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Inactive AURORA: The Great Game - Gauging interest


May 28, 2008
You are menacing the glorious Britannia:obviously: of invading Europe?
Be my guest.:smug:


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Sorry folks, watched Brazil and Rambo 2 and then got stuck in RK47's LP of that awful non-hentai "game"/book/whatever thingy. Got to page 11 before I called it quits.

Writing up and sending the remaining packets, then I'll post a "Status of the World report" and a more detailed guide on what you should do on your first turn.


Jul 6, 2010
Compton, California
MCA Project: Eternity
Sorry folks, watched Brazil and Rambo 2 and then got stuck in RK47's LP of that awful non-hentai "game"/book/whatever thingy. Got to page 11 before I called it quits.

Writing up and sending the remaining packets, then I'll post a "Status of the World report" and a more detailed guide on what you should do on your first turn.
Where will you be sending these packets to?


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Allright, all nine players have their initial information.

Initial actions
  1. Decide your planetary governor. His/her bonuses will be directly added to what your installations are producing. There can be only one, so choose carefully. They must have Administration rating of at least 2. Higher gives no advantage. As population grows, the rank required will also rise. After you have researched "improved command and control", you can build Sector HQ's and add a Sector Governor for additional bonuses.
  2. Decide your research. Which scientists will use how many labs and research what? All scientists have a speciality field and a bonus. The higher the bonus, the better they are. In their speciality field, the bonus is quadrupled (x4), so using correct scientists becomes quite important. Even if the bonus is 0%, it can still raise with experience. The admin rank for them tells how many labs they can lead - not very important in the beginning but will become critical later on. You can put all your labs behind one researcher to do a single important project or you can spread them around in any way you want. Possible projects have been posted on page 3.
  3. Make a list of what you want to use your industry for, list is on page 3. For example, you could write "Build 2xMilitary Academy, then 10x PDC ICBM Complex" or you could write "Build simultaneously 10xMaintenance facilities, 500xInfrastructure and 10xFinancial centres with 40%, 20% and 40% percentages of industry". Such distribution of construction will be useful if/when you want long serial builds. Again, which way you want to use is completely up to you, both have their advantages and disadvantages.
  4. Notify me if you want to establish any teams. There's no sense in creating a Xenology team, as there are no alien ruins around but Espionage and Geology teams are possible. Note that the first bloc that finishes a Geological survey of Earth will ruin it for everyone else as there's only a single chance for it. Thus it would be in everyone's interest to wait until people have really good Geology teams for best results but again, this is naturally up to the players.
  5. Tell me of any diplomatic deals you have made. Foreign aid is very much possible in-game. Hopefully no-one will start a land war immediately but that's a possibility as well.
I think that covers the beginning.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here


Mar 28, 2009
Hey, is there an existing LP of this type that we can read to better understand what will be expected?


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here

The world has changed drastically in the last two years and the changes are most likely over quite yet. This little booklet is our best attempt at explaining to you, dear reader, these new players on the global field and their relative strengths and weaknesses. Should you invest your money into the Far-East? Will the African Union surprise shrew businesses? Read on and find out!

African Union
This federal union consists of all the sub-Saharan African nations, including Madagascar and the smaller island nations plus South-Sudan who barely managed to remain independent for two months before joining with the AU. It is undoubtedly the poorest of the new global players and most backwards but with a large population that is still growing, AU can only go up and forward, unless the border tensions with the Islamic Caliphate erupt into an outright war. Our financial analysts estimate that AU's wealth creations is in the high 2000s or the low 3000s. Their industrial base is also smallish as the neverending conflicts seemed to prevent investment prior to the revolution known as "TN". Our industrial experts rate it roughly at three hundred. Militarily, AU is quite strong conventionally, though lacks nuclear deterrence.

Surprisingly enough, there was no amalgamation of nations in South-America. Brazil has announced her intention of developing and exploiting TN-minerals alone. At the moment, the other South-American nations seem to be content to watch from the sidelines. Brazil's economy is fairly weak, estimated to be in the low-mid 2000s but that is only when compared to the big blocs. Industrially, Brazil is estimated to be in a similar shape to the African Union. Militarily, Brazil is supreme on South-America, though she lacks a nuclear deterrent.

The giant in the East, China has grown by leaps and bounds, eventually frightening its neighbours so badly that they formed two different counter-blocs. China is a good bet for future success in this revitalized "Great Game" for TN-minerals and their exploitation. China has a stable, sizeable economy, estimated at high 15000s to low 16000s, as befits the country with the largest population on Earth. China benefited greatly from the globalization process, having a large industrial base that our experts estimate to be over one-and-a-half thousand. Similarly, the Chinese military machine is quite threatening with nearly endless amount of divisions and a hefty nuclear arsenal.

The British Empire has made a comeback! It was always clear how uneasy the British were about the deepening Federalisation of the European Union. Thus, after the serious arguments in Brussels about the future direction of EU, former Prime Minister Cameron announced UK's shocking dismissal of EU. While many analysts predicted poor things for the lonely island nation, the emergence of TN-minerals reignited their vigor - and with strategic allies Canada, Australia and New-Zealand, the new Commonwealth is well poised on the global field. Her economy is stable, surpassing Brazil's, in the mid-to-high 2000s. Her industrial base suffered during the globalization period but is undoubtedly now regrowing, though still estimated by our experts to be somewhat below three hundred. While their military forces are small, are they well trained and equipped and one should not forget that UK still has her nuclear inventory - small but effective.

East Asian Federation
Apparently scared by the limitless growth of China, Japanese diplomats managed to overcome historical ghosts and convinced her former exploited colonies to join her once again - if only to avoid Communist Chinese overlords now that USA has turned isolationist once more. South-Korea, Taiwan and Philippines joined up with Japan to form this loose federation that has expressed great interest in exploiting TN-minerals. Several tigers of Asia united, their economy is strong, estimated to be in the mid-5000s, low-6000s. While these countries didn't gain as much industrial investment that China got, their industrial base is still quite strong, estimated to be at five hundred or so. Militarily though, EAF is somewhat weak - her troops dispersed over a large area and with no nuclear weapons to keep the big bad China at bay!

European Union
Few people started ringing death bells to the EU when UK left but those people were far too pessimistic as Iceland, Norway and even Switzerland decided to join the Union after the discovery of TN-minerals. EU is courting Turkey and Ukraine as well, though the membership discussions are currently frozen due to resistance from some European populations and opposition from both the Islamic Caliphate and the new Russian Federation. EU's economy is viable and strong, at roughly 10 000 or so. Her industry suffered somewhat during the globalization period, though luckily much of it was from West and North Europe into East and South Europe, her industry currently estimated to be in nine hundred or so. Military, EU's traditional weak point, hasn't changed. Thanks to France, EU commands a small nuclear arsenal and her weak conventional armies surely need that help.

Islamic Caliphate
Facing the very true possibility of disappearing or at least largely diminishing oil income, many Arab countries had to face tough calls. With their neighbours integrating more deeply and gaining strength, even the ancient division between Sunni and Shi'a seems to have diminished when the Islamic Caliphate was formed. From Morocco on the Atlantic Coast to Pakistan on the Indian Ocean, ISCA is a mysterious player on the global field. Iranians and Arabs seem to be sharing power equally at the moment but for how long can such a peaceful co-existence last? Neither has the question of Israel been solved. In any case, the economy of ISCA has diminished due to projected lessening demand of petroleum projects in the future. Still, our analysts have placed it at mid-4000s. Their industrial capability is nothing spectacular, being somewhat smaller than even African Union or Brazil. Still, they have the nuclear capability of Pakistan to augment their large conventional forces but they are surrounded by enemies - African Union to the south, China to the east and Russia to the north. EU and India will most likely remain neutral towards the ISCA in the near future.

Russian Federation
While Russia recovered nicely from the 1990s, they are still only a shadow of the former glory of the USSR. Though now that Belarus and the Central Asia states joined the new Russian Federation, Russia is one to keep an eye on. Their economy is strong, comparable to the oil riches of the ISCA, though with a slightly better industrial capability of roughly four hundred. They still boast a large nuclear arsenal, though some elements are assuredly obsolete. However, the Red Army has been modernized into a leaner, meaner configuration that is surely enough to defend the Rodina against all enemies.

South East Asian Alliance
The SEA Alliance is the most curious creation of the new power-blocs on the global stage. Led by Thailand, it also incorporates the economic powerhouse of Singapore, the population-rich Indonesia, the tough and expanding Vietnam, the formerly isolated Myanmar and even Cambodia, Laos and Malaysia decided to join into the Alliance. Surely the background politicking between various nations is fierce. However, their economy seems to be in good shape, estimated at high-5000s, low-6000s. Their industrial potential might not rival China but is still nothing to be ashamed of, clocking roughly at six hundred. SEAA lacks an nuclear inventory and her conventional forces are not very impressive either - the modern Singapore army is tiny, whereas the large Indonesian army is mostly obsolete, just to have name two examples.

United States of America
USA, the former superpower, turned isolationist in the veining months of the War Against Terror. Her economy, even after the Crash of '08, is still largish enough to rival the tigers of Asia, around low-to-mid-6000s. Though her industrial might was severely hampered by the globalization, it still stands at respectable six hundred or so. Her military is probably the finest on Earth, supported by a small but modern nuclear arsenal. USA, with the largest research capability amongst all the new players, is well situated to exploit these new TN-minerals in this new Great Game.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
My laptop is going nuts for some reason. Some text is changing into Asian symbols all of a sudden and it keeps swithing between FIN and US家yボアrdうぃてょうtふううううううううううううううう


May 28, 2008
At arms friends China is already trying to cheat, I suggest a global embargo against the fuckers.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Finally, this is the official mineral situation on Earth, as confirmed by all scientists and geologists at the moment. They do not strike out the possibility of additional veins that might be found in the future, however, that should not be relied upon.


Do note that all the players share these minerals to begin with.


Apr 26, 2009
This has the possibility to be wonderfully epic. GO the Commonwealth!

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