Problem is that enemies groups scale with your company so there is no save way to come back or level up.
Contracts do not give exp, can't train newbs for some early levels or can not even buy exp at Veteran Hall.
Before you could farm bandits for relativity easy loot and exp.
Now the marksmen can inflict losses if you do not have armor/levels and your own archers.
Main problem with ironman is that game by design fuck you over by ambushes, first turn fire from high ground, no scouting(so if you visit crypt with necro dancers your bad) and losing high leveled brothers is heavy loss because leveling them take A LOT OF TIME. Or little less time but a lot of money.
I would not mind if military backgrounds start with 7-9 levels and advanced ones with 4-6 and basic ones with 1-3.
At last you could easily patch losses in later stage of game.
Now losing veterans is often 10 hours loss and its not fan with all that grind.
Problem is that enemies groups scale with your company so there is no save way to come back or level up.
Contracts do not give exp, can't train newbs for some early levels or can not even buy exp at Veteran Hall.
Before you could farm bandits for relativity easy loot and exp.
Now the marksmen can inflict losses if you do not have armor/levels and your own archers.
Main problem with ironman is that game by design fuck you over by ambushes, first turn fire from high ground, no scouting(so if you visit crypt with necro dancers your bad) and losing high leveled brothers is heavy loss because leveling them take A LOT OF TIME. Or little less time but a lot of money.
I would not mind if military backgrounds start with 7-9 levels and advanced ones with 4-6 and basic ones with 1-3.
At last you could easily patch losses in later stage of game.
Now losing veterans is often 10 hours loss and its not fan with all that grind.
How does this scaling work exactly?
How do you deal with enemy marksmen, when there are 5-6 of them? I have 2 archers and a crossbowman, couldn't find any more - I try to find elevation/hide behind shields, but they can still kill me. I can't block/kill them before they act twice, and in that time I'm gonna lose bros. Even if they are in the open I get maybe 80% to hit at max range, they are probably doing 15% ish shots but that leads to losses for me.
I find them still hitting me and my own archers on other way are completely useless.
Also nights are ugly and hard on my eyes.
With time and I suspect with your company level enemy get stronger. So mass use of student can lead to situations where you have higher level group but with no gear. Or not.
Worse time is middle game when brigands often field 4-6 ranged often marksmen and you lack things above.
I find them still hitting me and my own archers on other way are completely useless.
Also nights are ugly and hard on my eyes.
Hmmm I haven't tried night time combat in yet so maybe it's changed?
Turn have two phases.How does wait impact next turn order? Flat - initiative? Couldn't find anything on the wiki.
How does this scaling work exactly?
Overhype Studios on Steam said:Btw. the difficulty of contracts does not scale with renown at all, just the rewards doDifficulty is affected by a lot of factors such as your average level, group size and so on. It is pretty tricky but of course we can fickle a bit with it to align it better.
A long while back, I test ran some of the early, early stuff of Battle Brothers. The way it worked then (and presumably does now) is that each enemy 'settlement' has a set score of resources. It uses these resources to send out parties to go raid for even more resources. Ever been approaching a location and seen a party of enemies suddenly leave from it? That's what this is. When they raid -- say, a mine or a caravan -- they take resources and return them to the location. If the location gets a certain amount of resources, it can shoot out some 'settlers' which is basically a large party which settles itself in a new spot.
Amusingly, in the early builds the locations used to spawn literally right next to the roads. So I witnessed a crossroad of commerce getting pillaged every single second by a raider warcamp on the side of the road. And then two warcamps and then three. By like day two I'd try and fight the raiders and they already had a full army's worth of gear.
A long while back, I test ran some of the early, early stuff of Battle Brothers. The way it worked then (and presumably does now) is that each enemy 'settlement' has a set score of resources. It uses these resources to send out parties to go raid for even more resources. Ever been approaching a location and seen a party of enemies suddenly leave from it? That's what this is. When they raid -- say, a mine or a caravan -- they take resources and return them to the location. If the location gets a certain amount of resources, it can shoot out some 'settlers' which is basically a large party which settles itself in a new spot.
Amusingly, in the early builds the locations used to spawn literally right next to the roads. So I witnessed a crossroad of commerce getting pillaged every single second by a raider warcamp on the side of the road. And then two warcamps and then three. By like day two I'd try and fight the raiders and they already had a full army's worth of gear.
Nice. I remember talking to Jay about this, thought they changed it. I would love a cheat to remove the fog of war, just to witness how it all works.
A long while back, I test ran some of the early, early stuff of Battle Brothers. The way it worked then (and presumably does now) is that each enemy 'settlement' has a set score of resources. It uses these resources to send out parties to go raid for even more resources. Ever been approaching a location and seen a party of enemies suddenly leave from it? That's what this is. When they raid -- say, a mine or a caravan -- they take resources and return them to the location. If the location gets a certain amount of resources, it can shoot out some 'settlers' which is basically a large party which settles itself in a new spot.
Amusingly, in the early builds the locations used to spawn literally right next to the roads. So I witnessed a crossroad of commerce getting pillaged every single second by a raider warcamp on the side of the road. And then two warcamps and then three. By like day two I'd try and fight the raiders and they already had a full army's worth of gear.
Nice. I remember talking to Jay about this, thought they changed it. I would love a cheat to remove the fog of war, just to witness how it all works.
I think it was changed for a time then reintroduced, but I'm not 100% on that.
The world was complete bedlam, though, with towns being completely 'wiped out' by like day ten (wiped out at the time being they were so without resources there was virtually nothing in the stores).