Just finished the game. The final boss was pretty shit. I expected some mechanism linked to the braziers he draws power from or something, but no you just keep shooting at the boss. You can kill him pretty quickly with the staff and don't even need the invulnerability or mana refills from the braziers. Unless you move around he uses only the blue burst attack which can't hit shit. When he gets low he goes into a spasm and starts throwing black holes at you while everything around collapses. These were tricky to dodge because they have massive hitboxes but for some reason don't instakill you like the Aeternum weapon. Note that if you rocket jump onto the ledge and crouch they can't hit you.
Overall this is how I would rank the episodes,
E1 and E4. The Lunar/Solar thing. For me this is the core visual style I identify with Amid Evil. Not to everyone's taste but at least it's consistent.
E2. The worst episode IMO. Shitty enemies and shitty environments. Looks and feels very low budget, I know some cheap Russian Quake clones that are better.
E3. The "stony" episode. Brings back flashbacks of Powerslave and Serious Sam. Enemies are a little shit (golems, flying stone heads, whatever those little green shits are) but cool environments with pools and narrow stone corridors and passageways. I think the Journeyman's Way is possible the best level in the entire game.
E5. The Forge. Very Quake-like episode. Has its own distinct style. I liked the opening level more than latter ones though where you encounter some really mundane and banal enemy design like flying balls (again).
E6 and E7. The harlequin longhouses or whatever have a Christmas vibe going on with too many colors, dangling lanterns and tasteless wood textures everywhere mixed with stained glass. Just looks like shit. As for E7, clearly at this point the devs said fuck it let's go over the top and do EVERYTHING. I mean I guess it's fun and some ideas were cool, but it's all a little wild and uncontrolled and slapdash.
In conclusion,
Level design -
Weapon design -
Enemy design -
Music -
Sound -
For the end just let me say there is definitely something wrong with the visuals. The shimmering effect or gloss maps or w/e are literally everywhere from beginning to end and are objectively shit. It makes the game look like shit, run like shit and diverts your attention from more important things. On top of that, the whole design approach lacks a sense of measure and seems to not have matured yet (as evidenced by the planet gun).
Also the cryptic messages e.g. "you are doomed" , "they are coming" seem to have been created by a child and add very little to the overall atmosphere.
I know the circumstances are dire but I give this game a B or B-.