"I feel... thin. Sort of stretched, like butter over too much bread..."
wtf! Wtf! WTF!
Gosh they are impressed about doing sixty interviews of nothing right?? wHo cares about that guy marketing Descent into Avernus that is some sort of legendary tie-in to Baldur's Gate 3 that if you are excited to play should go out on September 17, 2019 and buy it even if you can't find a DM you can still read it right? omg!! It is like that movie that is on during Christmas time about that boy in the glasses who wants to get a bbgun and his dad wins that leg lamp and he rushes home each day after school to look in the mailbox until that one day he gets his decoder ring and finishes dinner early, gets his chores done, makes his bed, takes a bath, puts on his pjs early and even remembers to wear his slippers just to listen to that radio show with his decoder all ready to go for the secret message and it is a slap in the face okay? OKAY!
Drink your Ovaltine. gosh! Did I just spoil your fun?
NO OKAY! Because it is not fun for the little boy and it is not fun for us either Svent.
60 interviews of gosh darn rickin blasted dag gummit smeatloaf double beatloaf snort-hunger lay-monger snapasill cocker stinkin' crisp gunk smelly rot ruster grop nicklefifer snard-bunker smelly mop-buster bladder puss snot grafter!!!