Okay, boys and girls, time for the most autistic person on this topic to speak:
Abdel Adrian, the one that, up to a couple years ago, was peddled by WoTC as the "canon" CHARNAME, is NOT, I repeat, is NOT the same person as from the novels:
- He became captain of the Flaming Fist AFTER the events of the game, not before.
- He travelled with both Minsc AND Coran - the novel Abdel Adrian knew neither of them during the events of BG I.
- The Minsc he knew is the Minsc from the games, not the novels (for those of you who never read these abominations, he is a completely different, very minor NPC).
- His alignment was initially Chaotic Neutral, then changed into Neutral.
- He was initially a warrior, later on this was removed, and his class was unknown as of "Murder in Baldur's Gate" and 5th Edition D&D.
- Despite choosing the "stay mortal" path, he retained the essence of Bhaal, something which directly contradicts both the game AND THE FUCKING NOVEL.
- In conclusion, the WotC version of Abdel Adrian up until "Murder in Baldur's Gate" was one who initially started as a weird amalgamation of the novel protagonist and CHARNAME, and as time went on was turned more and more into "CHARNAME with certain set characteristics". All notions about his romances, his relationship with Bodhi, how the events of BG II occurred, can be safely thrown into the trash (once again, thanks to the Minsc Evidence). Hell, his description in "Murder in Baldur's Gate" doesn't even match his picture in that VERY SAME FUCKING BOOK. In other words, a giant clusterfuck.
Now, we move further along the timeline. The Minsc comics start being released, and they are very, very careful not to say even a word about the Bhaalspawn or CHARNAME. My assumption is that talks with Larian, or at least plans to continue the franchise, began at that point.
Now, several years later, and after the announcement, "Descent into Avernus" came along. And within it we find these glorious retcons:
- There is a RUMOUR that a prominent member of the city nobility is a Bhaalspawn. This is completely and utterly incompatible with both the games AND "Murder in Baldur's Gate" and other sources of canon, where the entire city either outright knew and/or suspected that CHARNAME/Abdel Adrian is a Bhaalspawn.
- When describing the Flaming Fist, not a peep is made about Abdel Adrian.
- ABDEL ADRIAN ISN'T MENTIONED ONCE throughout the whole module.
In other words, WotC are making a soft reboot. Either Abdel Adrian will quietly disappear into the shadows, never to be heard of again, or he will simply be turned into A Bhaalspawn, instead of THE Bhaalspawn.