is the first game i play when being an amphibious unit is a big advantage. The sea battles are very one sides because with Lizards, I always outnumber and outgun this poor single ship that oppose me.

The Turtle Ballista is absolutely OP. Its also massive fun unit - I love it ! Any way it have to be tone down.

Turtle has long range ballista that do 5 dmg 5 attack; 2x shoots.
Turtle is amphibious, no water stop me at all. Plus I can go back to the sea, if face biggest opposition.
Turtle has strike - which is best idea ever!! It feel so good, seeing giant turtle snack a swordsman, like a salad :D - anyway there are not vulnerable to melee anymore, like other ballistas.

they are quite expensive, but they are worth every piece of gold, and are cheap to maintain.

I would easily shift them to tier 3. Other than that, is it possible to limit amount of shoots? this way if each turtle be able to shoot only 2x per battle then its ok as well.


obvious move for lizard would be to replace Battering Ram with Turtle (just turtle or with Battering ram attack on top).
I love Turtles. What a great creature.

other Turtles idea: Turtle transport. sNot enough slots? Turtle Ram with Transport, as tier 2.
let turtle transport be a spell from water domain, usable for other races, cause Lizards dont need water transport at all.

I need to check Wiki for what other funny aquatic creatures exist.

besides that, I wonder how doable is to increase Migration time? Right now my default strategy is to migrate each new conquered city, to more favorable population. I almost never loot (or raze) city - I remember I like this burn ground strategy in Warlords3. But again maybe Im noob.
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Apr 10, 2018
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
If MOM is your thing, then please let Dark Elf Riders receive Magic Bolt at least at silver. Its just an first fast unit. They are not executioners. Magic range attack from this guys feel wrong. I even read the lore, where is mention its a meh unit.
Hehehe... shame if someone were to rewrite the unit-tab lore ;)
Magic bolts feel right as someone who enjoyed playing Master of Magic Dark Elves, turning up with a bunch of swordsmen, and just blasting everything with magic bolts instead of stabbing them.
I could make them more expensive, I increased goldcost from 32 to 42, but still. Very useful to have a fast-moving ranged unit to hunt enemy fliers, even physically immune air elementals. So in that niche they are excellent. However I don't think having magic bolts on t2 cavalry is too crazy, compared to Paladins having Healing for example.

Actually, that's the next thing I should do - mention the added abilities in the unit lore tabs. Like sandworms being given wall crushing, etc.

True, I should tone down the turtle artillery, they are probably too cheap and I could take that DAM value from 4 to 3 for example. Wouldn't want to make them t3 because every race has artillery at t2, and then I'd probably have to move units down from t3 to swap slots or something. Not sure how it works.
Honestly I don't think Lizardmen should have water-mobile battering rams, they are already so strong without being able to threaten walled cities from the water.

Limiting shots per battle is something that exists in AoW2, which uses a (vastly) expanded AoW1 engine, so it's doable in theory, but I don't have the expertise. Still no source code either, so really the hex editing that guy is going to do will focus on easier stuff.

Honestly a turtle transport summon would be cool, not sure how to fit it in the spell list - I guess replacing the giant frog. And then I would need to figure out how to mod spell names and stuff, that probably needs hex editing.

Migration time is another thing that can be modified in AoW2, so maybe this hex editing guy can do that too, IDK. But there's nothing too wrong with just migrating every city you can hold.
Apr 10, 2018
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
It's always great to get feedback even if I only go along with about 50% of it.

I am now editing the unit descriptions, for example since Humans in my mod get Leadership at Gold, I'm adding 'Experienced Humans are adept at leading their allies in battle.'


Jul 19, 2015
BING Im just throwing thoughts, for sure some of them are wrong. Please dont take it as any "strong" suggestion. For sure with your expertise you see immediately some obvious flaws.

Migrating every city dump down the gameplay, because you dont have to care about other race relations. The amount of revolts decrease. You dont need to maintain spare territorial forces to suppress rebellions. The option to loot or raze city losing sens, because you now you will not lose it soom for your enemy - and it feels awesome when you destroy the city that refuse to succumb to your reign.


if you are a writer now:
could you add some custom names to units?

every single race has swordsman and archer. And if f.ex dwarf has Axeman, and halfling slinger it immediately feel unique, you change DElf name to longbowman, and just by that this unit gain some charisma. I now its a little shame that all infantry is always using swords, or rarely spears (and archer bows, dwarf could use crossbows).

I feel little shy with suggesting names, because they should be base on lore (if possible):
human - man-at arms
azrac - some arabian or indian name? I know only Janissaries - but it probably trigger anyone with any historic knowledge.
lizards - clansman ? if they society is group in clans
dwarfs - axeman, dont need clansman name :)
... ok forget about it:
swordsman - warrior, guardian, footman, conscript, brute, squire, defender
archer - hunter, scout, auxiliary (in Roman style), shoota ( in orc style, but they appear to not be so stupid in AoW1), skirmisher, trapper, ranger

same with Priest, some of this guys you could call Disciple, Apprentice, Acolyte.
Apr 10, 2018
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Actually, I already did four renamings. Elf and Dark Elf Archers were already renamed to Longbowmen, Human 'Medium Cavalry' to 'Light Lancer', 'Transport Ship' to 'Cog', and Azrac 'Rider' to 'Raider'

I'm not too keen on renaming things too dramatically, I quite like simple descriptive names. Especially not stuff from foreign languages, I might enjoy putting in fancy terms like 'Razzia Raider' or 'Kshatriya' etc, but idk, it ends up feeling like everyone is a super-special hipster instead of someone turning up to battle to hack at things with a sword. Just a matter of personal taste though. Maybe I should revert the Azrac Raider back to Rider :p

Maybe I could go so far as to call some Swordsmen Longswordsmen, etc.

AoW2 has a more varied naming system and I don't prefer that. I did rename human swordsmen to Man-At-Arms in an AoW2 mod I still haven't got anywhere towards finishing, though.

Priests, Clerics, and Shamans are already three different names for the healing/magic bolts holy men each race has. So I gave each of those three unit groups different bonuses. Lumping in Saints with Clerics.
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Apr 10, 2018
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
I've been rewriting / expanding the unit lore for my Sword & Sorcery ruleset.


Lizardmen are creatures of water, and view fire as a demonic and unnatural element. But once in a generation from a clutch of lizardman eggs, a creature of fire, a Salamander, is born. Burning bright with golden scales, the Salamander is seen as an omen of strife. Ordinary Lizardmen shun these creatures, but do not dare to kill them off.

Instead they are taken into the care of the Shamans, and raised as sacred warriors. Whether they are freaks of nature or otherworldly creatures mimicking the feral Lizardmen, Salamaders will always answer the call of Lizardmen in times of need. But as outcasts incapable of entering water, they spend much of their time doing mercenary work for the lords of the land-bound races.

Salamanders are superbly skilled and swift swordsmen, and can set enemies aflame with their swords or with blood spilled from their wounds. The most powerful salamanders can call flame to life at range.

The Lurker is a large flat-bodied monster which resembles a giant frog. This creature lives in swamps, cave-lake, and other murky waters from which it sets out to hunt. Though the Lurker is strong and has a poisonous bite, the creature's gaze is more dangerous.

Peering down from two long eyestalks, the Lurker has the power to dominate mortal minds, rendering them biddable until feeding time. Sometimes its tadpoles will be laid in a living captive. Despite this, the Lurker is not an evil creature, but merely a predator beast. As intelligent as dogs, they are sometimes trained by the Lizardmen to guard territory and seize prisoners for interrogation, ransom, or feeding Basilisks.

The Green Wyvern is a serpentine creature resembling a dragon in form, though not in wits or power. Dimwitted and rejected by other dragonkind as inferior, these creatures angrily assert their strength over those weaker than themselves. Green Wyverns live in swamps, and the Lizardmen have had to learn to flatter these monsters.

Green Wyverns generally do not eat the Lizardmen, and take on a role as their patrons when appeased by gifts. When the offerings are deemed unsatisfactory, they only eat a couple Lizardmen (often decoys dressed up as shamans or leaders) to set an example. For all their flaws, the Wyverns are not cowardly, and are feared allies of the Lizardman race. The great fangs of a Green Wyvern drip with venom, but only the most ancient can muster a vitriol breath to rival that of true dragons. Their scales are not nearly as strong as armor.

Basilisks are landbound swampland Turtle-Dragons with monstruous appetites. The Lizardmen have learned the hard way to satisfy their hunger with a constant supply of meat. Cattle, cripples, and prisoners of war gathered by Lurkers are all sacrificed alike. In Lizardman society it is considered an honor to be be consumed by a Basilisk. The Shamans teach that the soul of the victim lives on within the great monsters: at any rate, the oldest of the beasts grow cunning, and can conceal themselves while swimming even despite their great size.

Heavily armored and amphibious, the Basilisk is strong enough to tunnel through the earth and demolish city walls. It attacks with a broad maw lined with daggers of ivory, and its hideous gaze can slay on sight alone. Legends claim the creature turns its victims to stone, but the truth is no less terrible. With a glance it strikes death into the hearts of its victims, and then consumes the warm flesh before it can become rigid as stony death.

Despite lacking the strength of other races, Elven archers somehow wield big longbows tirelessly. The baffled archers of other races, who train years to develop strength in their arms, claim that it must be magic. They are correct, for the bow of an Elf is not dead wood, but retains the heart of the tree whence it came. An Elf's bow aids its wielder in drawing it, and only the accuracy of Elven Archers testifies to their skill.

In a world where Elven numbers have dwindled, the ability to fight at range has become more important. Archery combined with summoned vines has become the classic Elven tactic. Elves feel most at home in the forests and are able to move easily through heavily wooded areas; the most experienced can conceal themselves in foliage.


Jul 19, 2015
those lore inputs are excellent. they perfectly depict unit, what skill they suppose to have. And the fluff background is interesting! I love it.
It reminds about Dominion, a game that I dont enjoy that much playing, but reading the unit description fill my brain with dreams and fascinations.

Also this post with pictures, is greatly aid for reading. I very appreciate that you refrain from just dumping wall of text.

P.S. MOAR, what is this 5x only?

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