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Any good metroidvania recommendations?


Feb 27, 2012
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness on the PS2 usually gets lumped with the "3D Castlevanias are bad" crowd, but it's a pleasant surprise. The different weapon systems, thieving mechanic, and familiar evolution trees, alongside that they're pretty obviously were going for a SotN 2 in 3D also helps, worth checking out if you like Devil May Cry etc. The previous game Castlevania: Lament of Innocence is a lot more basic, but probably has the most impressive Castlevania subweapon system going for it which I wasn't expecting too.
I tried this game 15 year ago but gave up on it for two reasons:
1) the character moves very slowly, not a good thing for a metroidvania
2) at some point I got an OP summon


Dec 31, 2011
Haliask, North Ambria
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Playing Rebel Transmute and it's a good throwback to OG Metroid and contrary to what some might assume from the name, it has nothing to do with troons(i made sure to look into that).

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
Been playing Blasphemous and loving it. I also bought the sequel as well as the Castlevania Advance Collection, all on sale.

Okay the invisible pitfalls and spikes are getting really fucking old. They better have toned that down in the sequel or gave you the ability to look down farther. It's the one thing shitting up the game. 90% of my deaths are from bullshit falls.

Okay the invisible pitfalls and spikes are getting really fucking old. They better have toned that down in the sequel or gave you the ability to look down farther. It's the one thing shitting up the game. 90% of my deaths are from bullshit falls.
you take chip damage in 2, instakill in 1
MIght skip over to 2. The more I play this the more I hate it. The falls are deliberately designed to be cheap deaths. The mountain area is unforgivable.

Platforming should not be a part of 2D Soulslikes in general. Sidescrollers demand quick input and these games by design have input lag to give the gameplay more "weight". These things don't go together.

Uninstalled. Game made me destroy my switch controller. Maybe design your game better next time spic faggots. I don't tolerate bullshit.

No filtering. They didn't know how to make the game legit difficult so they resorted to bullshit and deliberately wasted my time. This is some of the worst platforming I've ever seen. It should not have platforming period. Not with these controls.

Play this back to back with Rogue Legacy 2 and it's ming boggling how abysmal the controls are in this game. So much input lag and delays. Sometimes inputs wont even register. It feels awful.

Uninstalled. Game made me destroy my switch controller. Maybe design your game better next time spic faggots. I don't tolerate bullshit.

You really showed them who's boss by smashing up your own shit!
It was a piece of shit anyway. I barely threw it the first time and the left joystick snapped right off. Unacceptable considering the price. I'm only buying cheap 3rd party controllers from now on if they're gonna be that flimsy.

No shame in throwing in the towel, I'm just saying, as someone who's finished it multiple times and really enjoyed it, I think it's worth pushing through/giving it another try. There is one more platform heavy "level" but I don't recall it being as hard as the snow mountains.

If you can't be bothered and don't want to push through, then yeah give Blasph 2 a shot. It doesn't have the instakill death falls.
It was a combination of the mountain area and the teleporting ghosts with aimbot that made me realize this game is not worth playing. The ghosts are the shittiest enemy I have ever seen. I don't really care if the game gets better afterwards, that is unforgivable.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
Any good ones in the steam sale? Not the obvious ones but the hidden gems?


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
I sorted by tags using the term 'metroidvania'. I'm not sure if it was mislabeled by steam users or not.
afaik shantae is a metroidvania but I think the big draw of the series is its charm, and less so the metroidvania gameplay. but I may be wrong, hence why I asked.


May 21, 2024
I sorted by tags using the term 'metroidvania'. I'm not sure if it was mislabeled by steam users or not.
afaik shantae is a metroidvania but I think the big draw of the series is its charm, and less so the metroidvania gameplay. but I may be wrong, hence why I asked.
I think that's largely going to depend on what Shantae game you're talking about. For example, I don't know if this is something many people would agree with, but having played and enjoyed Half Genie Hero I can't really say it scratched the metroidvania itch for me. Since there's no big interlinked map in that game, all you can really do is occasionally go back to the previous stages from the hub to check out what places you can access now that you've unlocked new abilities or transformations. In that regard it's not all that different from, say, replaying a level in Crash Bandicoot to get all the gems.
That said, other games might be different in this regard: I recall Seven Sirens having a pretty big map with tons of stuff to find. They're all clearly transformation checks but if you're skilled enough you might bypass the occasional one, which is pretty cool.


Jun 11, 2024
I sorted by tags using the term 'metroidvania'. I'm not sure if it was mislabeled by steam users or not.
So you just spammed search results and haven't actually played any of the games?
Well, if he wants to know if the games are good he could just look at reviews on steam as they hold as much weight as mine would if I played them. I am sorry about the 'spam' though and won't triple post like that again or at least if the situation does not merit it.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
A reminder that this good and quite challenging 'vania can be bought for $0.99.

This looks great. I'll give it a try. Thank you.
I sorted by tags using the term 'metroidvania'. I'm not sure if it was mislabeled by steam users or not.
So you just spammed search results and haven't actually played any of the games?
Well, if he wants to know if the games are good he could just look at reviews on steam as they hold as much weight as mine would if I played them. I am sorry about the 'spam' though and won't triple post like that again or at least if the situation does not merit it.
It's okay making 3 posts because 1 limits how many media you can include. But I was asking for recommendations from people who have played them because the tags are useless on steam and steam reviews are unreliable. A niche game with a small fanbase will get highly rated even if it's not good because the only people buying it want what it is. Metroidvanias was the hot genre before rogue likes took over so there's loads of smaller ones like the one recommended above that slip through the cracks. They're cheap, don't have a lot of marketing and word of mouth is essential to sharing them over the store pages.

Shantae started as a 2nd platformer and later titles become metroidvanias. I didn't like the series style but I've seen them discussed enough to know it changed direction once it got decent PC attention.


Dec 31, 2011
Haliask, North Ambria
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Playing Rebel Transmute and it's a good throwback to OG Metroid and contrary to what some might assume from the name, it has nothing to do with troons(i made sure to look into that).
Finished the game, it was pretty good. There's plenty of open ended exploration and goodies to get if you look for 'em.


Jun 26, 2020
I've tried that bio-gun game, the gameplay is surprisingly good, contrary to cringeworthy plot.
However, there's an important question to ask: see, we play as some sentient nanomachine or whatever, that the doctor injects into his dog. Now, why the fuck does the game start in the dog's womb?

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