I use windu and I can do that, maybe you do not understand, yes the others will come, but you can outrun every opponent i saw here so far, thanks to pathfinding you can isolate every opponent. And no, it's not my idea of fun, here is my idea of fun, trying my best in a game, and see if that is enough to complete the game. You say this game doesn't hold hand, but you have save/load , you can rest infinite times. The only reason i have troubles is because i play ironman mode and y try to beat the game in 60 ingame days. For example in my second run i lost because i pushed my luck a little too much with my unrested group and was ambushed by lots of bandits. I'm ok with that loss, that is a fair loss.
Losing because not detecting a trap that your thief (where i spend ALL my points in detect trap) doesn't detect it, and it instant kills your main from full health even if he didn't trigger it. that seems king quest kind of stupidity.
If you consistently fail, then you aren't properly executing the approach you're using or you're trying to do a dungeon that's too high level for your guys
I do not consistently fail, I did 3 runs total, the third ended because I triggered an undetected lighting trap that bounced from the ball into my main, and instantly killed my main. That is not a fun way to end a run. And is not challenging, there was nothing I could have done, except know the trap was there. I do not remember ever losing in a game like that
My first run ended in a very stupid way too, my 4 characters level 1 entered a town that was completly in the linearity of the plot (beleregost i think), and outside a tavern a guy offer me to escort a girl, after all said and done the girl attack my group INSTANT killing one guy of my group, and she proceeded to magic missile my main very easy. I do not get how 4 level 1 characters, without expecting it, can beat this girl, that is definitly on the path of the expected linear plot structure of the game since basically everyone is telling you yo through there to naskel mines, and it's outside the center tavern not an obscure corner of the map.
Anyway, I also do not see the fun of having into dungeons to take your thief, get into shadows and explore every corner to try to find every trap (slowly because i learned that if you do it as fast as possible you trigger the trap BEFORE detecting it). One of the most terrible mechanics i ever saw.
Again, this is my view, at this point I already got that you people have fun with the game as is and whatnot, i just though that maybe there were mods that helped with all this, and i was interested, it seems those just doesn't exist.