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  • Been eyeballing Chained Echoes. I like that everyone I knows who has played 10 seconds of it has gone on to play at least 50 hours :)
    I'm not surprised. That game is just something else.
    The desired result of some crazy dude locking himself in for 7 years to work on it :lol:
    I just noticed your post about a Chinese-learning game list. I've recently bought GuJian 1&2, Tale of Wuxia, and Faith of Danschant. Not actively studying Chinese atm, but I'd be interested if there's anything that really stands out for you.
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    What made you pick Finnish though? I'm guessing that you like the extra challenge of Finno-Ugric languages as an Indo-European speaker?
    I live in Finland :lol: - honestly, you can get by perfectly fine with English here, as almost everybody speaks it at least a bit.
    Still, some people don't and you do need to learn it at least to the B2 level for the test that is required for citizenship.

    Not that I'd totally need citizenship as a EU citizen, but who knows if the EU is even still around in a decade.
    Better safe than sorry.
    Before you ask, I moved here to be with my GF (who is a Finn and studied here at the time).
    Been here for almost 6 years now without actively learning Finnish for 5 of those - that's how good the English level of this country is :lol:
    Stay butthurt, mongoloid.
    Don Salieri
    Don Salieri
    I'm not the one defending inadequate games about ancient Rome. Obsessed? Projection as always, lesser races like yours only exist in a negative relation to the glory of the Roman because you are culturally impotent. Your kind has created nothing, thought nothing, built nothing. Even your posts only contain knee-jerk reactions to the thinking vanguard of the Codex.
    Oh, okay, sorry, I wasn't aware you were doing some incel/Roman/MAGA LARP persona here.
    Carry on, brother. You're doing good work.
    Don Salieri
    Don Salieri
    Civilization was just a larp, you heard it here first.
    in the future, find someone else to rub your toes
    Oh, yeah? Well, my toes don't even need you anymore!
    (Did you confuse me with JarlFrank, maybe? He's the guy with the foot fetish)
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    Eddie 'Fatty Toes' 123.
    I was appalled by what you wrote in that Mass Effect thread, especially after I realized you're not that albanian fuck
    I stumbled upon your github profile. :interesting:
    Yep, I do that. All in preparation for something that I won't even really start working on until the second half of next year (Well, at least the Godot stuff). Patience and all that ;)
    Monk-anon is Pink Eye, please help me free him!
    What you want demands a high price... And I have seen that Monk Anon is happy on the plains of /crpgg/.
    Hey, what makes Dungeon Warfare such an incredibly good tower defense? I saw your steam review. Best TD ever? Is that real?
    It might very well be, yes. What I wrote in my review is quite true. I just don't know any other TDs offering such a variance and different possible "builds" you can do to beat a level.
    Add to that that it really can be quite challenging, the amount of levels (plus fanmade ones, if you like that)...

    It also isn't as terribly grindy as Warstone TD, for example. Nor does it look like an ugly mobile game ;)
    Legion TD (Warcraft custom map) is the best TD ever.
    Well.... that is a WC3 custom map, though. With all that it entails.
    Hey Sheep old bean, just took a huge dump that absolutely wrecked my ass and instantly thought of you! Hope you've recovered and are doing well. Cheers!
    In other words, I made you butthurt. I think I figured that already.
    This isnt sheep, this is sheeep
    You know what's funny? When I wiped it sort of looked like a sheep! LOL, good times. I'll keep you updated on how it goes tomorrow.
    Can I get an approximate location of Jimbobs brilliant wisdom?
    Jimbobs brilliant wisdom?
    Sounds like some kind of booze...
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