The thing is it doesn't necessarily need to be Victorian, all that matters is that it's an industrial revolution city.
This is pretty much the story of about any industrial revolution city, give or take the magic part and being non-spectacular.
There is no reason why it should produce results in fictional Tarant that would be so different from those in historical England.
I hope you don't mind discussing those points where we haven't reached agreement, then.
Content is one thing, but sometimes the container matters as well and as far as those go Tarant is absolutely awful.
And then there are some other things - for a supposedly fresh and innovative setting Arcanum is chock-full of trite fantasy cliches of the worst kind - it's pretty much your standard D&D world complete with hurrdurr orcs, evil dark elves and clear-cut alignment system. Even if you are willing to suffer to get your monocled cRPG fix the Arcanum does its best to put you off.
Then you think wrong.

Pretty much all but smallest towns in TES II: Daggerfall completely crush Tarant in every possible way, with largest ones, like Daggerfall itself, looking like this:
(the 3d plan on the right is castle dungeon)