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Incline Battle Brothers + Beasts & Exploration, Warriors of the North and Blazing Deserts DLC Thread


Mar 24, 2017
Sarissofoi said:
So you will let the game die?

You're a bit of a cunt, to be honest.

With this kind of responses they get when they explain their situation, no wonder they keep shtum. I'm surprised they even came back to interact with the steam forum, being the dumpster fire that it is. I would have just run away without looking back.

You are mistaken my gentle boy. I am full fledged CUNT.
You young one can call me a Mister Cunt. I was born cunt, grown as cunt and I will die as one.
I do not care about devs or their next game.
I do care about BB because I still can see potential in it and that potential is going never be utilized and its damn shame. And frygging waste. And that I can not stand. It piss me off.
Do they gonna use BB engine for their new game? I doubt it.
Its not even good anti piracy protection as I have varied pirated version from 0.4 to the latest ones with zero problems(as backups and for educational use).


Jun 4, 2015
La Font del Gat
I do not care about devs or their next game

They, on the other hand, probably do care about themselves and their new game (and their money), so acting like a brat because their interests don't align with yours is, to say the least, misguided.

I do care about BB because I still can see potential in it and that potential is going never be utilized and its damn shame. And frygging waste. And that I can not stand. It piss me off.

And this is incredibly misguided. What potential? What can be done with BB that Overhype either haven't done, or have said they are not going to do?

Mods? I keep seeing mentions of Warhammer mods, LOTR mods, GoT mods, Star Wars mods, My Little Pony mods. Who is going to make them? They need assets, programming (random maps), mechanics... Who is going to dedicate their time to do all the work that is required to implement full conversion mods? The answer is no one, and anyone who doesn't realize this is hallucinating.

As hallucinating as the people who bring out Mount and Blade as comparison (yes, there are some). According to steamspy, as unaccurate as it might be, M&B Warband has more than 2,5 million owners, BB hasn't even got 100.000. Is anyone seriously deluded enough to believe that the modding community for BB would be even a tiny fraction of that of a game with 25 times the playerbase?

Making mod tools, specially for a game that wasn't programmed with mods in mind from the beginning, and by a first time programmer no less (imagine how the code of the game must look), would be a sad waste of time in the vain hope that BB will sell half a million copies and they will finally be able to afford the golden plated house they've always wanted. They did their math, and came to the conclusion that it wasn't worth their money (and yes, time, for a developer, is money) when they could instead start working on another game, which will bring them money.

They're german for Pete's sake, if I trust them on anything, is in knowing how businesses work.

A lot of new indie developers have fallen down the hole of financial disaster, and they don't seem keen on taking risks. If you don't care about them or the future of Overhype, you are free to disagree, but insulting them or insinuating flat out saying that they are "abandoning" or "letting die" a perfectly bug-free game whose developement has simply been completed sounds like throwing a tantrum because someone else is not risking their money on a fool's errand.

I laughed my ass off when game "journalists" came out en masse with articles about "gamer entitlement" during the ME3 debacle. In retrospect, and after seeing what some people will do to an indie developer that has the gull of not doing exactly what they want and demand from them, including but not limited to bombing their reviews, I'm still laughing, because the victim of that was Bioware after all, but it's not so funny when you see it happen to decent people that you like.

Battle Brothers could be so much more. It could have been the game to end all games, after which every other developer just gives up because they are never going to make something quite like it. Overhype could have spent the rest of their lives working on it, adding content and mechanics, and I personally would have loved that to happen. The game could have sold 5 million copies and some revolutionary mods that keep it alive for decades could have been made. And I could have a couple million euros in my bank account, a harem of chilean supermodels and the respect of the people around me. Alas none of that is happening.

Instead we got a great game (not just good for what it is, perfect for what it is and in what it does, in my opinion) developed by humans who, like you and me, have to work for a living, so they try to make money by offering other people some nice games to pass time and forget about the drudgery of real life by dreaming about killing hordes of orks and undead with their band of brothers.

That all they get for it is scorn and derision paints the sad state in which gamers (that term should die a thousand deaths) have put this industry.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Yeah how dare people who bought the game have the gall to review it honestly instead of sugarcoating things to drive up sales of something they'll never play again. Unthinkable. What is the world coming to. Clearly people who buy things owe the people they paid money to.


Jun 4, 2015
La Font del Gat
Yeah how dare people who bought the game have the gall to review it honestly instead of sugarcoating things to drive up sales of something they'll never play again. Unthinkable. What is the world coming to. Clearly people who buy things owe the people they paid money to.

If you think saying that a completed game is "abandoned" is an honest review, you must have some sort of serious developmental disablity.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
I mean, by that logic, nothing is ever abandoned. Anyone can say their game is completed whenever the fuck they want. If you bought the game under the assumption it'd be getting more development and found out otherwise, of course you'd feel burned by the devs and leave a review like that.

Here's a question for you: Why make an announcement like that so suddenly? Why not announce like, 3 months ago that development would be ending soon with X set of features and features Y and Z will never make it into the game? Because the devs obviously wanted to bait people into buying the game hoping to see things like modding added in, knowing full well it'll never happen.

THAT is fucking dishonest.


Jun 4, 2015
La Font del Gat
The update in where they announced the final roadmap and what would get in and what not was made almost a year ago, six months before release, september 23, 2016.

NEVER did they promise to implement mods before releasing the game, when they were mentioned, they always said that they would look at it after release, and then decide if it was worth it. They did, and decided it was not.

Anyone who
bought the game under the assumption it'd be getting more development and found out otherwise
and is now feeling burned and because of that feels he has free reign to insult the developers and leave dishonest reviews saying the game was abandoned without fulfilling all promises, is and imbecile. Overhype have been very clear in what they would do, what they wouldn't, and what would be decided at a future date, after release.

They DID promise, or at leas heavily hint, some things that didn't make it into the game, but none of the complaints are about Battle Sisters, different cultures or things like that, eveything is about mods and modding tools, and again, they were never promised.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
You're telling me that when they wrote this:
And then? Based on how the game has performed so far, and will continue to perform in the coming weeks, we’ll determine if and how we can continue to develop Battle Brothers, both with free updates for everyone, and a potential sizable DLC that would add new content and mechanics. At the same time, we’ll also determine whether adding support for different languages, and some kind of modding, is viable. We’ll keep you updated!
they couldn't figure out whether they could add mod support? Bullshit. They'd been building the game for years, they knew how much effort it would be (And I suspect it's much less than they're implying, the real reason they won't add basic mod support is that they don't want competition for their next game). At the very least they lied about making the decision when they said they would, within weeks rather than months. Weasel words don't excuse this. Technically kept promises are not the best kind of promises.

The devs clearly decided that future sales aren't worth the effort of improving the existing game, so they've got no right to bitch about losing those sales to reviews complaining about existing problems, like a lack of variety in combat, no control or awareness of terrain before fights, and a lack of goals besides grinding loot to get better at grinding loot. The previous high scores were excusing a ton of flaws in the game because it was early access. Where is the moral outrage over the inaccuracy of those positive reviews now that the game is released?

You're bitching about the mixed reviews score, but the most damning thing I've seen about this whole thing so far was a 'positive' review at the top of the list, by a guy with 80 hours on record but none in the last two weeks (huge red flag) that gave it a perfectly fair review that implied it's not a game worth investing a lot of time into because you'll be disappointed in the late game.

Why should I buy this instead of going back and giving something like Eador or Mount and Blade another whirl? I shouldn't. I enjoyed playing those games before and they've gotten even better since.


Jun 4, 2015
La Font del Gat
First they should have made an announcement three months ago about what they would put in the game and what not, then, when it is shown to you that said announcement was made way before when you thought was honest of them to make it, it's not good enough and they're still dishonest, just in another, new and unexpected way.

You just want to bitch and moan. Hey, it's fair, this is the Codex after all, just watch out you don't hurt yourself with so much flip-flopping.

Why should I buy this instead of going back and giving something like Eador or Mount and Blade another whirl?

Who the hell cares if you buy BB or not? I'm not a sales rep nor an investor, do whatever you want with your money. My discussion was with someone who already owns the game (and has spent and enormous amount of time playing it) about my opinion that he is unjustly acting cuntly towards the developers, and how his attitude is shared by a lot of people who, through delusion or stupidity, bought this game thinking it would get things no one promised them, and then act like they were decieved by evil lying developers (in his case it's mostly about wasted potential, which while probably true, doesn't justify the cuntiness in my opinion).

You can go back to playing pong if it makes you happy, for all I care.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
So what, your argument is you are obligated to be nice to devs if you played their game for X amount of time? That's retarded. People sink way more time into games that are actively being developed (or modded) than they would otherwise, because they enjoy discovering the new changes and testing them out. If that stops, they're obviously going to revert to the default impression of the game, which is apparently not that fucking good. And devs who waste potentially good games deserve to be treated like cunts. For every dev out there with a chance to make a great game there are a dozen with the ability and desire to do so that never get the chance because they didn't win the youtube lottery and get the publicity they need. The ones that piss that chance away are cunts.

I can't tell if you're too stupid to realize that you can spin things dishonestly without technically lying about them or dishonest enough to think that's an okay thing to do. Maybe go try Oblivion. It has revolutionary* radiant AI** that makes every*** last NPC truly feel alive**** and react***** to every subtle thing you do******.

P.S. The announcement you linked was some incredibly vague crap that basically said nothing. They could have added 2 slight variations on existing events for all I know and technically added "More contracts and events to change things up." They certainly didn't say that they would be stopping development immediately after release as you're implying.


Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Bullshit announcements are one thing, but "I played the game for 250 hours and it was 'k but then I learnt it wouldnt be updated anymore, downvoted :^)" reviews are another.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
'Played.' Lets not pretend nobody ever tabs out of games and leaves them running while they go do other shit. I've got 330 hours 'played' in PoE so I could tab in and sell gear or sitting in the background while I browse trade myself or do the spreadsheet thing on my character build. I've spent aprox. a tenth of that actually playing the game, which is about how long it took before it started to feel repetitive and grindy trying to get new content instead of running the same maps over and over again. Plenty of others (especially ones that aren't resource intensive, like roguelikes) that I simply don't bother to actually exit even if I'm not coming back to it for another 16 hours or so.

I'll see your "I played the game for 250 hours but it sux" reviews and raise you the "This game still has over a year of development to go but I'm going review it as though it ends up exactly how I want it to" category. Pretty sure my review pile is a lot bigger. Take those out and BB would have had mixed reviews all along.

Edit: Hypocrite much? You reviewed the game and told people not to play it after sinking 45 hours. How is that significantly different than someone who kept trying each update for 10-20 hours or so hoping it would be fixed?


Aug 2, 2010
Isma's Grove
P.S. The announcement you linked was some incredibly vague crap that basically said nothing. They could have added 2 slight variations on existing events for all I know and technically added "More contracts and events to change things up." They certainly didn't say that they would be stopping development immediately after release as you're implying..

It's a list of bullet points detailing the features they're going to add, but yeah, "incredibly vague crap". :roll: And that list doesn't include mods or more battle maps.

Once they added the promised features and released the game, the idea that they have to continue updating the game until it fits whatever preconceived notions you had about it is delusional. It's too bad that they're not going to keep updating it, but they don't owe your what-if fantasies anything. Pure EA disease: muuh devs should keep developing the game forever to indulge me and all the features I think the game should include, otherwise they've betrayed me. No wonder scummier devs keep their games in EA forever: keep the delusional players dreaming.

You're bitching about the mixed reviews score, but the most damning thing I've seen about this whole thing so far was a 'positive' review at the top of the list, by a guy with 80 hours on record but none in the last two weeks (huge red flag) that gave it a perfectly fair review that implied it's not a game worth investing a lot of time into because you'll be disappointed in the late game.

And that guy is a retard who doesn't recognize burnout and decides to blame the game.
Last edited:


Aug 2, 2010
Isma's Grove
'Played.' Lets not pretend nobody ever tabs out of games and leaves them running while they go do other shit. I've got 330 hours 'played' in PoE so I could tab in and sell gear or sitting in the background while I browse trade myself or do the spreadsheet thing on my character build. I've spent aprox. a tenth of that actually playing the game, which is about how long it took before it started to feel repetitive and grindy trying to get new content instead of running the same maps over and over again.

:lol::lol::lol: In my previous post I was actually going to add a sentence saying that the only players who're more delusional than what we're getting here are the hack-and-slash players who grind hundreds of hours in their game, then get triggered by some random shit in an update or just get burned out and so decide the game has betrayed them, and it turns out you're that guy. Seems like you've adopted a playstyle that's ideally suited to burning out and getting butthurt.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Funnily enough, I've spent way more time than that on decent games without burning out or feeling angry at the devs for moving on. Must be totally random and not have any sort of cause-effect relationship at all.

This thread seems full of die-hard fanboys that are butthurt people only liked what the game could have been, rather than what it was. Everything argued here is along the lines of 'the devs didn't technically promise to make the endgame interesting' which isn't exactly a ringing endorsement. I don't give two flying fucks about whether they said they'd add two more contracts or twenty (let alone the worthless 'some')- I just wanted to see this turn into a great game and apparently it didn't and never will, which is real fucking sad.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
'Played.' Lets not pretend nobody ever tabs out of games and leaves them running while they go do other shit. I've got 330 hours 'played' in PoE so I could tab in and sell gear or sitting in the background while I browse trade myself or do the spreadsheet thing on my character build. I've spent aprox. a tenth of that actually playing the game, which is about how long it took before it started to feel repetitive and grindy trying to get new content instead of running the same maps over and over again. Plenty of others (especially ones that aren't resource intensive, like roguelikes) that I simply don't bother to actually exit even if I'm not coming back to it for another 16 hours or so.

autism is real

Edit: Hypocrite much? You reviewed the game and told people not to play it after sinking 45 hours. How is that significantly different than someone who kept trying each update for 10-20 hours or so hoping it would be fixed?

- I played this game and it wasn't very good. To get a full and fair overview, I decided to play it to completion, which took me 45 hours.


- I've been playing this game for 9000 hours because each update made me come back for more. But now that there will be no more updates, I hereby declare it shit!

truly my hypocrisy knows no bounds


May 14, 2017
Yeah how dare people who bought the game have the gall to review it honestly
Isnt that what the whole baaaaw is about? Steamtards (lol) started baaaawing about the dev stopping updating their shit game. Pressing the Downvote butan is is free and doesnt cost expensive dorrar!

But hey, arguing with someone who spent 250 plus hours on one game is hilarious in itself! lolAutist


May 18, 2015
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I just want to see what Overhype will do next now. I'm over the BB drama. Magnificent as it is, I accepted that it will stay as it is. Now, I wonder what will be their next game? Sci-fi? Post-apoc?

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
I see it more as players revoking their conditional praise of the game and diehard fanboys (even the devs themselves aren't arguing agaisnt the reviews) are butthurt over it.

Also TIL alt-tabbing is autism.

From the sounds of things, I'd guess the devs are planning to do another version of BB with the same engine in a different setting (sci-fi or more fantasy or whatever) which explains why they don't want the original to be heavily modded.


Aug 2, 2010
Isma's Grove
I just want to see what Overhype will do next now. I'm over the BB drama. Magnificent as it is, I accepted that it will stay as it is. Now, I wonder what will be their next game? Sci-fi? Post-apoc?

It'll be a space game; they'll announce that your party will be able to travel between "a dozen or so planets, landing and killing stuff, maybe some trade". When it's released, reviewers will angrily demand hundreds of star systems and base management.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
I just want to see what Overhype will do next now. I'm over the BB drama. Magnificent as it is, I accepted that it will stay as it is. Now, I wonder what will be their next game? Sci-fi? Post-apoc?

It'll be a space game; they'll announce that your party will be able to travel between "multiple planets, exotic aliens, landing and killing stuff, starship management and maybe some trade". When it's released, reviewers will angrily demand more than two planets, a single unplayable alien race, and 3 types of terrain. Everybody will forgive 'starship management' for being a fuel gauge.


Sep 4, 2015
I just want to see what Overhype will do next now. I'm over the BB drama. Magnificent as it is, I accepted that it will stay as it is. Now, I wonder what will be their next game? Sci-fi? Post-apoc?

It'll be a space game; they'll announce that your party will be able to travel between "multiple planets, exotic aliens, landing and killing stuff, starship management and maybe some trade". When it's released, niggers gonna nig.
Fixed further.

Prime Junta

This doesn't sound wise. If they are counting on people buying in at early access the next time around instead of wisely waiting and seeing what happens after launch, and/or waiting for a deep sale, and/or sailing the high seas, goodwill matters. By then it would be way too late to generate goodwill by opening the source code. Indeed, the player community has largely moved on already, as far as I can tell. All the top reviews have 0 hours in the past 2 weeks, even the positive ones. http://steamcharts.com/app/365360#6m

While I'm a big supporter of open source, I'm not sure going full OSS with BB at this point would be smart. For one thing, it would really piss off a lot of the people who paid for it, since free versions would appear immediately.

Prime Junta

You mean piss off the people... who by all accounts aren't playing it any more anyway?


By all means OSS it in a year or so, but if you think people who paid full price for it wouldn't be upset that it's (legally) available for free a couple of months later, then you must be pretty new to the Internet.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Open source code doesn't mean the assets are available for use, and they wouldn't need all the code open to allow modding anyways. Though it would be nice, since this is the kind of game where nearly every aspect (UI, battle mechanics, units, items, terrain, overworld generation, contracts/events) could be added to or improved upon.

That doesn't sound right. The code makes it hard to support mods, they claim they are going to plan for mod support from the very beginning for game 2, how will they re-use the code base?

It sounds right if you assume they're lying about the code making it difficult to support mods. That would make reusing it easy, and explain why it's not a viable option for them to release the code after claiming mod support is too difficult.

It's not like they have some sort of earth shattering state of the art code to be hiding- something like Battle for Wesnoth has largely the same mechanics anyways and it's already open source. The only stuff really unique to BB would be the economy and world generation stuff related to the overworld. But a concern that a competitor is going to directly steal that code and use it to make their own game seems rather absurd. The only other possible concern would be someone knocking off the entire game and porting it to another platform, but if it were that easy to do they'd have done it themselves.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Like I said above, I suspect they're afraid of players modding the game to be better than their sequel. They want to do the modding themselves, and rebrand as a whole new game. They were probably waiting the couple months after release to see if any big name streamer gave the game a windfall to decide whether or not to go all in on the title and do some DLC/Expansion type shit. Since that didn't happen, they're going to release the game in a different setting and roll the dice again. I'm with you though, the smart move would have been to support the mods right now and build up support. Going for a second game when you first one had such a lukewarm reception does not bode well.

Or they're just fucking crazy. That seems pretty popular as well when it comes to the subject of modding support.

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