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American Hare


Feb 26, 2005

I've been working on the character backgrounds, but expect an update on the game mechanics sometime next Thursday.


Feb 26, 2005
Language plays a part in the game. You'll be subjected to English, Spanish (various dialects), Portuguese, French, Latin, Mayan (modern and ancient), and ancient Aztec. This is a realtively new concept, as you can imagine. English is the default - you always understand it. You can also understand *some* Mexican Spanish from the outset.

There is a seperate Culture skill now that does not affect Mind, Body, or Focus. Culture has its own unique listed set of sub-skills, of which include different languages. Culture is wholly different from the other three skills in that it is a "use" type skill. Similar to the Elder Scrolls series, the more you exercise this skill, the more it grows. It is, however, slightly affected by Mind and Focus, to various degrees which I have yet to work out.

Now, for Helton's question. As you can see, you are mainly an "American" hare in the red, white, and blue sense. North American English is your primary language, and your Culture skill shows that you are not well suited to the environment you find yourself in (Central America). It further drives home the fish-out-of-water feeling that the anthropomorphic bunny with amnesia premise started.

The logo is, of course, not final and something I drew up in 5 minutes, but I wanted something that looked stately.
Feb 10, 2007
Good to know that I was correct with my writing so far that I made the mexicans actually speak in spanish. Though I doubt I'm using any special dialect. I have very base spanish skills from school but I can still make sentences as I was doing.


Jan 29, 2007
Starbase Delta
Hey, that's pretty cool, actually. How will you handle alien language and partial translations?

I'd imagine:

"[You don't understand the man at all]" He points to the east and makes a gesture with his hands.
"[You don't understand the man at all]" He points to the east and makes an eating gesture with his hands.
"Tree... fruit... good" He points to the east, you gather towards one of several trees, and makes an eating gesture with his hands.
"That tree over there has good fruit to eat." He points at a bannana tree to the east and makes an eating gesture with his hands.


Feb 26, 2005
Rural Spanish Dialect (Southern)
Personality geared towards good

no skill said:
The man looks at you in the eye. His lips move slowly while he speaks, obvious of your ignorance towards how they talk out here in the remote backwaters of El Salvador.

Scruffy Man: "DKFUGburroIQUEHFAHSNBescapadoDIUEU."

- "The part between the donkey and snbescapadodi... repeat that."
- Threaten him, "Look, man, tell me what's going on here!"
- Shrug and walk off.

some skill said:
The man looks at you in the eye. His lips move slowly while he speaks, obvious of your ignorance towards how they talk out here in the remote backwaters of El Salvador.

Scruffy Man: "BurroisDUAYHGNDAescapingUYGQPpigshide."

- "Pigs hide?"
- "Sorry, I only understand real Spanish. Please be more coherent."
- Shrug and walk off.

moderate skill said:
The man looks at you square in the eye. A smile quickly appears and then fades on his face.

Scruffy Man: "That donkey is running away with your hams."

- "Which way did it go?"
- "I don't have any hams."
- Shrug and walk off, "Quit wasting my time."

None, some, moderate, and high are the different level of comprehension. As you can see, high skill is not required to fully understand this guy.


Rural Spanish Dialect (Southern)
Personality geared towards bad

no skill said:
The man looks at you in the eye. His lips move slowly while he speaks, obvious of your ignorance towards how they talk out here in the remote backwaters of El Salvador.

Scruffy Man: "DKFUGburroIQUEHFAHSNBescapadoDIUEU."

- "The part between the donkey and snbescapadodi... repeat that."
- Threaten him, "Look, punk, tell me what's going on here before I rip your throat out!"
- Shrug and walk off.

some skill said:
The man looks at you in the eye. His lips move slowly while he speaks, obvious of your ignorance towards how they talk out here in the remote backwaters of El Salvador.

Scruffy Man: "BurroisDUAYHGNDAescapingUYGQPpigshide."

- "Pigs hide?"
- "I never learned ignorant hick, actually. How about saying that again, but this time in real Spanish... eh, amigo?"
- Shrug and walk off.

moderate skill said:
The man looks at you square in the eye. A smile quickly appears and then fades on his face.

Scruffy Man: "That donkey is running away with your hams."

- "Tell me where it went."
- "I don't have any hams."
- "What are you doing standing around then? You saw where it went, so go get him!"
- Shrug and walk off, "Quit wasting my time."


Rural Spanish Dialect (Southern)
Personality geared towards crazy

no skill said:
The man looks at you in the eye. His lips move slowly while he speaks, obvious of your ignorance towards how they talk out here in the remote backwaters of El Salvador.

Scruffy Man: "DKFUGburroIQUEHFAHSNBescapadoDIUEU."

- "Donkey? Bescapado?"
- Grab him by the collar, "What the hell are you talking about, fool?!"
- Walk away.

some skill said:
The man looks at you in the eye. His lips move slowly while he speaks, obvious of your ignorance towards how they talk out here in the remote backwaters of El Salvador.

Scruffy Man: "BurroisDUAYHGNDAescapingUYGQPpigshide."

- "The donkey is running away with a pig?"
- "I'll give you one more time to say it right, banana breath."
- Walk away.

moderate skill said:
The man looks at you square in the eye. A smile quickly appears and then fades on his face.

Scruffy Man: "That donkey is running away with your hams."

- "NOOOO!"
- "I think you have my hams confused with someone else's hams."
- "Well go get them, you dude!"
- Run away, "I must get my hams back!"
Feb 10, 2007
Is there some point in the conversation that makes it either a good/bad/crazy one? Since what I was writing included it all kinda together and I was just going through one branch of choices.


Feb 26, 2005
That was an example I wrote up in about five minutes. It actually wouldn't be handled like that at all. As I've said before, dialog is presented in arcs, which give you g/b/c points to "unlock" other arcs. Later on in the game it's rare if a good/crazy player comes across the same conversation as a neutral bad character, or vice versa, or... you get the picture.

So when you write, have kind of a pre-determined personality you're starting with. A "good" conversation (dialog arc) will mainly provide "good" choices (of course, with some other choices to change around the point distribution, but nothing that's overly apparent). Changes are meant to be slow and gradual until you get to the extremes of your personality types (if you get to an extreme - remember that it's not required). This may sound like a massive undertaking, but the entire game is dialog, so it can't be handled like a normal RPG.


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Jan 10, 2008
location, location
Bubbles In Memoria
How about dubbing this game "American Harem", for marketability purposes, and slapping an M+ rating on it.

The majority of the game will consist of initiating dialogue with Spanish hookers, and finding the sequence of responses that will get them to remove items of their clothing.


Feb 26, 2005
It depends on where you are in the game. So, it's hard to say without having everything drawn out and the actual quests and such being written.

Beginning: Bully, Ambivalent, Mad, Helpful
Good: Good Boy, Unsung Hero, Saint
Good/Bad: Vigilante, Ego Maniac, Anti Hero
Good/Crazy: Maverick, Martyr, Chosen One
Bad: Hustler, Cold Blooded, Devil Incarnate
Bad/Crazy: Miscreant, Maniacal, Psychopath
Crazy: Looney, Basket Case, Stark Raving Mad

Saint, Anti Hero, Chosen One, Devil Incarnate, Psychopath, and Stark Raving Mad will not be available until late in the game. All of them come with a greatly increased risk of death.

Bully, Ambivalent, Mad, and Helpful will be categories that are easy to get out of. In the beginning, with these four, you have the same wide range of choices that any other RPG would give you. It's not until you "upgrade" your dialog class that things start becoming more specific. As you make your way up the ranks, choices that can change your personality to a totally different type become increasingly rare. This is where the hybrid classes come in, and I suspect most people will find themselves in one of these.

As for what's actually defined as "good" and "bad" depends on... the player. The choices need to make sense to the player character. You can view your character as "bad", but no person ever views himself or herself as "bad". They see their actions as necessary and the only logical decisions. Going back to the example several pages ago with Raul, that was obviously bad, evil, and every possible variant, but you can see why the bunny would have viewed that as a being a necessary course of events. The game itself has an internal moral judge that operates independently of what the character is thinking, yet still guides it down certain paths.


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Jan 10, 2008
location, location
Bubbles In Memoria
sportforredneck said:
shihonage said:
and finding the sequence of responses that will get them to remove items of their clothing.
I have 2 Euros.

Okay, yeah, that won't work.

Then, the dialogue trees should be about seducing girls in former Soviet Republics and getting them on the plane to be sold as sex slaves. "Lilja 4-ever" can be used as canon.


Dec 15, 2008
Cabo Verde
Chefe is dead. He was reborn as an internet impersonator who is actually able to finish a game.

I will prove all you naysayer bitches wrong. Look out people, this "vaporware" will burn your cornhole in the 3rd degree.


Feb 26, 2005
Someone un-sticky this. It's a disappointment. There was a lot of great potential but I am a fraud. No need to further decline the RPG industry by showing that this will never see the light of day.

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