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Anyone else get the feeling skyrim was better?


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
also race games are not better with pad because they are about speed of reaction and your fucking pad is fucking slow when it comes to reaction speeds. FFS
This alone proves you are a fucking idiot and have no idea what you are talking about. How can you fucking say that a racing games are better with keyboard, where you only have two state for brakes, gas, and stearing. 100% on or 100% off. With the analogue sticks on the gamepad, you can precisely control those. What kind of racing games have you played where reaction speeds are more important than precision?
the ones where you can press the same key several times...
Because that is so much better. I wonder why cars use a stearing wheel instead of 2 buttons? One for left, one for right.
because they can. still it doesn't do anything for your pad. else they would use pads...
Not saying that pads are better than a wheel, but pads simulate fluid movement and controls better than a key, which only has two states.


Apr 21, 2013
Steering wheel? Whassat?


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
back on topic. i managed to play the game for about 5 hours maybe. the controls issue got less annoying once i got used to them but then came the loot you care about less and less, the monsters you care about less and less, and that black and white bitch that wanted to convince me the emperor was the protagonist instead of me and refused to offer booty in order to keep some fucking emperor from waiting... seriously? am i supposed to overlook the main story now? because i gotta say i'm not impressed by the game feeding me a puppet geralt. he couldn't stop some idiot from giving him a shave... why bother killing any more monsters?


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
also race games are not better with pad because they are about speed of reaction and your fucking pad is fucking slow when it comes to reaction speeds. FFS
This alone proves you are a fucking idiot and have no idea what you are talking about. How can you fucking say that a racing games are better with keyboard, where you only have two state for brakes, gas, and stearing. 100% on or 100% off. With the analogue sticks on the gamepad, you can precisely control those. What kind of racing games have you played where reaction speeds are more important than precision?
the ones where you can press the same key several times...
Because that is so much better. I wonder why cars use a stearing wheel instead of 2 buttons? One for left, one for right.
because they can. still it doesn't do anything for your pad. else they would use pads...
Not saying that pads are better than a wheel, but pads simulate fluid movement and controls better than a key, which only has two states.
you can't win this debate with arguments about simulation. if i say i can control my car better with short sharp strokes than with a joystick you can't convince me otherwise. whether the pad's joystick is objectively better at steering a car on a screen would also require some serious research.


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
Several hours spent in Valen/Novigrad and I have genuinely no idea how anyone could claim Skyrim has better world building with a straight face.
Virtually everything about it is better in TW3. Better pacing and distribution of "points of interest" (without anything being too crammed or too sparse) , more distinctive locations, a more elaborate buildings and map layout, "secrets" (hidden treasures and so on) that are far more interesting to hunt down... And on top of that, visually speaking TW3 is so far ahead of Skyrim it shouldn't even be considered a fair a contest.
hidden treasures that pop up a big fucking "updated my map with the secret treasure in the vicinity"?
my first skyrim playthrough, first cave i walked into i found http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Bolar's_Oathblade
lying on the ground. it's a fucking hand placed katana. you know it's fucking handplaced because it's unique and it's lying on the ground. i was reading something about hand placed loot in the other thread and i can't say i acknowledged any fucking hand placed interesting loot (i found some master something items, the blue ones with 1%shit and 2% some other shit and magic swords with the same pattern of stats. and a level requirement of 1 and 2. if that was hand placed stuff they shouldn't have bothered. and if the only hand placed stuff are recipes why the fuck not give me the stuff instead of the recipe? it's not like i'm gonna craft them over and over again till i get rich by selling them to the merchants. it's just a fucking pretense to get me to explore for farm materials). now even if you don't care whether every fucking sword you find in twitcher looks the same you should still feel the lack of unique equipment. the way twitcher is built with level restrictions (FFS why the fuck would you level restrict stuff in an open world action game??? what is the point of it being open world if gearing progress is fucking linear??? what is the point of making linear gearing progress???) it's not even possible to implement unique stuff. you could call them unique but there wouldn't be anything powerful about them to deserve the name.


Possibly Retarded
May 27, 2012
Listen bro, Skyrim is a fun game. But as far as world design, quest design, visual design, just from a design perspective, Witcher is superior. And this is not an opnion, its a fact.


The Witcher 3 is superior to Skyrim in every way.

I'm not saying that Witcher 3 is perfect, because it definitely has its share of problems, but you are setting the bar really low by comparing TW3 to such a HUGE turd.


Oct 7, 2005
So why dont you steer your car with a fucking keyboard? Precision in movement is not a gimmick, its fucking mandatory on a heavily movement based twitch combat system. Millions of people get along with it, millions of people enjoy it. Youre not one of them appearently because youre either not used to gamepads or your Wurstfingers are not made for action games but thats not a shortage of the game but one of your hand-eye coordination.

There are plenty of rpgs with preset characters. Gothic for example or Anachronox or heck even Planescape Torment... you would say all of them are no proper rpgs? Sure you can shape their abilities to your liking but so can you in the TW3...

Rpgs are not just about complete freedom of your character development, its also about shaping the narrative based on decisions you make as an ingame character, as in having actual choice and consequence. Actually this is even (atleast for me) the most important aspect of an rpg as it draws on the very essence of its predecessor, the pnp rpg-systems.

Playing rpgs is basically about making decisions and then having the gameworld react to those decisions. Those can either be choosing a race or choosing to kill or not to kill off a certain character. If game A reacts to you killing off that character in a more fleshed out way than game B does to you choosing a certain race then theres actually more "roleplaying" going on in game A.

Decisions mean shit if they have no actual outcome.

I actually don't care about the boundaries at which games enter and exit the "RPG genre." But certain mechanics in gaming are considered "RPG mechanics" and insofar as this grouping holds, it is valid to talk about how developed a game's RPG mechanics are. Games with a preset PC, especially a very specific preset PC, by their very nature sacrifice a large chunk of these RPG mechanics.

To make it short - there is no character creation in Witcher. Geralt is what he is. You get to decide what skills he specializes in, but not what race, class, stats, perks, etc. he has. That's a huge loss when it comes to RPG mechanics and changes your design decisions entirely. For example, Witcher developers don't have to worry about making the world accommodate all combinations of custom characters. Skyrim developers did have to worry about it and it's why a lot of the writing in that game is so generic.

Now, what's remaining is capable of being excellent, but saying Witcher 3 has equally developed RPG mechanics as Skyrim is fooling yourself.


Oct 7, 2005
I actually find Skyrim's combat dull and boring (it can be effectively summarized with, depending on what kind of build one went for: 1."whack whack whack"; 2."sneak attack one shot"; 3."keep both mouse buttons down to incinerate"), not to mention heavily crippled by level scaling. Not that TW3's is much better. Neither is much tactical, neither is quite satisfying, neither is brutal (both have "finishers" and dismemberment, but both still feel quite cartoonish in that respect).

At the minimum, and without going into personal preferences, Skyrim had the edge in variety. You yourself said it - there's whack-whack-whack, sneak-attack-one-shot, medieval-flame-thrower, and I'd also add "conjuring a bunch of daedra knights and having them do all the work for you." That's what I did on my conjurer.

There is no item wear in Skyrim, therefore no "repairing". I'm not really sure what you are talking about.

You had to recharge your magic items with souls, and all the best items were of course magic.

Well, ok. But player housing is pretty much fucking useless, even in a "sandbox" context, unless you like really love to RP in a single player game (and here's when those sexy skyrim mods come useful, I guess?) with poor AI and pitiful NPCs.

Isn't that what RPGs are all about? RPing?

I found it actually quite annoying that you can be the leader of all guilds, and only after a handful of quests, in some cases. Existing leaders conveniently die or betray or just relinquish their position so that the dragonborn can be the master of them all.

Guilds in Skyrim helped ground the player in a specific role and to give them a goal beyond 'kill shit and loot.' I do agree that allowing players to be the leader of all guilds was stupid.

I really love both settings. I quite like Skyrim's adaptation of (kinda) Norse/Celtic/Saxon culture, AND I am a sucker for Sapkowski's world.

Skyrim's world felt quite a bit less dramatically satisfying than Witcher's. The grimdark folkoric feel in the Witcher series is done very well and is a masterpiece when put besides any other Western RPG setting in recent years. Just contrast the whole Crones setup in Velen with other games' first chapter villains. I think MoTB is the only one that manages to be equally captivating but Witcher 3 is a lot bigger.

And yes, Witcher 3 blows Skyrim away when it comes to writing, quest/mission design, world design, characterization, and aesthetics. But it has less RPG mechanics than Skyrim and insofar as that matters to you, it's a weaker game. One observation I've had over ten years on the Codex, however, is that a lot of people here care less about RPG mechanics than they profess to. My advice, from personal experience? Don't try to hide in the closet. Embrace the fact that you're a storyfag.
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Feb 18, 2013
I couldn't bear to play Skyrim for more than 2 mins because it felt like an empty piece of shit, so no.

I actually find Skyrim's combat dull and boring (it can be effectively summarized with, depending on what kind of build one went for: 1."whack whack whack"; 2."sneak attack one shot"; 3."keep both mouse buttons down to incinerate"), not to mention heavily crippled by level scaling. Not that TW3's is much better. Neither is much tactical, neither is quite satisfying, neither is brutal (both have "finishers" and dismemberment, but both still feel quite cartoonish in that respect).

At the minimum, and without going into personal preferences, Skyrim had the edge in variety. You yourself said it - there's whack-whack-whack, sneak-attack-one-shot, medieval-flame-thrower, and I'd also add "conjuring a bunch of daedra knights and having them do all the work for you." That's what I did on my conjurer.


Amn Nom

Apr 12, 2013
Skyrim with mods the better game if you liked derping around in a hostile world. The Witcher 3 is a better game if you like to follow the main story and see what happens. Haven't bought the Witcher 3, but I'm expecting the end to shit all over the novels and not even mention the coolest part of the last book;
Ciri in Camelot


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Listen bro, Skyrim is a fun game. But as far as world design, quest design, visual design, just from a design perspective, Witcher is superior. And this is not an opnion, its a fact.
Kiss of death from adddeeeeeeeed.


Mar 10, 2011
This game blows Skyrim out of the water, but I haven't really cared for a TES game since Morrowind - and that's because Morrowind was just too good to me; too much of everything I wanted, so really it's just that future TES games can't capture that magic.


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
i can't believe people still talk about good writing after geralt the fucking alpha male let some idiot from court shave his beard. can you people really not see the crap in front of your eyes? when yennefer came to him to tell him about the emperor and how they can't fuck because they shouldn't let the emperor wait you didn't need an alpha male to tell yennefer to get undressed or go fuck the emperor. any fucking peasant would have had that bit of self respect.
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Dec 18, 2006


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I've never played Twitch3r, but I can't imagine more bland, banal and boring game than Skyrim, mods or not.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
In open-world terms Skyrim is more fun, it feels more organic. 95% of world in Witcher 3 is backdrop. There is no interaction. You can't kill whoever you want, peasants are just robots walking around to give some flavor to the world. I mean just the name tags.. "Shady individual". Okay, thanks game for clearing that up, would never have thought he was shady. At least in Skyrim everyone has a real name, and is more than just a robot. It's all so plastic. I like the story though, but I would prefer if they continued the series like Witcher 2, as a linear experience without this open world crap that just doesn't work for me. It feels like a fantasy Gta game but without the random fun that can happen. The only time something happen while you travel is when it is scripted to do so. It just sucks the fun out of it.

And one more thing that Skyrim has is that you can create whatever kind of character you want, and roleplay that character however you want. Nothing against set characters in rpgs per say, since I liked the earlier Witcher games, but in a open world setting it just feels lacking.


May 23, 2015
In open-world terms Skyrim is more fun, it feels more organic. 95% of world in Witcher 3 is backdrop. There is no interaction. You can't kill whoever you want, peasants are just robots walking around to give some flavor to the world. I mean just the name tags.. "Shady individual". Okay, thanks game for clearing that up, would never have thought he was shady. At least in Skyrim everyone has a real name, and is more than just a robot. It's all so plastic. I like the story though, but I would prefer if they continued the series like Witcher 2, as a linear experience without this open world crap that just doesn't work for me. It feels like a fantasy Gta game but without the random fun that can happen. The only time something happen while you travel is when it is scripted to do so. It just sucks the fun out of it.

And one more thing that Skyrim has is that you can create whatever kind of character you want, and roleplay that character however you want. Nothing against set characters in rpgs per say, since I liked the earlier Witcher games, but in a open world setting it just feels lacking.


After you've finished the quests The Witcher 3 lost half of it's fun, the contracts are mostly boring (better than TW2 contracts, but still boring).

And another thing, I know this forums hate level scaling but this game needs level scaling badly, after you've finished the main quests you become so overpowered that you can blaze through everything that remains easily, it's just not fun. I'd say that GW2 got level scaling right.


Oct 7, 2005
In open-world terms Skyrim is more fun, it feels more organic. 95% of world in Witcher 3 is backdrop. There is no interaction. You can't kill whoever you want, peasants are just robots walking around to give some flavor to the world. I mean just the name tags.. "Shady individual". Okay, thanks game for clearing that up, would never have thought he was shady. At least in Skyrim everyone has a real name, and is more than just a robot. It's all so plastic. I like the story though, but I would prefer if they continued the series like Witcher 2, as a linear experience without this open world crap that just doesn't work for me. It feels like a fantasy Gta game but without the random fun that can happen. The only time something happen while you travel is when it is scripted to do so. It just sucks the fun out of it.

And one more thing that Skyrim has is that you can create whatever kind of character you want, and roleplay that character however you want. Nothing against set characters in rpgs per say, since I liked the earlier Witcher games, but in a open world setting it just feels lacking.

Pretty much. I don't see how anyone can argue that Witcher 3's game mechanics & open world mechanics > Skyrim's. The further you get into Witcher, the more obvious this becomes. AI is definitely worse; there's less to actually do b/c you have no respawning quests/tasks; the crafting/alchemy system is shallow; the equipment system revolves around looking for elite Witcher gear via the scavenger hunts; and there are no unique items eg Skyrim artifacts to find, as far as I'm able to tell. The ones that are special, eg the ghost lantern, are all given to you in quests. There's no value to killing monsters after a certain stage because crowns become useless beyond repairs and you don't need the ingredients monsters drop for potions, etc. after making them once.

I won't call the open world in Witcher 3 an afterthought because it's obvious they put a lot of effort into crafting it. But the mechanics of the game don't fully support it, and you lose all in-game motivation for exploring as a result.


Apr 12, 2015
Witcher 3 Is open-world in the sense that Dragon-Age is, not in the sense that Elder Scrolls games are. Maybe CP:R should not have made such a big deal about "Open world gameplay bigger than Skyrim". Its open-world enough for what it is, but it cant and shouldnt be more like skyrim in that regard since the game is very tight in its need for you to roleplay a specific character going through a very specific set of experiences, regardless of the freedom one has to go about getting through them.
It reminds me very much of Mass Effect 2, set in a BlackPotato universe, while taking some cues from DragonAge:Origins. which while not super hardcore rpg for systems/combatfags makes for a splendidly enjoyable experience in my book. of course my mileage may very after a few hundred more leagues.

I will say the Witcher1 is one of the only games i ever bothered with and enjoyed alchemy in. Only game i ever happilly frolicked through meadows to gather flowers (i do that enough irl, ahmeyewrite?) And i dont understand the people complaining about how long it takes to harvest ingredients...i usually dont even stop, double-pressing E hoovers it up with less than a second delay. are these complainers from consoles or is one second too much these days?

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