I'd agree if we were talking about a 5th edition Polar bear - 12 ac, 45 hps - two crappy attacks per round. A large rifle could easily dispatch it.
Winged spears was the main weapon to hunt in medieval times because the "wings" could stop a charging animal, a sword would not stop him even if kills him. Best case scenario, you kill him and die.
IDK any case of a polar bear being stopped by bows or swords BUT in Alaska, there are cases of people stopping it with .44 magnum ( https://www.ammoland.com/2023/05/polar-bear-attack-stopped-with-a-44-magnum-in-alaska/#axzz8hXLEKSQu ). As for .338 lapua magnum, there is no land animal which it can't kill.
However, oddly enough, the 2nd edition Polar bear has a 6 ac (they were defined differently in those days) and almost twice as many hit points- and has 3 attacks plus a hug for big big damage. So two claws, a bite, and if a claw rolls an 18 or better - you take an automatic 3-18. Thats a very respectable 7-50 hps of damage per round!
The more you think about it, when you put the rifle on your shoulder OR .44 magnum, you'd better pray its a 5th edition Polar bear (and you are at least 5th level to have a better chance of hitting, but that goes without saying!)