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Review Arx Fatalis on TechTV


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Arx Fatalis

<A href="http://www.techtv.com/">TechTV</a> has dished out a rather lengthy <a href="http://www.techtv.com/extendedplay/reviews/story/0,24330,3404884,00.html">review</a> of <a href="http://www.arxfatalis-online.com">Arx Fatalis</a>, which is positive for the most part. He reviewer does mention long load times between areas, a useless journal, poor voice acting, and a sense of staticness to the world. On the upside, he liked the setting and most of the mechanics, seen here:
<blockquote>As a role-playing game, "Arx Fatalis" straddles the line between action-oriented combat and more cerebral puzzle-solving exercises. Wielding a weapon is as easy as clicking the mouse. Those familiar with "Morrowind" will have no trouble with combat here. Though weapons are mostly variations on swords (with a bow and arrows thrown in for good measure) the variety of weapons will keep you upgrading to better equipment throughout the game.
The creatures you'll enounter will initially give your weak first-level character a modest challenge. As the game progresses, the difficulty of the combat scales up nicely. On occasion, you might find yourself outclassed by a foe and forced to rely on different tactics. This variety in tactics is a testament to the game's balance. It's tough but always offers a way out. </blockquote>
I like tactics. Then again, I like dialogue trees even more than first person tactics.
This was spotted at <a href="http://bluesnews.com">Blue's</a>.

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