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Game News Baldur's Gate 3 Community Update #23: Here's To You



Nov 11, 2017
I notice they don't mention that the game is anti dnd.
Could you expand on this, Volourn? I don't necessarily disagree with you; the game is based on 5e, afterall.

I was just wondering what's specifically anti-D&D about it in your opinion.
They didin't implement in the game Ready and Dodge as reaction a bizzarre decision.

Ready would be useful if line of sight and cover played a bigger part. And if you could hold defensive positions to protect your weaker party members.

But Larian's philosophy is that the more actions there are, the more cloggy the UI gets and confusing for new players. It's a trade-off between how useful that feature is versus making things more complicated. They think there are so many ways to protect a character that a dodge feature doesn't seem all that important.

But yeah… I would still love to see those ESSENTIAL 5e actions implemented in the game. But, it won't be. Lots of people asked for those actions (or at least as a bonus or reaction, idk?) features to be in BG3, but Larian's devs have turned a def ear to the requests.
Aug 10, 2023
I notice they don't mention that the game is anti dnd.
Could you expand on this, Volourn? I don't necessarily disagree with you; the game is based on 5e, afterall.

I was just wondering what's specifically anti-D&D about it in your opinion.
They didin't implement in the game Ready and Dodge as reaction a bizzarre decision.

Ready would be useful if line of sight and cover played a bigger part. And if you could hold defensive positions to protect your weaker party members.

But Larian's philosophy is that the more actions there are, the more cloggy the UI gets and confusing for new players. It's a trade-off between how useful that feature is versus making things more complicated. They think there are so many ways to protect a character that a dodge feature doesn't seem all that important.

But yeah… I would still love to see those ESSENTIAL 5e actions implemented in the game. But, it won't be. Lots of people asked for those actions (or at least as a bonus or reaction, idk?) features to be in BG3, but Larian's devs have turned a def ear to the requests.
They will come in a form of Mod. After all they are already working on it. Bad dm mod fix a lot of larian bizzarre decisions.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Halsin isn't in the top three romances, I think that memes aside not many people actually wanted to ride the bull bear. Or they started playing with that intention but got attached to another character.

what does our community gain by your reposting of press releases that are found on every mainstream site?
We get to read it here and comment on it with the locals, who are very interested in the game judging by the threads inflating faster than Star Citizen's ship values. Meanwhile stuff Caves of Lore, Realms of Antiquity and Nox Archaist only get a few interested responses. Knights of the Chalice 2 fares just a little better.

The codex insists upon itself quite a bit.

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Jun 17, 2012
I really fucking hate these infographic posts that companies do. Seriously, who cares? I have never met a single person outside of the intern getting paid to produce them that gives a shit.


Aug 31, 2013
But isn't it counterproductive to play as one of the so-called "origin" characters? From what I understand they also double as the NPCs/companions in the game. So if you play as one, you're locking yourself out of all that NPC's content? I don't get it.


Oct 17, 2012
I really fucking hate these infographic posts that companies do. Seriously, who cares? I have never met a single person outside of the intern getting paid to produce them that gives a shit.
The people that consoom these garbage games care because the only reason they play them is because they're popular. FOMO is beyond rampant in gaming.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
I really fucking hate these infographic posts that companies do. Seriously, who cares? I have never met a single person outside of the intern getting paid to produce them that gives a shit.
I like stats and useless trivia, a good number of autists do.


Jun 17, 2012
I really fucking hate these infographic posts that companies do. Seriously, who cares? I have never met a single person outside of the intern getting paid to produce them that gives a shit.
I like stats and useless trivia, a good number of autists do.

Stats can be interesting. The "clever" way they are presented in these infographics never is.

You know what's interesting? The raw number of players.

You know what's absolutely useless? How many football stadiums the players would fit into, or how many "centuries" they have played when you collate their hours together. It's a worthless obfuscation of raw stats in order to make an intern feel clever, which anyway has the opposite effect of making me hate whoever put it together.


Mar 16, 2015
But where is info on how many people fucked the bear?

Also fuck this game, this is not BG. 4 man party, terrible NPCs and the rest.
Mar 28, 2014
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
So vast majority of people went with custom nobodies instead of picking larian's colourful twinks?

Picking a twink doesn't let you make your own character. You're not only tied to the character but also class, specialization (if chosen on level one) and stat distribution. I imagine Gale was the most popular since he's a wizard which is a pretty great class, and they chose specialization only at level 3.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
this type of release doesn't need the codex's spotlight, it's going to get it from every single mainstream game site that covers bioware-style games

rather than amplify the amplified, you should focus on hidden gems.

what does our community gain by your reposting of press releases that are found on every mainstream site?

shills gonna shill

Its funny they attack genuinely good RPGs... cuck felipepe complaining about accessibility in Grimoire ("RPG historian" got rekt by old school interface), and Shillitron complaining about Underrail release dates.

But just mention Obsidian or some mainstream turd, they'll be all over it
Jun 21, 2023
The Weird West
Wow people don't want to play as ugly freaks!


But "representation matters", I thought. Despite many BG3 players' love for the over-sexed kink shit in the game, the majority of CRPG-players, and game-players in general, are just average people, many of whom often (even if subconsciously) make their character a whitebread-ass guy that they can more easily project themselves upon, a player surrogate surrounded by the game's more colorful characters. I personally don't do this when making characters, but I totally get it. What I don't get it is a dev chastising its playerbase (even if it's being played off as jokey) for doing so. By the way, we all know that if analytics showed that most players made the exact same bland character, except black, Larian wouldn't be saying shit.


Aug 30, 2008
Most players are power fantasists (i.e they want their character to be a "larger than life me if I had big muscles, knew how to fight and was let loose in a fantasy world") or coomers ("I like gaming but would rather stare at a sexy chick than some dude in armour for an hour and a half a day"). Outside of a few furries and shit no one really wants to play a beastly character (unless that's explicitly a plot point that your character is a ugly weirdo, see Planescape or Shrek). JRPG designers understand this better (would Nier have done nearly as well without a sexy female protagonist with lots of chances for panty shots etc if you played some ugly freak instead).

I think Larian got confused because most modern D&D players are weirdos with green hair living in a polyamorous relationship. Quite interesting that most players opted for a white male paladin-looking guy. But also unsurprising when you see the sustained popularity of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings and stuff. Not necessarily "anti-woke" but being real most consumers of this genre are white nerds who basically want to see themselves if they'd hit the gym and could swing a sword in their fantasy.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Most players are power fantasists (i.e they want their character to be a "larger than life me if I had big muscles, knew how to fight and was let loose in a fantasy world") or coomers ("I like gaming but would rather stare at a sexy chick than some dude in armour for an hour and a half a day"). Outside of a few furries and shit no one really wants to play a beastly character (unless that's explicitly a plot point that your character is a ugly weirdo, see Planescape or Shrek). JRPG designers understand this better (would Nier have done nearly as well without a sexy female protagonist with lots of chances for panty shots etc if you played some ugly freak instead).

I think Larian got confused because most modern D&D players are weirdos with green hair living in a polyamorous relationship. Quite interesting that most players opted for a white male paladin-looking guy. But also unsurprising when you see the sustained popularity of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings and stuff. Not necessarily "anti-woke" but being real most consumers of this genre are white nerds who basically want to see themselves if they'd hit the gym and could swing a sword in their fantasy.
Makes sense when you look at Swen's old "Where are the women????" blog entry paired with this.


Lego actually commissioned a study on gender differences in play when they were developing the girl-focused Lego Friends line and one of its main conclusions boiled down to this: Boys want to be Batman. Girls want Batman to be them.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
Boys want to be Batman. Girls want Batman to be them.
i dont get it. As in a movie about highschool girl having problems with her crush and becoming a batman?


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
i dont get it. As in a movie about highschool girl having problems with her crush and becoming a batman?
"This character doesn't appeal to me unless they look and act as I do."

As he mentions in the second tweet
That’s why when you develop a girl’s property you need to have either one kinda bland, boilerplate protagonist that can be imprinted upon or a wildly diverse ensemble of protags that covers the entire gamut of personality so you can pick one and be like “that’s so me!”


I really fucking hate these infographic posts that companies do. Seriously, who cares? I have never met a single person outside of the intern getting paid to produce them that gives a shit.
It's very


Very safe.
Very lame.

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