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Age of Wonders 4


Best Poster on the Codex
Aug 21, 2007
Frown Town
Yes AoW 3 is great.

Regarding 4, it's the Pdox influence. Stellaris shite. Wishy-washy create your own experience indeed. All these fucking modifiers, man. +10% to semen production, that is sure exciting, no doubt. And the break down of faction dissymetry, holy shit. I can't understand why people love this design, but they do. I don't know, to me the point of these games is the hard faction identities, you'd think that is the appeal, Warhammer style, but not so, apparently. And I was sure they were going to reuse the great mod mechanic from Planetfall ; the face enchantments were not nearly as interesting.

The game does look fucking great though I have to say. All the models are incredible. The lovecraftian shit almost gets me, look at these crazy characters, I'm always into this nonsense. But no. Maybe get it on sale someday.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
Victory takes so fucking looooong, by the mid-game you're steamrolling the map with 5+ full stacks but the AI will always shit out more than you and the other victory conditions take ages.


Dec 9, 2014
Northern wastes
Just why the hell are they not doing proper story driven, single player campaigns anymore? This is what pisses me off the most about AoW4 and Planetfall. Shadow magic was insanely good and DLC for 3 also delivered. Hobbit campaign has got such a nice warm fantasy atmosphere.....

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
This argument doesn't really work when so many games focus their design around multiplayer when in reality it is played only by a small percentage.


Jul 11, 2019
This argument doesn't really work when so many games focus their design around multiplayer when in reality it is played only by a small percentage.
Because the devs play multiplayer and the influencers also. Because they are paid to do videogame stuff and have a network of friends and colleagues who are paid to do videogame stuff. So they are disproportionately pro-multiplayer. Also multiplayer scum are highly organized and review bomb strategy games without multiplayer. It happened to Millennia. They got wrecked.
May 11, 2007
Belém do Pará, Império do Brasil

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
Because the devs play multiplayer
I feel like a lot of devs don't play shit, which is one of the problems. Modern Triumph are not an exception, many mechanics in their recent games show clear lack of understanding how their games actually play on a very basic level (anomalies from PF are a very stark example). They just see "a popular thing" and automatically assume putting it in their next game is a great idea.

Is this game good yet?
What are your expectations? If you want a 1/2-like or 3/PF-like AoW game then it's not good and never will be. It does have its fanbase, though, it's way more popular than PF or even 3 were. Basically a boring, basic and plain af modern 4X with better than average tactical combat.
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Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
I beat Grexolis and that map really shows how retarded the AI actually is. My allies could barely capture a city by themselves, despite the rampant bonuses the AI gets to production.


Jul 11, 2019
Because the devs play multiplayer
I feel like a lot of devs don't play shit, which is one of the problems. Modern Triumph are not an exception, many mechanics in their recent games show clear lack of understanding how their games actually play on a very basic level (anomalies from PF are a very stark example). They just see "a popular thing" and automatically assume putting it in their next game is a great idea.

Is this game good yet?
What are your expectations? If you want a 1/2-like or 3/PF-like AoW game then it's not good and never will be. It does have its fanbase, though, it's way more popular than PF or even 3 were. Basically a boring, basic and plain af modern 4X with better than average tactical combat.
I think that in the case of strategy games many of the devs do play the games. They just suck at them.


Jul 19, 2015
AoW4 is a good game, has a lot of well-thought-out elements. Have my fun playing it twice this Sunday, but I prefer AoW1 formula (shame this game is so outdated in terms of mechanics, like no AoE spells for units[except breath attacks and goblins bomber suicide]).

I didn't like AoW3 at all, i try many times to like the tactical combat, but heroes spoiled it (like in AoW1) this time with damage instead defence. AoW3 is a doom stack rider of dungeons, with no strategic map gameplay. However, AoW3 units/heroes abilities and interesting troops are still best.

In AoW4 you control 1 to 4 cities, plus quite a lot of outposts. The kingdom size under your control is bigger than in AoW3, and it is an improvement.

Personally, much more prefer the dozens of different size towns from AoW1, with no buildings at all, where the strategic layer play feels like in Warlords 3.

Each city have a long list of buildings that you can erect. I play with 2x races so far only, but it appears that all the buildings are the same (there is not even different name or 2d graphics), except for a few special structures from your faction choice.

In each city you have 2x building queue; one for structures and one for units recruitment. That's an excellent idea, It really prevents lots of frustration with adjusting your build order, when enemy arrive at the gates.


Each city is slowly annexing abut provinces as the population grow. Some provinces have Point of Interests of various types like dungeons or resource nodes, that your city absorb with each annexation (population growth).I don't like this expanding creep mechanic and much more prefer Capture the Flag style from AoW1.


A nice twist would be if not all units could capture or collect benefit from all type of Point of Interests.
f.ex. in Fantasy General 2 flying units cannot capture ground points.
It would make sense if animals couldn't do it, neither.Your provinces gain a single upgrade that grants your city +X income of resources.

Your army can pillage each province, upgrades for 75 Gold. Ruined province can be rebuilt for 50 gold. If gold is what you need, its a valid tactic to pillage all provinces of besieged city, just to rebuild them in next turns.

For each pillaged province, you are rewarded with a massive -5 alignment toward being an Evil ruler. That's a fine drawback, just too harsh, as i immediately become full red moon evil after starting a war.


Pillage is excellent mechanic gameplay wise, because just one unit is enough to loot a location. This lead to legitimate decision if you want to split your doom stacks, to plunder vast area, exposing your self to being defeat in detail, or you rather keep your forces together. I really like it, everything that incline me to separate my forces (nukes?) is good. Big blobs of units are not fun ; One big dick measuring contest and the whole multi hour game is decided.

Empire resource - idea is ok... you collect ego points to pick global skill or settle a new city. But the execution is so-so, because of the streamlined empire skills that making all your unit aquatic, miners, summon units or grant +Y to your Excel spreadsheet.

Sailing is just an global unlock, and all of a sudden your units are capable of traversing water. You no longer need mining units, just unlock Excavation with Empire currency. Forced March - a great skill from Fantasy General, is not assign to specific units. Its just faction wide unlock from tech tree.

Siege units? Don't be silly, too much logistic for modern audience. Instead, on each siege we have a rubber band, delay mechanic that prevent the winning player from prevailing too quickly.

I crave multiple unit roles. Multiple hard counters like from AoW1.

I like Knowledge being separated from Mana. I am not a fan of Master of Magic balancing of blue crystal's budget.


Tactical combat is great and its an improvement over AoW3, where heroes melee (flank) charge deal such a big damage, that it render whole buff/debuff skill irrelevant, or detrimental even because you waste turn to reduce target poison resistance instead of killing it on the spot.

I really like how even each ability and units competitive level is. Difference between units tier in terms of HP difference is small. A to win a battle you need a quantity, instead of quality. Which is good,

Im not a fan of max levelled top tier doom stacks clearing one dungeon after another in AoW3. Neither Def10 Heroes from AoW1.

I was using unit skill and rarely feel like I should just charge instead.
Also AI is using lots of units abilities which make the combat interesting to watch. After few battles, I turn the auto battles ON and watch it like football match.

In tactical combat healing grants only temporary HP. Which is a great invention, it makes the strategic healing in towns or by hero skills the more important. This is good, it creates depth in the gameplay, and make multiple "tools" viable to use.

Multi figure squads of units, lose damage inflicting capability with reduced HP. I like it. There are not dead/wounded figures, but its still supporting my suspension of disbelief. And make a difference between squad and single creature troops.

Defender still cannot retreat. If enemy doom stack catch your single scout, he has to die in suicide battle.

This prevents the weaker forces from routing and gathering somewhere at the back (giving away control over land) to create bigger opposition. THe more even forces = the more interesting battles are later.

I understand that someone could say "hey but i just step 1 hex back, and you will be caught in infinite combat loop". Fair point, let the single unit flee to the nearest town as neutral, until it reach city or ally forces to rally it.
Faction develop tech tree by picking Tomes as you gain next knowledge levels and unlock skills/spells/units from these books.Tomes units allow you to customize available non-mundane units to your liking. And is in line with the whole "make your own faction!" idea of this game - whether you like it or not.

Heroes have just a fistful of skill to pick from on level ups, its a step down compare to AoW3 where the available options were very crunchy, and it was fun to spend your points.

Same with the units, each culture grants you 6 similar basic role units (like range, shield, shock, polearm, support scout). There is not much "wow factor" here from picking different types of troops from different cultures. AoW3 is much better (f.ex. the matriarchal society of Frostling with simping Guardians). As example globally, I would say HMM3 (and 5) have very different and unique roosters between each Towns.

I very like that upgrading attack with poison, is adding poison damage but reduce physical damage a bit too. Support units are boosting around troops by resistance boost or temporary abilities.
High culture units could be awakened which grants them temporary boost, while Primal units are gathering Fury counters to receive some boon.

Enchantments spells are affecting all units in game. At first i didn't like it, but I grow on me. Selecting every single dude you want to improve with magic is a wearing micro. In AoW4 there are enchants that upgrade weapons of only range unit f.ex, and you would find out to have whole 4x of archers at the time. It really saves time with micro needed to look for units on map, and moving them near your caster hero.Saves work with clicking.

transformation spells (on the other hand) are silly, i dont like the idea that your race evolve in the time span of one conflict. Would the medieval society that im in charge learn how to manipulate DNA through magic? I dont buy it.

Diplomacy is more sophisticated than in AoW1. Its like in master of orion, where you have conversation with other factions. Make no mistake, its not an Alpha Centauri level of interaction with your enemies.

Narrative interruption, C&C are ok. The available options are not brilliant but are not awkward neither. Sensible if you want to roleplay.


To my taste, Eldritch DLC units fit with the rest of the game. They have this Elden Ring vibe to it, instead the Lovercraftian fishy tentacles that you probably expect. There is much more depth in this DLC with Umbra map layer, but honestly I dont know much about it as I only play 2 games.

Primal Fury add one culture Primal with extra twist of 7x different animal spirits, that affect terrain and the bonuses provided by accumulating fury counters by the units. Bunch of animal to the game. And 2x skins - to be honest, i buy AoW4 because i could finally LARP as beastmen.

AoW4 has tons of content and options to mix things up. With fragmented tech tree into chunks of Tomes, it creates a mosaic where no game would be the same.

Ofc you could min-max the best options each time, and i see why this game would never be balanced for competitive autisms. It is a great sandbox to larp nevertheless where you can lead your dream race of mole or toads into domination.

I see why lots of people like it, and i see why lots of grognards hate it.
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Jul 11, 2019
My problem with Tomes is they just don't get used to their proper potential. More pre-reqs for high level Tomes, more differentiation, more top tier Tomes with super effects, etc.


Dec 6, 2019
When the most positive review anyone has said yet includes "reminds me of transition from HoMM 3 to HoMM 5"


Sep 18, 2021
When the most positive review anyone has said yet includes "reminds me of transition from HoMM 3 to HoMM 5"
HoMM 5 did some things better than HoMM 3, like skill trees, faction abilities, the initiate system, more active unit abilities. I think if the visuals and the setting of HoMM 5 were more in line with HoMM2/3 its reception would have been more positive.


Jul 19, 2015
not like im trying to convince codex hive mind,

1. A biggest complaint is that race is just a skin.

AoW4 races have default traits, that are quite sensible.
Yes you could easily change them, but if they were fixed and you dont agree with them, you would just change them with mod - so it saves you the hassle.

If you (like me) have a wet dream about hordes of beastmen that eat men flesh and are constantly drunk(the more established warhammery vision) - then you will probably disagree with Goatkin having a herbivore special ability ("what TF is this vegan propaganda!!!"). Even if this make more sense, and is more believable - you can still change it in seconds to your liking without messing with files.

True - you cannot change traits itself, and some of them are missing the point:

cold blooded means their body cannot generate heat internally. Not sure what would be good gameplay implication... they could hibernate in global map and regenerate HP quicker? but will take damage in hot and cold environments?

Another valid critique here would be to say that with this "flexible" races traits, you cannot create truly unique races with custom world map rules and special interaction between native units. But how many games nowadays really have synergies or well written order of battle? Devs don't bother. "we have symmetric faction because of multiplayer balance".

2. no world map spells

let me start that i agree that global spells are lacking in AoW4 or it's maybe my impression from Ducking Around and not knowing the game good. But in AoW1 you have altars and global spells like tornado that split enemy stack available in mid-game.

Anyway such spells exist in AoW4:

there is quite a list of world map type of spells even:

With even more global province wide spells! :

but don't get too excited... in practice the number of available tools really feels limited (compare to Caster of Magic f.ex)

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