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  • I hear rural America is a den of white supremacy and shit?
    According to a book wrote by and some claims made by a (((gentleman)))?
    I guess you may have heard or saw that in the news.
    Though I loathe the US and what it has become, I always respected/admired rural America, is it not, in a way, America's soul?
    Hell Swarm
    Hell Swarm
    Have you seen the DnD crowd today? Drag queen story time starts to look like the nuclear family when they roll out the freak shit.
    Yeah, the issue is the libtards never showed any spine in resisting the call from their own house. But that doesn't mean D&D would be better if it was written by a born-again Christian. Quite the opposite, I always thought fantasy in general should cherrypick from every mythology/religion/culture (as it used to in 2e).
    Hell Swarm
    Hell Swarm
    DnD was originally written by history nerds who thought putting Orcs into a historian setting might be fun. I know original DnD players who get pissy if you mention a wizard let alone the rest of the fantasy stuff.
    You said you live in Cali. Is it true that you guys drive to Mexico to buy cheaper gasoline?
    All rural areas are mega-based in the US. The most blue states have some of the most hardcore right-wing contingents outside of the cities. It's actually quite ironic. People think of Washington as this deep blue headquarters, but that's only Seattle. Outside of it, the people are more conservative than in deep red states.
    Ol' Willy
    Ol' Willy
    I get it, if anyone sane moves to America, go to bumfuck villages
    Not to mention that all those motherfuckers in rural areas are packing serious heat. I heard even grannies have guns. Way safer communities,not being robbed by niggers is a bonus.
    Hey, I see you can use buttons now.
    Were you unable to before? How come?
    Years and years ago I brofisted the oldest posts on the forum as a joke. Without warning me, they took away my brofists. I got used to it though. Really, it's like being forced to fend for yourself in the wilderness. After a while you realize it's a gift to not feel the urge to constantly rate people.
    Most people participating in the Coronavirus thread are retarded in at least one way, myself included. But not this guy. This guy's been pretty okay.
    Bigg Boss
    Bigg Boss
    It's a shame he worships the Dark Lord.
    But Dark Underlord took away my brofists... why would I serve him?
    Did you get your brofisting taken away?
    Yep. Management didn't like me fisting 10 year old posts. Or so I presume. Never actually received an explanation. I woke one day to find them gone, like tears in the rain.
    :O Shit, no explanation! that is sad. What was the 10yr thread? maybe you profisted someone mods don't like? This is modern day slavery! YOU NEED TO GET YOUR FREEDOM BACK!
    Dammit man, stop brofisting my posts and answer my miami vice question instead. I must have my 80s Entertainment!
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