Hagen Cuckchild? Is /pol/ running the bro name generator?
I very rarely hire anyone in the 2-5k range, the most expensive ones I typically take are hunters and militia. In the early game I take what I can get and some of them will live and level up to be decent, later I'd still rather hire 10 farmhands and daytalers and leave the best ones than risk blowing thousands on one guy who has a little better initial stats but bad talents and traits. It's either sub-1k (most of them want a couple hundred at most) cheap ones or 10k on a hedge knight IMO.The only problem with Ironman is that it makes hiring bros really hard. You see a recruit who holds a big knife for example cost ton of money etc. You hire him only to discover that he got 2 stars in ranged defense 2 in resolve 2 in ranged combat. Not very handy to have during undead scourge. Wasted money.
Is the redundancy intentional, accidental, or German?Funny sounding last names is a proud Germanic tradition. Just ask Arnold Blacknigger
The thing is I got like 3 guys through all campaign that got stars in melee. That's the reason I retired on my latest campaign. All recruits are good at archery + I lost 2 of 3 starter brothers and some of the promising bros + no moneys to hire more recruits.I very rarely hire anyone in the 2-5k range, the most expensive ones I typically take are hunters and militia. In the early game I take what I can get and some of them will live and level up to be decent, later I'd still rather hire 10 farmhands and daytalers and leave the best ones than risk blowing thousands on one guy who has a little better initial stats but bad talents and traits. It's either sub-1k (most of them want a couple hundred at most) cheap ones or 10k on a hedge knight IMO.The only problem with Ironman is that it makes hiring bros really hard. You see a recruit who holds a big knife for example cost ton of money etc. You hire him only to discover that he got 2 stars in ranged defense 2 in resolve 2 in ranged combat. Not very handy to have during undead scourge. Wasted money.
Did you mashed dodge button?SHIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEET!
Other mercs and caravan guards attacked raider gang so i decided to join fun for easy money... Well...
Looks like Dark Souls in not an rpg.
Good thing not everyone charged at me. I don't even had a chance to build spearwall - they started so close.
Dark Souls got wound and was out of stamina.Did you mashed dodge button?
Damn, difference in prices and starting gold between vet and expert is YUUUUUUGE. First battle of Doggy was 6 vs 6, my new veteran company - 8 vs 5.