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Review Attack of the Show says Oblivion "not worth $60"


Aug 23, 2005
Voss said:
I think I missed a meeting where someone explains how this type of review is different from the 'perfersional' reviews by the gaming rags/sites.

Its still some random jackoff's opinion, no matter how you wash it. Come on, most developers don't play all the way through their own games, why keep pretending the reviewers do?


Old Scratch

Nov 19, 2004
Sol Invictus said:
So they hate anime games for some biased reason, and that makes them good, EvoG? I didn't know you could judge a game's quality in a fair manner, simply based on its art style alone. Fuck that. It's one thing to be 'jaded' about games, another to act like dismissive jackasses while claiming to be fair.

Xplay doesn't hate on anime/Japanese games simply because of their nature, they just poke fun at the massive number of shitty, cliche ones they come across. The games with overly androgenous male characters, excessively large swords, and a ridiculous amount of stomach-turning mellowdrama. They still give them what I guess are fair scores, but cheese elements like that deserve to be made fun of.

Yea, I wouldn't listen to G4TV for a review. I'm sure if they did review Fallout back in the day they would have given it a 1/5 because it has turnbased combat.

Probably true with most of the shows on there, but not Xplay. Adam Sessler(the host) has said in the past his favorite RPG and one of his favorite games is Fallout--as a response to JRPG fanboys that would write in asking why he ragged on console RPGs so much.


Mar 25, 2003
Old Scratch said:
Probably true with most of the shows on there, but not Xplay. Adam Sessler(the host) has said in the past his favorite RPG and one of his favorite games is Fallout--as a response to JRPG fanboys that would write in asking why he ragged on console RPGs so much.

...that and they both said Civ4 was outstanding, giving it a 5 out of 5, in response to a viewer letter talking about how he returned Civ4, and if it was a mistake to.


Feb 10, 2003
Icy Highlands of Canada
EvoG said:
Xplay is actually very good and sort of reminds me of the codex, in that special jaded way. They rip on everything(they hate anime games), and most of the time its quite funny, and even when they like a game they rip on it. Only the rare 4's and super rare 5's out of 5 do the games avoid derisive comments...mostly. Hell, many times they even rip on 'previews' of games.

Monsieur, you give them too much credit. When it originally aired, it really was a pretty crappy videogame show like everything else on the stupid channel it aired on (you know, the one that closed or whatever). I watched a few episodes and then stopped. However, unlike the other gaming shows, the people behind X-Play realized they were idiots and decided to concentrate on what they are good at: stupid humor. Today X-Play is nothing more than a videogame themed comedy show with occasional game reviews. And to my overwhelming surprise, this actually produced an entertaining show about videogames (I really thought it wasn't possible). I occasionally watch it, and must agree with you - it is actually pretty funny. However, their reviewing prowess and tastes are really quite close to the mainstream in my opinion, just minus the "score inflation" publisher blowjobs. I happened to watch the episode with their review of Hammer and Sickle and it was pretty much the same shallow criticism and low score as many other reviews of the game by uncultured reviewers in mainstream gaming rags.



Jan 27, 2006
Adam Sessler has stated explicity that he hated all RPGs, Fallout included, in one instance and then turned around and liked it in another. Adam also said stupid shit like "Mario Soccer discourages actual soccer"... What!? He basically hates on things to get a reaction because most people are too busy ogling what's her face to give a flying fookin' dutchman about what Adam thinks.

X-play doesn't have a stance. They have no standards. They only pick on Anime because there are a lot of fans due to the Anime Overdrive show and they entice people to watch by outraging them.

Most of the anime stuff they rib on that actually deserve it aren't jRPGs but actual Anime games, as in games made based on a TV show. Considering that most games made from television and movies aren't any good except to the hardcore fans it's not surprising. As for the jRPGs, they don't present them honestly enough to formulate an opinion. It doesn't make a difference because one of the good things about a console is that if you have 5 extra bucks you can't rent the fucker and make up your own damn mind. Unless you don't care for console games anyway. In that case you have 5 extra dollars to buy a Cheeseburger. Hooray!

As far as Fallout and Final Fantasy is concerned...It's mostly at the Codex and occasionally at GameFAQs where I've seen them at odds. In general they're quite chummy in my experience. Honest! Your mileage may vary.

There was a poll during the release of FFX on the Final Fantasy boards about favorite CRPGs, Fallout 1/2 was second after Torment or Baldur's Gate 2. As far as my own circle of nerd friends of about 20 people is concerned, (probably not enough for an "experiment") the ones who liked FF/anime ranging from casual to borderline wapanese thoroughly enjoyed Fallout when I introduced it to them. Most of the Neverwinter Nights guys liked it too although the high fantasy snobs among them despised it utterly. And finally, the one guy who hasn't shut up about Oblivion for the past week ( I guess he hadn't hit the 75th hour, eh Evo? :) ) couldn't even get past the introductory cinematic. Interestingly enough, he said it looked too much like "retarded anime."

As far as "Anime is crap" or "genuinelly sucks" is concerned...I disagree but understand why you might think so. Although if EvoG meant what he said in terms of the art style in general, I am more than a little disillusioned. But who cares. Moving on.

It's kind of depressing to see a dismissive attitude to a whole art style. Mainly because it's why so many generally good and creative games are underappreciated because their art was a "turn off." Codex has already been over how many people were scared away by Planescape's box cover alone. What would have happened if they actually played the game? Would their heads have exploded? I'd hope so. Look at how many fanboys justified the loss of crossbows and spears in Oblivion with "Those weapons aren't heroic like bows and swords. Fantasy is about being the hero and growing stronger. I crapped my pants and it smells like cookies." What would have happened if they played Betrayal at Krondor where Xbows are the order of the day? Would they have choked themselves on their own testicles? I'd hope so. What about the shit storm at the Heroes of Might and Magic 5 forum where a partial pic of a dark elf was holding what might have been a gun was the center of it all. They were all howling like banshees about how "technology ruins fantasy." What would have happened if they played Arcanum? Would Magic Johnson go over to their house and bleed on their toothbrush? I'd hope so.

I probably shouldn't have made this gay ass Taxi Cab confession but:

A. No one pays attention to news comments really...right?

B. I am destined to have Saint discover me for the Charlatan I am and rightfully Dumfuck my ass anyway.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Well, the five reasons they give it a pass, three of those are definitely dead on the money. Even from the videos of the game, you can see that the load times and pausing for loading when moving through the "seamless" world are annoying as hell. Yes, the third person mode is pretty damned shitacular.

As far as the connection with your character and combat goes, those are somewhat subjective. Sure, you get little perks and things from raising skills, but do those honestly make the normal TES style combat that much more interesting? And before you get those, it's just as bad as Morrowind's.

The connection with character can go hand in hand with the lack of third person working well and the combat. Melee combat works so much better in third person than first person, and most developers have managed to figure this out already. Bethesda is one of the few that can't quite grasp that concept.

It's really not that hard to understand their five big beefs with the game.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Saint_Proverbius said:
The connection with character can go hand in hand with the lack of third person working well and the combat. Melee combat works so much better in third person than first person, and most developers have managed to figure this out already. Bethesda is one of the few that can't quite grasp that concept.
You know, I've been meaning to ask, who decided that melee works better in 3rd person? I never get that. Bloodlines did that and I hated it. I'd rather have seen some 1st person moves because at least then, I'd be able to aim properly.


Oct 21, 2005
First person view in melee typically sucks just because the viewable area is so restricted, which is a bigger deal at melee range than shooting range. You have no periphreal vision at all, you can lose orientation very easily since you have no body awareness and you have to whip around rapidly, etc. Multiple enemies make the problem much worse.

On the other hand, the clips of Dark Messiah look pretty good.


Jan 28, 2003
DarkUnderlord said:
You know, I've been meaning to ask, who decided that melee works better in 3rd person? I never get that. Bloodlines did that and I hated it. I'd rather have seen some 1st person moves because at least then, I'd be able to aim properly.
Well Bloodlines isn't the best 3rd person combat representative. If you want to see really good 3rd person combat, you should check out Enclave, Oni or Rune.


Aug 23, 2005
And the people who made Enclave made Riddick, and Riddick has the best first person fist-fighting evah. Seriously. Go play it. Now that's some visceral shit.

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