BF3 and BF4 have garbage eye burning lighting (sun is more powerful than real one + nuclear explosion)
There is already Forgotten Hope, Project Reality 1942, Days of Infamy (Insurgency) + the one for BF2, forgot name.
And Red Orchestra 2 obviously.
So why even bother with WW2 ?
inb4 not casual friendly for illiterate adhd kiddos
BF3 and BF4 have garbage eye burning lighting (sun is more powerful than real one + nuclear explosion)
There is already Forgotten Hope, Project Reality 1942, Days of Infamy (Insurgency) + the one for BF2, forgot name.
And Red Orchestra 2 obviously.
So why even bother with WW2?
inb4 not casual friendly for illiterate adhd kiddos
Interestingly, "cash grab spin-off" (BC2) was only NuBattlefield game that Ive played to some extent. BF3 was the last BF game I've bought, and I dropped it p fast. I couldn't care less for what came later.There is a difference between the main episodes and some cashgrab spin off. The main BF series is not yearly released.Yeah, let's forget Hardline(shit) and Battlefront(which is what DICE worked on after BF4 I think), then it's really not a yearly series.
We think you will be blown away from the reveal. Don't miss it.
Just putting some final touches on a little thing for Friday. The internet is going to crumble!
I also doubt it's WW1, unless they go alternative-reality with crazy Jet-Zeppelins dropping off Mecha-Kaisers.
Guy looks like he's being shot by a laser.
Supposed to be called Battlefield 1