I find trowing weapons rather weak. I hear that some guys have great success with them but when I tried to use them they were not specially effective.That is a good idea actually but my hybrids carry javelins/throwing axes instead. They can throw 4 of them in 2 rounds and then proceed to hack with their 2 tile range weapon of choice
I like throwing weapons because of 2 attacks per round and even more: actual damage to skeletons.I find trowing weapons rather weak. I hear that some guys have great success with them but when I tried to use them they were not specially effective.That is a good idea actually but my hybrids carry javelins/throwing axes instead. They can throw 4 of them in 2 rounds and then proceed to hack with their 2 tile range weapon of choice
Do you give them throwing mastery or overwhelm?
Havent touch that thing since i saw it in EA. Finally break and bought it. I really like what im seeing . Did 2 quick runs on my diner break , and dayyumm. That game is harsh . In a good way. Any good tips for a beginner? Ive been severely mauled with my 2 campaigns ''quick started'' . Im guessing fishermen and tailor dont make the best of teammate heh?
any advantage to take up militia / hunter or any 1500G+ caracter over the cheap one? I get that the cheaper one need some fighting experience AND surviving those said experience to get better and eventually decent fighter.
Also, love that map and how you move around the world. It give a very darklandy feeling . Incline all the way for now . Im REALLY glad ive waited for the release on this one.
Im guessing that tailors , bowyer and such are more capable of repairing stuff and such?
Does the dodge perk work as advertised? I'm not seeing defense skills go up on the character sheet, like how brawler makes your max fatigue go up immediately.
Does the dodge perk work as advertised? I'm not seeing defense skills go up on the character sheet, like how brawler makes your max fatigue go up immediately.
Gotta dogpile them to make them pussy out.Whoever recommended taking wolf contracts early on as easy money, fuck you and the pony you rode in on. Those things move too fast to catch them in a spearwall. Just lost a perfectly good bro to them.
Yeah, I wouldn't pick caravan runs on ironman (if given a choice). You can get super lucky (I got 500 gold for free, once, basically) or face one battle after the next.Afaik caravan runs are completely up to luck... You just were really unlucky and a lot of enemy groups were roaming around your route simultaneously. It could even be that they were chasing each other when your caravan passed by..
Gotta dogpile them to make them pussy out.
Is there an easy, visual way to tell whether a town only has noble faction quests? Is it only the fortresses that are like that?
Is there an easy, visual way to tell whether a town only has noble faction quests? Is it only the fortresses that are like that?
I was doing long caravan run and get dogpilled by bandits.Yeah, I wouldn't pick caravan runs on ironman (if given a choice). You can get super lucky (I got 500 gold for free, once, basically) or face one battle after the next.Afaik caravan runs are completely up to luck... You just were really unlucky and a lot of enemy groups were roaming around your route simultaneously. It could even be that they were chasing each other when your caravan passed by..
Does the dodge perk work as advertised? I'm not seeing defense skills go up on the character sheet, like how brawler makes your max fatigue go up immediately.
You can see it working in battle, both as a buff icon and a stats buff if you open the character sheet. Wierded me out too at first, it's prolly cause it gets impacted by fatigue.
Usually it seems easy until "that" battle where you lose 2-3 guys![]()
Yeap I just got BRUTALLY RAPED by a group of necrosavants. I hate these assholes with passionUsually it seems easy until "that" battle where you lose 2-3 guys![]()
I just had mine. Got greedy.
The game is bare bones, no doubt about it.The game feels repetitive and barebones as fuck to me.
A long while back, I test ran some of the early, early stuff of Battle Brothers. The way it worked then (and presumably does now) is that each enemy 'settlement' has a set score of resources. It uses these resources to send out parties to go raid for even more resources. Ever been approaching a location and seen a party of enemies suddenly leave from it? That's what this is. When they raid -- say, a mine or a caravan -- they take resources and return them to the location. If the location gets a certain amount of resources, it can shoot out some 'settlers' which is basically a large party which settles itself in a new spot.
Amusingly, in the early builds the locations used to spawn literally right next to the roads. So I witnessed a crossroad of commerce getting pillaged every single second by a raider warcamp on the side of the road. And then two warcamps and then three. By like day two I'd try and fight the raiders and they already had a full army's worth of gear.