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Amnesia: Rebirth - sequel to Amnesia: The Dark Descent set in the desert of Algeria

some funny shit

Apr 14, 2018


Game is cancelled, Frictional Games decided to commit mass suicide looking at Phamosamaspahobia sales.


Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Firstly, is this game a good pants-shitting simulator like Penumbra and the first Amnesia, or just shit like their last 2 games, Pig Amnesia and Soma?

Second, lol wtf is Phamasomasomamasomophobia? Is that some new insult communists came up with for people who disagree with them?


Nov 17, 2019
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In I helped put crap in Monomyth
jesus christ, that .exe fuckup was hilarious. at least they fixed it within an hour or so. i missed most of the drama because i was gone until 30 minutes had passed after its gold release

Firstly, is this game a good pants-shitting simulator like Penumbra and the first Amnesia, or just shit like their last 2 games, Pig Amnesia and Soma?

Second, lol wtf is Phamasomasomamasomophobia? Is that some new insult communists came up with for people who disagree with them?

it means you're scared of ghosts

ghost = phantasm

phobia = fear of something

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
I was hesitant to get this, but since I'm critically out of stuff to play, I figured I might as well take the plunge.

Haha, game doesn't start.


Hey Everyone!

We have SOLVED the missing .exe issue it seems, and an update on Steam if you still have that problem should help.

However, we have also been made aware of some issues:
- Windows 7 is not working atm.
- Linux can have some graphical artifacts.

We are working on it and will announce as soon it is fixed. However, unlikely that we will have fix before tomorrow (CEST).

honkity fucking honk

urge to refund rising


Jun 22, 2013
Did my part to support Frictional. Prettty sure the youtubers, especially as Halloweens draws closer, will keep sales healthy.


May 28, 2016
Lost Continent of Mu
When I first started playing and looked down I thought the walking looked funny... then I figured it out.

It does seem like Frictional has been playing STASIS and Cayne and taking notes.


Is it me or new Amensia looks kind of... not impressive/outdated??
I dont want to sound like a graphics whore but I've seen many indie horror games like that with better graphics and art direction that flopped hard.

I am huge fan of Frictional Games, but damn, this look worse than SOMA. Its like this game was made by some kind of Team B with much smaller budget.

Like, this talented russian??? guy alone is making horror games in Unity on potato budget that looks far more impressive:

Not to mention mind blowing looking horror games made in Unreal
Russia es #1, but Amnesiba is bretty gud too.
Anyway, can someone explain me the plot? Whats up with the space ship? Who is the empresess and how is she connected with the first game?


Nov 17, 2019
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In I helped put crap in Monomyth
witch hunt is a very impressive one-person project, but it doesn't look as good as rebirth lol

some funny shit

Apr 14, 2018
77% positive reviews and dropping

Meanwhiel Photomadphobia has 97% positive reviews and is outselling new Amnesia


Could it be case of got woke go broke? It will need some Darth Roxor to analyse this.
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Jan 18, 2017
Standin' pretty. In this dust that was a city.
77% positive reviews and dropping

Meanwhiel Photomadphobia has 97% positive reviews and is outselling new Amnesia


Could it be case of got woke go broke? It will need some Darth Roxor to analyse this.
Fun with frens games will usually outsell single player games given the imbecilic bandwagon and stream coverage. Especially now in covid.
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Mar 6, 2016
Grab the Codex by the pussy Strap Yourselves In Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
People are savaging this game on Steam.


Absolutely awful. I'm shocked. Frictional made this? Really? The makers of SOMA? To get it out of the way: Graphically it's very beautiful. Mechanically, it's also very streamlined and polished. Gameplay is jank-free and well thought out. But the game ruining flaw is that there's just way, way, way too much forced exposition in the form of unskippable cutscenes and flashbacks. Perhaps you think I'm exaggerating but it's worse than you expect.

We're talking a flashback or a cutscene every ten to fifteen seconds or less. Not just at the beginning of the game either, this density/frequency of flashbacks and cutscenes keeps up into the caves. It just never. lets. up. On top of this the main character is very talkative. Normally a good thing when that's the sole or primary mode of exposition but on top of everything else? She never shuts up, commenting frivolously on every little thing she does, like finding matches. Who is she talking to?

Why is it like this? SOMA wasn't like this. The flashbacks were optional, you activated them by using the data recorders. Simon talks much more than Philip or Daniel did before him but it's still mercifully infrequent. The exposition is mainly "show, don't tell" in the form in in-world interactions with the mockingbirds, in-world physical clues, conversations with Catherine, stuff you (voluntarily!) read on computer monitors and so forth.

Has Frictional gotten up their own ass? Are they so impressed with their own writing that they see Rebirth as a story first and a game second? One which makes absolutely sure you don't miss even the smallest detail of the plot, even though the constant exposition is very intrusive and immersion breaking? This is Hideo Kojima or Square territory.

Frictional should make a movie if they want to tell a story without gameplay getting in the way. Or they should make a game, which necessarily entails balancing gameplay with exposition, and (as SOMA did) finding unobtrusive means of communicating the plot. Clues, notes, conversations. Not unskippable info-dumps unrelentingly foisted on the player.

I am heartbroken that such a small, simple miscalculation has ruined what otherwise looks to be a very competently made game for me. And from my absolute favorite developer, no less. How, in between SOMA and Amnesia: ReBirth, did they forget how to handle exposition without breaking immersion? It was done so perfectly in SOMA. This is a tremendous step backwards for Frictional. I regret I will never enjoy what the rest of the game has to offer just because of the constant, intrusive exposition.

It seems the loss of SOMA's and The Dark Descent's writer hurt Frictional more than I hoped it would. Should probably play the game myself before I jump too fast to any conclusions, though.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
It seems the loss of SOMA's and The Dark Descent's writer hurt Frictional more than I hoped it would. Should probably play the game myself before I jump too fast to any conclusions, though.

I've just played this for two hours, and so far I can confirm everything in that post. This game is flashback galore, and the protagonist just won't shut up. Also, in those two hours I haven't seen a single munster or otherwise been in a life-threatening situation whatsoever.

Edit: Actually, I've got 1.8 hours clocked now, and I'm seriously considering refunding while I still can...
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Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
It seems the loss of SOMA's and The Dark Descent's writer hurt Frictional more than I hoped it would. Should probably play the game myself before I jump too fast to any conclusions, though.

I've just played this for two hours, and so far I can confirm everything in that post. This game is flashback galore, and the protagonist just won't shut up. Also, in those two hours I haven't seen a single munster or otherwise been in a life-threatening situation whatsoever.

Edit: Actually, I've got 1.8 hours clocked now, and I'm seriously considering refunding...

Great. So my "shit" post was 100% accurate as usual.

It's not pants-shitting scary like Penumbra or Amnesia, it's more wannabe scary but also have a story like Pig Amnesia and SCUBA SOMA.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
I thought SOMA was great. It had an excellent start/story hook and very good writung at the very least.

This game otoh is about an amnesiac woman who keeps talking to herself all the time as she experiences flashbacks every minute after picking up every stupid prop she finds while randomly teleporting between places and using noclip by means of an unobtanium bracelet.


Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I thought SOMA was great. It had an excellent start/story hook and very good writung at the very least.

This game otoh is about an amnesiac woman who keeps talking to herself all the time as she experiences flashbacks every minute after picking up every stupid prop she finds while randomly teleporting between places and using noclip by means of an unobtanium bracelet.

SCUBA isn't that bad, it's just a massive departure from the previous games (subvert muh expectations lol). Too many jumpscares you can see coming, combined with too much hand-holding and no inventory. No existential threats worrying about if this is going to be your last match, what if another deathbat or deathdog shows up etc also:

It's obvious from right after the intro you're a robot

It's just bad when you compare it to previous games from Frictional.


Feb 16, 2013
This game otoh is about an amnesiac woman who keeps talking to herself all the time as she experiences flashbacks every minute after picking up every stupid prop she finds while randomly teleporting between places and using noclip by means of an unobtanium bracelet.

I just fell down some wooden board and saw some monster thing. Apart from the constant story shit and talking with yourself what annoys me the most is that you need matches. there are a few torches here and there but you of course cant take them. You just walk and walk and walk in more or less the same direction and listen to the story. If that doesnt change its absolute youtube fodder

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Poasted a scathing revio on steam. Now I can refund in peace.


For the record, I liked all the other Frictional games to date. Rebirth, however, is not a Frictional game. It's a walking simulator, and a bad one at that.

To start with gameplay matters, after nearly 2 hours of playing I did not encounter a single monster or was put in an otherwise life-threatening situation. This is unacceptable in a game that tries to present itself as a horror game. Furthermore, during these 2 hours I can't say I've gone through any "exploration" - the path ahead was more or less straight and with no "openness" whatsoever (nope, big areas full of nothing except the one specific place you're supposed to go to do not count, and boy there's a bunch of those for sure), and the only things to find were mildly related notes full of exposition, stacked under boxes and vases.

Meanwhile the story and its presentation... Obviously I can't speak much about the story itself after two hours, but at least the basic premise and hook didn't feel interesting to me. "Uninteresting" is the least of its problems, though, because the presentation and the mystery-building, something that Frictional have always been very good at, are dreadful.

For starters, the protagonist just won't shut up about every single damn thing she stumbles upon. She will comment and quip and talk and whine about e v e r y t h i n g, which not only becomes tiresome very quickly, but also kills immersion, and I would also dare say shows that the player is treated as an idiot who wouldn't understand what's before him unless it's explained explicitly.

Then there are the flashbacks. Rather than "Rebirth" this should be called "Retrospection" because the protagonist remembers something every 5 minutes, which makes the game slooooow doooooown while people you are apparently supposed to care about talk on and on and on in your head.

I also generally didn't like the way progress through the world was portrayed, because apart from "Retrospection", another subtitle for this game could be "Repositioning", by which I mean that the protagonist keeps teleporting between random places for unexplained reasons, while you're left scratching your head as to what's going on. There isn't an intriguing mystery that you want to delve into in here either, it's a plot device that conveniently closes the way behind you.

Needless to say, I refunded this, since if the first two hours are that bad (compare this to the downright excellent start of SOMA), I really don't wanna see what comes later. What a disappointment.

what annoys me the most is that you need matches. there are a few torches here and there but you of course cant take them.

Yes! Just as you are about to enter the first ~dark corridor~, there's a cresset right next to it. It struck me as patently retarded that you couldn't take it with you.

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