Burning Bridges
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LOL retard
This is the identity of East Berlin
This is the identity of East Berlin
This is the identity of East Berlin
It's them who want to use the current political discourse to boost their bottom line.
Here look we even updated it a while back:
Do I get to play as future! DDR cyborg agents or the Cold War is merely a shitty gimmick to make pretentious points about the contemporary world?
I'd settle down even on Soviet space-traveling cyborg agents.
Holy shit people is it possible to read just one fucking thread for once without someone pointlessly bringing SJW crap into it?
so having a cold war is kinda disastrous for global corporations but good for everyone else
Do I get to play as future! DDR cyborg agents or the Cold War is merely a shitty gimmick to make pretentious points about the contemporary world?
I'd settle down even on Soviet space-traveling cyborg agents.
I'm not particularly worried about political overtones (I find most political themes in games between the quaint, the childish and the pretentious) but we get to play both sides or only the (theoretical) "free world"?
How did you approach a Eastern Block that endured a century more than the historical one?
And as a last point, what's with Germans and electronic music?!?!
Why not remove walls of bedroom and everyone fuck together too.
We aim for the game to have 3 acts. Right now we have the first act only, with about 1-2 hours playtime (but repeatable because procedural). That first act takes place entirely in East Berlin, and you control our first agent, Kai, who's a member of STASIS, the eastern bloc's temporal agency.
and hopefully music.
So glorious.Why not remove walls of bedroom and everyone fuck together too.
Yeah be sure to check out kitkatclub in Berlin:
Berlin, November 2089 - For 150 years of Cold War both sides have used temporal technology to counter each other's every move. But this deadly love is finally coming to an end as a rogue nuclear strike has both sides sending agents back in time to find out who did it and how to prevent it before everything turns to ash forever.
We're talking industrial rock Frank Klepacki-style for the Eastern Block?
It's them who want to use the current political discourse to boost their bottom line.
Here look we even updated it a while back:
This was the original see, from last year:
Also see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_God,_Help_Me_to_Survive_This_Deadly_Love
It's actually funny that the old version supports the right wing "Obama is a communists" narrative, while the new one is perfectly inline with the current liberal narrative of Trump loves Putin. After all, in the original picture, both statesmen literally were on the same side of the wall, while in both of your versions, they are it figuratively in the eyes of their respective political opponents.
Any particular reason the cold war couldn't have lasted 100 years?
Holy shit people is it possible to read just one fucking thread for once without someone pointlessly bringing SJW crap into it?
How the fuck do you see where you're going wearing that?
How the fuck do you see where you're going wearing that?
It's difficult to see in the photo, but burqas do include a mesh/grille in front of the eyes, which provides for limited vision. A niqab, by contrast, has an open area in the upper part of the face that includes the eyes, allowing for clear vision, though it's otherwise identical to the burqa.How the fuck do you see where you're going wearing that?
We’re funded! Thanks to all our backers!
Posted by Jan David Hassel
Because of your help, we’ve reached our initial funding goal in just 5 days! We’ll be launching the Closed Alpha of the first act of the game on itch.io, for all three platforms - Windows, Mac and Linux - in May as planned!
We’re also on Steam Greenlight so if you have a Steam Account please go there and vote for us so we can bring the game to Steam to all of you:
We have a lot of really awesome stuff lined up for stretch goals which we will announce later on Monday so stay tuned for the next upcoming update!
Thank you all so much for your support,
Almut, David, Isaac and Rafal
Stretch Goals: West Berlin & VANDALISM
With the initial funding secured, it’s time to look forward at our next major goal for the campaign, which is bringing Act 2 and West Berlin to the Closed Alpha. This will double the campaign length, introduce a new character with new abilities, and feature an intense Finale mission at the TV-Tower itself!
During the Closed Alpha, we plan on doing regular updates to the game every 3-6 weeks, with new features, art, and music. Each update will contain a little bundle of these, and will be a stretch goal along the road to the West. The first goal is...
Stretch Goal 1: VANDALISM
VANDALISM features an extended cover system, more destructible objects, the ability to knock down walls with your cybernetic fist and this awesome Acid Techno track from Jukio Kallio(Nuclear Throne & LUFTRAUSERS), called “Calm before the Gunfire”:
Jukio Kallio, aka Kuabee, is responsible for some awesome video game soundtracks, including Nuclear Throne, LUFTRAUSERS, and Bleed 2. We were so excited when he agreed to make a track for the All Walls Must Fall soundtrack, and we’re really hope we can put the track in-game. He says he was interested in the game because of "the fact that, to me, Berlin is kind of ‘the techno place’ and that AWMF takes it to the near-future, I can still have freedom of what that future techno could sound like."
We think that’s a great soundtrack for more destruction! So with this update, we’ll be adding a ton of destructible objects to the game. Some of these will impact the game by having effects on NPCs such as blinding or stunning them. Let us know your suggestions for destructible objects in the comments!
Meanwhile, you’ll be able to take cover by crouching behind low cover with an extension to our existing cover system. Whenever you’re behind low cover, you’ll crouch automatically to protect yourself better from incoming threats. You’ll be able to take potshots over the top of objects, and around the corners of both low and high cover. What’s more, NPCs will be usable as cover objects in some situations, such as when they’re stunned. Some enemies will also be able to make use of the same system!
Last but not least we’ll also be adding a Sledgehammer Punch ability to Kai’s arsenal which you’ll be able to use to bring down walls and open up new pathways!
Crossing over to the West
Alev is a cyber-warrior with West Berlin's CTA agency, and she represents the present. Her brand of time manipulation revolves around the present moment. She specialises in abilities like FREEZE (where the world stops moving but Alev can still act) and SPLIT (where an avatar copy repeats the first set of Alev’s actions while she performs a second). Like all agents, she also is an expert with UNDO.
If we reach this new major stretch goal and raise a total of EUR 75 000 on Kickstarter, we’ll be able to include all of West Berlin and Alev as part of the Closed Alpha. That will allow us to iterate on it with you all and really nail the new abilities and the setting with your feedback.
Should we not reach this pretty far goal, we will still continue as far ahead as we can with the support of our Kickstarter backers and then seek additional funding sources through Early Access and potentially other external partners.
Stay Tuned and Spread the Word
More intermediate stretch goals will be revealed as we reach the previous ones - we can't wait to share even more awesome music from some great artists that we have lined up! But we need your help to make it all happen! It would be great if you could share the Kickstarter with your friends on Twitter and Facebook!
Go West,
Almut, David, Isaac and Rafal
It sure is! Why do you ask?Is the crowd AI in AWMF based in the Mammoth flocking AI?