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Anyone else get the feeling skyrim was better?


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
I can't get over the camera, the fucking cut scenes for every fucking dialogue and the controls lack of control.
Yeah, i know it's a fucking aRPG but Blood Omen 2 was playable. Archangel was playable. WoW is fucking playable. How hard can it be not to fuck up like this? oh yeah, gothic was also playable. and i also remember having played Witcher 1 and 2.


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
They both have pro's and con's.

In the end Skyrim has a longer life only because of the much stronger Modding scene (Requiem). Without mods the games don't even come close. Comparing Witcher 3 Quests with Skyrim quests is absolutely no contest.

Skyrim is for fapping about.. (Literally, are you using Hentai Sluts V4.2?) .. Witcher 3 is basically Witcher 2 with more monster hunting and wide open space.

You are right about the camera, the FoV is horrible and strains my eyes.


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
They both have pro's and con's.

In the end Skyrim has a longer life only because of the much stronger Modding scene (Requiem). Without mods the games don't even come close. Comparing Witcher 3 Quests with Skyrim quests is absolutely no contest.

Skyrim is for fapping about.. (Literally, are you using Hentai Sluts V4.2?) .. Witcher 3 is basically Witcher 2 with more monster hunting and wide open space.

You are right about the camera, the FoV is horrible and strains my eyes.
You make it sound like vanilla skyrim was worse than this shit. it wasn't. even if only because of the freedom of the camera and the sharp controls. i can't compare quests and content because i can't get to that with witcher. i just can't. it's more enjoyable to scroll through the codex than to make geralt move. also what's the point of all those graphix if you're gonna look at the ground the whole time? also from what i'm reading in the other thread the quests seem to revolve around pressing the right mouse button and holding it. so i'm not sure what you mean by no contest.
The only reason the title even compares this shit to skyrim is because of the open world and the general view that skyrim was somehow to blame. FFS if open world was the big seller, then arcanum and morrowind would be known as the biggest cash cows.
now that you mention it, wasn't the witcher supposed to deliver some good porn? all that talk about sex scenes and shit. after skyrim's mods it's basically pointless. and i don't know about modders but i don't see the point of making any sex mods for the witcher since the graphix suck anyway and i can't imagine the witcher being easy to mod.
Apr 3, 2006
It's not really comparing like with like given that Skyrim, whatever it's many demerits, is an actual RPG. The Witcher 3 is more like the long overdue Red Dead Redemption PC port with more C&C. I keep expecting the NPCs animated character models to say "Hello Mr. Marston".

I recall Gothic 1 awaking in me a long dormant sense of wonder at the potential future of aRPGs. Rest in peace my sense of wonder 2001-2015; you were too fragile for this cruel world.
Apr 3, 2006
Turn the in-game music volume off, play the RDR soundtrack in the background, and pretend all the generic medieval bandits are Mexicans. Gameplay experience improved 100%.



Eater of Apples
Feb 1, 2009
Mêlée Island
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I can't get over the camera, the fucking cut scenes for every fucking dialogue and the controls lack of control.
Yeah, i know it's a fucking aRPG but Blood Omen 2 was playable. Archangel was playable. WoW is fucking playable. How hard can it be not to fuck up like this? oh yeah, gothic was also playable. and i also remember having played Witcher 1 and 2.

Based on my impressions so far (I have only spent a few hours in TW3):

Skyrim (Vanilla)
Better "sandbox" "mechanics".
Better built world (POIs, locations, etc).
Better interactions with the world (objects, containers, items... almost complete freedom).
Better AI (never would I have thought I'd come to say this).

Better combat (well, it doesn't take much to make combat better than Skyrim's).
Better boobs.
Better voice acting (not by much, though).


Oct 7, 2005
Skyrim > Witcher 3 in:

* Core combat mechanics: Skyrim's core combat mechanics felt smoother and less twitchy than Witcher's; it was simple but satisfying
* Class/skill variety: no contest here. In Skyrim, you had the choice of being a battle mage, a conjurer, a warrior 2h/1h+s/ranged, an assassin, a thief, a vampire, and all combinations thereof
* Xp system: killing monsters raised your skills. Raising your skills made you level. No wasted effort, and no division between main quest/side quest exp.
* Crafting: Skyrim's crafting was very intuitive. You were your own smith. The main bottlenecks for high quality gear were the premium ores and souls. No need to carry around a hundred random ingredients. Lots of cool effects
* Repair system: repairs suck, Skyrim made it easy and cheap, ergo Skyrim repair system > Witcher 3 repair system
* Henchmen: you don't have Henchmen in Witcher 3
* Player housing: you don't have player housing in Witcher 3
* Guild membership: you don't have guilds in Witcher 3
* Dragons & all the game mechanics connected to them, including Shouts
* Mods

Witcher 3 > Skyrim in:

* Setting: Skyrim's setting is the already overdone TES and outside of the whole Shouts lore, its world design not at all memorable; Witcher 3 is Sapowski's twist on European folktales - which is, sadly enough, minty fresh in this industry
* Main quest design: the main quest is rather important as a motivator, and Skyrim never bothered to make it all that motivating; Witcher 3 has an actual plot, and one that is fairly well done
* Side quest design: Skyrim side quests were, with only a few exceptions, generic and straight-forward; Witcher 3 quests normally has twists to them and are dramatically deeper
* Voice acting: Witcher 3 has excellent voice acting; Skyrim not so much
* Characterization: Witcher 3 has awesome characters that draw you into the world; Skyrim is a hodge-podge of generic NPCs who you don't give a damn about
* Cutscenes: Skyrim has very few cutscenes

All in all, I think Skyrim wins as an RPG, but Witcher 3 wins as a storyfag indulgement.

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
what a shitty comparison. skyrim is a better rpg than witcher because of housing guilds and dragons? oh okay, fallout has neither of those so skyrim > fallout?

you cant just add up gameplay features and judge a game upon features designers chose not to implent because it wouldnt make any fucking sense in that game. you have to look at the parts that are there and see how well they are done.

skyrim lacks severly in all the important parts of a good rpg. it has no believable worldbuilding as villages, lore and characters all have this uninteresting artificial touch about them. It lacks a persistent gameworld because everything scales with your fucking level, it has no story so to speak of, shitty dialogue, no choice and consequence, shit combat.

witcher 3 delivers on all of those points on a level from average to outstanding so it is a better game and a better rpg. it is not even a fucking contest.
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Apr 3, 2006
I think the fundamental difference between a TES game and The Witcher 3 is that Bethesda at least realizes that the point of an open world RPG is telling the main quest to go fuck itself and allowing the player to do his own thing. The Witcher 3 fails utterly as an open world RPG. It's a linear storyfag game with open world window dressing. The simple fact the majority of XP is gated through the main quest alone makes it a linear game, but added to that:

- No XP reward for combat (for the most part) making it a net loss to engage in 90+% of the time, and made even worse by respawning trash mobs (experience the joy of degrading your weapons and armor for no benefit all over again). TES at least has their, admittedly dull, "get better by doing" system. No point in wandering the map to grind up in TW3, because you can't grind.

- Items locked to character level, so exploring for l33t loot is of no benefit unless you've advanced sufficiently in the main quest.

- NPCs that have nothing to say, or aren't even spawned, or whose doors only magically unlock, until you've obtained the correct quest. There almost no free-roaming NPC interaction.

About the only thing worth exploring for at any level are the places of power that give free attribute points. However, the trill of that is sadly diminished by the crappy character development system based on micro increment bonuses that have no immediate tangible effect on game play. And, somewhat off topic, but while I'm already whinging, the rape obsessed grimdark edgy setting that could have only been written by the creators of F.A.T.A.L. or a third wave feminist is starting to grate on my nerves.


Oct 7, 2005
what a shitty comparison. skyrim is a better rpg than witcher because of housing guilds and dragons? oh okay, fallout has neither of those so skyrim > fallout?

you cant just add up gameplay features and judge a game upon features designers chose not to implent because it wouldnt make any fucking sense in that game. you have to look at the parts that are there and see how well they are done.

skyrim lacks severly in all the important parts of a good rpg. it has no believable worldbuilding as villages, lore and characters all have this uninteresting artificial touch about them. It lacks a persistent gameworld because everything scales with your fucking level, it has no story so to speak of, shitty dialogue, no choice and consequence, shit combat.

witcher 3 delivers on all of those points on a level from average to outstanding so it is a better game and a better rpg. it is not even a fucking contest.

A prerequisite to being a RPG is being able to *develop* your own character. Housing, guilds, professions, etc. are mechanics that add to that. The Witcher has a lot of nice quests, C&C, etc. but I don't feel they help develop who Geralt is beyond his level of doucheness. At the end of the day, Witcher is less of a RPG than it is an action adventure game with a preset protagonist whose character comes straight out of the books.

Also, Skyrim *does* have C&C. And I favor its combat mechanics over Witcher's. You're free to debate that but I won't indulge incorrect assertions.
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Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
How can you enjoy a combat system which consists of clicking on things completely mindlessly? And how can you play a role in skyrim when there is no response from the gameworld to your role? I was archmage in this mageguild and some fucker told me to swipe the floor like the first day i went there and became a scholar...

In witcher you are limited to one role yes but atleast the game takes some effort in making you actually feel like roleplaying a witcher. And where did you have significant c&c in the questdesign of skyrim? You mean that civil war shit? Come on... I fucking killed the emperor and nobody gave a flying fuck about it, it was like it never happened. That kinda says everything about the c&c of skyrim.


May 12, 2009
Skyrim > Witcher 3 in:

* Core combat mechanics: Skyrim's core combat mechanics felt smoother and less twitchy than Witcher's; it was simple but satisfying
* Class/skill variety: no contest here. In Skyrim, you had the choice of being a battle mage, a conjurer, a warrior 2h/1h+s/ranged, an assassin, a thief, a vampire, and all combinations thereof
* Xp system: killing monsters raised your skills. Raising your skills made you level. No wasted effort, and no division between main quest/side quest exp.
* Crafting: Skyrim's crafting was very intuitive. You were your own smith. The main bottlenecks for high quality gear were the premium ores and souls. No need to carry around a hundred random ingredients. Lots of cool effects
* Repair system: repairs suck, Skyrim made it easy and cheap, ergo Skyrim repair system > Witcher 3 repair system
* Henchmen: you don't have Henchmen in Witcher 3
* Player housing: you don't have player housing in Witcher 3
* Guild membership: you don't have guilds in Witcher 3
* Dragons & all the game mechanics connected to them, including Shouts
* Mods

Witcher 3 > Skyrim in:

* Setting: Skyrim's setting is the already overdone TES and outside of the whole Shouts lore, its world design not at all memorable; Witcher 3 is Sapowski's twist on European folktales - which is, sadly enough, minty fresh in this industry
* Main quest design: the main quest is rather important as a motivator, and Skyrim never bothered to make it all that motivating; Witcher 3 has an actual plot, and one that is fairly well done
* Side quest design: Skyrim side quests were, with only a few exceptions, generic and straight-forward; Witcher 3 quests normally has twists to them and are dramatically deeper
* Voice acting: Witcher 3 has excellent voice acting; Skyrim not so much
* Characterization: Witcher 3 has awesome characters that draw you into the world; Skyrim is a hodge-podge of generic NPCs who you don't give a damn about
* Cutscenes: Skyrim has very few cutscenes

All in all, I think Skyrim wins as an RPG, but Witcher 3 wins as a storyfag indulgement.
Oh wow, Henchmen, Houses, Crafting. Are you ok?
Skyrim must be better than PS:T.


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
How can you enjoy a combat system which consists of clicking on things completely mindlessly? And how can you play a role in skyrim when there is no response from the gameworld to your role? I was archmage in this mageguild and some fucker told me to swipe the floor like the first day i went there and became a scholar...

In witcher you are limited to one role yes but atleast the game takes some effort in making you actually feel like roleplaying a witcher. And where did you have significant c&c in the questdesign of skyrim? You mean that civil war shit? Come on... I fucking killed the emperor and nobody gave a flying fuck about it, it was like it never happened. That kinda says everything about the c&c of skyrim.
i'm guessing he says he enjoys it more than twitcher 3 and it's easy to enjoy it more if the fucking controls don't stand in the way of the fucking combat. i enjoy writing this fucking post more than i enjoy twitcher 3 combat because if i press "w" here then "w" will immediately show up on the screen. it doesn't get ignored, it doesn't go "wwwww", it just works as i intuitively expect it to work. also my mouse on this forum and in skyrim has a physical appearance. it's actually there. so when i want to select something with it i know where it is. in skyrim it's a crosshair, here it's a mouse pointer. it helps me interact with what i want to interact with and not with what the game decides i should be interacting with or what the forum decides i should want to interact with.
Now, i'm not saying, you shouldn't play the game and fapp to the titts and asses on the screen, i'm just saying there's better porn out there and for me if a game is not playable, i just won't play it.


Oct 7, 2005
How can you enjoy a combat system which consists of clicking on things completely mindlessly?

How is it "clicking on things completely mindlessly?" I played through Skyrim as a mage, an archer, and a sword-and-board fighter and none of it involved "clicking on things completely mindlessly." IIRC Skyrim doesn't even have auto-targeting ala Witcher 3.

And how can you play a role in skyrim when there is no response from the gameworld to your role? I was archmage in this mageguild and some fucker told me to swipe the floor like the first day i went there and became a scholar...

In witcher you are limited to one role yes but atleast the game takes some effort in making you actually feel like roleplaying a witcher. And where did you have significant c&c in the questdesign of skyrim? You mean that civil war shit? Come on... I fucking killed the emperor and nobody gave a flying fuck about it, it was like it never happened. That kinda says everything about the c&c of skyrim.

Skyrim's open world isn't all that reactive to your guild standing but the guild itself is; and ultimately how is Witcher 3 a great example here when the average NPC also doesn't give a shit about what you did besides the fact that you're a witcher? Both games' open worlds have limited reactivity to what you actually do in-game but Skyrim allows you to choose the role while Witcher 3 decides it for you.

And how is 'roleplaying' Geralt different from, say, fucking Halo where you 'roleplay' the Master Chief? Is Halo a RPG because it makes you feel as though you're the Master Chief?


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
How can you enjoy a combat system which consists of clicking on things completely mindlessly?

How is it "clicking on things completely mindlessly?" I played through Skyrim as a mage, an archer, and a sword-and-board fighter and none of it involved "clicking on things completely mindlessly." IIRC Skyrim doesn't even have auto-targeting ala Witcher 3.

And how can you play a role in skyrim when there is no response from the gameworld to your role? I was archmage in this mageguild and some fucker told me to swipe the floor like the first day i went there and became a scholar...

In witcher you are limited to one role yes but atleast the game takes some effort in making you actually feel like roleplaying a witcher. And where did you have significant c&c in the questdesign of skyrim? You mean that civil war shit? Come on... I fucking killed the emperor and nobody gave a flying fuck about it, it was like it never happened. That kinda says everything about the c&c of skyrim.

Skyrim's open world isn't all that reactive to your guild standing but the guild itself is; and ultimately how is Witcher 3 a great example here when the average NPC also doesn't give a shit about what you did besides the fact that you're a witcher? Both games' open worlds have limited reactivity to what you actually do in-game but Skyrim allows you to choose the role while Witcher 3 decides it for you.

And how is 'roleplaying' Geralt different from, say, fucking Halo where you 'roleplay' the Master Chief? Is Halo a RPG because it makes you feel as though you're the Master Chief?
i brofist this, but bear in mind that no sane person would think of regarding twitcher 3 as an RPG. you can call it an aRPG cause of the sprinkled RPG elements, but that's as far as you can go. the premise of this thread is the comparison of two 3D open world games. One that sucks and another that sucks even more. And the objective is to discuss why, so that devs don't make the same mistakes again and/or to give us something to do while not playing (for those of us who can't/won't stoop to the game's level).


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
They both have pro's and con's.

In the end Skyrim has a longer life only because of the much stronger Modding scene (Requiem). Without mods the games don't even come close. Comparing Witcher 3 Quests with Skyrim quests is absolutely no contest.

Skyrim is for fapping about.. (Literally, are you using Hentai Sluts V4.2?) .. Witcher 3 is basically Witcher 2 with more monster hunting and wide open space.

You are right about the camera, the FoV is horrible and strains my eyes.
You make it sound like vanilla skyrim was worse than this shit. it wasn't. even if only because of the freedom of the camera and the sharp controls. i can't compare quests and content because i can't get to that with witcher. i just can't. it's more enjoyable to scroll through the codex than to make geralt move. also what's the point of all those graphix if you're gonna look at the ground the whole time? also from what i'm reading in the other thread the quests seem to revolve around pressing the right mouse button and holding it. so i'm not sure what you mean by no contest.
The only reason the title even compares this shit to skyrim is because of the open world and the general view that skyrim was somehow to blame. FFS if open world was the big seller, then arcanum and morrowind would be known as the biggest cash cows.
now that you mention it, wasn't the witcher supposed to deliver some good porn? all that talk about sex scenes and shit. after skyrim's mods it's basically pointless. and i don't know about modders but i don't see the point of making any sex mods for the witcher since the graphix suck anyway and i can't imagine the witcher being easy to mod.

I don't care about graphics.. I care about strong narrative and immersion and game play / character progression.
Vanilla Skyrim doesn't compete with Witcher in any of these categories.

If Mods didn't exist for Skyrim I would honestly uninstall it after about 20 hours.


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
They both have pro's and con's.

In the end Skyrim has a longer life only because of the much stronger Modding scene (Requiem). Without mods the games don't even come close. Comparing Witcher 3 Quests with Skyrim quests is absolutely no contest.

Skyrim is for fapping about.. (Literally, are you using Hentai Sluts V4.2?) .. Witcher 3 is basically Witcher 2 with more monster hunting and wide open space.

You are right about the camera, the FoV is horrible and strains my eyes.
You make it sound like vanilla skyrim was worse than this shit. it wasn't. even if only because of the freedom of the camera and the sharp controls. i can't compare quests and content because i can't get to that with witcher. i just can't. it's more enjoyable to scroll through the codex than to make geralt move. also what's the point of all those graphix if you're gonna look at the ground the whole time? also from what i'm reading in the other thread the quests seem to revolve around pressing the right mouse button and holding it. so i'm not sure what you mean by no contest.
The only reason the title even compares this shit to skyrim is because of the open world and the general view that skyrim was somehow to blame. FFS if open world was the big seller, then arcanum and morrowind would be known as the biggest cash cows.
now that you mention it, wasn't the witcher supposed to deliver some good porn? all that talk about sex scenes and shit. after skyrim's mods it's basically pointless. and i don't know about modders but i don't see the point of making any sex mods for the witcher since the graphix suck anyway and i can't imagine the witcher being easy to mod.

I don't care about graphics.. I care about strong narrative and immersion and game play / character progression.
Vanilla Skyrim doesn't compete with Witcher in any of these categories.

If Mods didn't exist for Skyrim I would honestly uninstall it after about 20 hours.
it's not about the grafix, it's about camera and game controls. and someone mentioned field of view. never really payed any attention to FOV but i understand how it can be done so poorly that a game would be unenjoyable in combination with camera issues. these are issues that, for me, break the game to the point that i don't care about any of the RPG elements because i can't / won't play the shit to get to them.
and don't give me that crap about muh jewgold from console market. i don't care. if you make a fucking game and sell it for pc, better make the controls fit for mouse and keyboard. otherwise fuck you, i don't have to play your shit no matter how hyped it is. to which they can say fuck you back, we make what games we want and port them how we want. well no shit, genius, but twitcher was not a console game originally and twitcher 3 was not expected to be one either. just look at all the people posting about the downgrades to fit console and broken promisses and jewgold spent on kickstarter or presales or whatever. yes, they're all about grafix and i couldn't care less if patches will bring all the glory back to pcs because my issue is with the controls. i read a post in the release thread that slapped my face. it stated you need an analog controller to enjoy moving geralt around.
EDIT: since i'm on this topic anyway, i'll just present my thoughts on the matter. the statement about analog controls made me question the whole PC master race theory for a moment. it sounded like my keyboard was not good enough for the game. it sounded like the xbox controller was in fact superior to keyboard. no, you fucking cunts! it's not. it's there to give the player a wide range of keys for complex games that in addition to the need for targeting precision done by the mouse also present the player with a variety of abilities that would not be covered by your stupid analog controller. the "need" for precision of movement speed is not a need at all. it's a gimmick like hair movement but unlike hair movement it can't be turned off in the options. so you're left with a game for console. and only for console.
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Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Skyrim (Vanilla)
Better "sandbox" "mechanics".
Better built world (POIs, locations, etc).
Better interactions with the world (objects, containers, items... almost complete freedom).
Better AI (never would I have thought I'd come to say this).

Better combat (well, it doesn't take much to make combat better than Skyrim's).
Better boobs.
Better voice acting (not by much, though).


Skyrim has a better world, objects, and AI? So why are people raving about Tit Witcher 3? Better AI than Skyrim... what the... how... (see my gif).

Basically what I'm reading from everyone's posts is that Witcher 3 is only superior in storyfagness (if you like that shitty Pol's novels).


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
Skyrim (Vanilla)
Better "sandbox" "mechanics".
Better built world (POIs, locations, etc).
Better interactions with the world (objects, containers, items... almost complete freedom).
Better AI (never would I have thought I'd come to say this).

Better combat (well, it doesn't take much to make combat better than Skyrim's).
Better boobs.
Better voice acting (not by much, though).


Skyrim has a better world, objects, and AI? So why are people raving about Tit Witcher 3? Better AI than Skyrim... what the... how... (see my gif).

Basically what I'm reading from everyone's posts is that Witcher 3 is only superior in storyfagness (if you like that shitty Pol's novels).
you need to learn to read. it says skyrim had better ai. it's on the column of skyrim positives.

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